What is the relationship between logarithms and exponentials?
In this post, we recognise and use the inverse relationship between logarithms and exponentials, as a part of the Prelim Maths Advanced course under the topic Exponential and Logarithmic Functions and sub-part Introducing Logarithms. We learn to understand the relationship between logarithms and exponentials and use the fact that log_{a}a^{x} = x for all real x , and a^{log_{a}x}=x for all x>0 .
How do I convert between exponential and logarithmic form?
The video below covers the relationship between logarithms and exponentials and how you are able to convert from exponentials to logarithms and vice versa.
Comparing exponential and logarithmic functions
This video compares the graphical properties of an exponential and logarithmic function, listing their similarities and relationship.