How do I evaluate trigonometric expressions with angles of any magnitude and complementary angles?
In this post, we will be evaluating trigonometric expressions using angles of any magnitude and complementary angle results, as a part of the Prelim Maths Advanced course under the topic Trigonometric Functions and sub-part Trigonometric Functions.
Angles of any magnitude
The following three videos help you understand what angles of any magnitude are, and how it is applied in trigonometric functions to get an output.
Part 1: The unit circle
Part 2: Obtuse and reflex angle
Part 3: Using reference angles
Complementary angles
The following three videos will help you understand the definition and pattern of complementary angles. The first video assists in understanding what complementary angles are in trigonometry, and the second and third goes through examples, tips, and tricks to help you perfect this topic.
Part 1: Noticing the pattern
Part 2: Basic question