K-12 Hills District Tutoring Like Never Before
Learn in your own home 1 on 1, on campus in classes or online 🙌

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Endorsed by thousands of families, earning a 4.9 ⭐️ rating!
Hills District Tutoring with a Difference!
Master your chosen subjects with tutoring Hills District
Hills District students know our reputation precedes us — since 2009, we have been delivering excellence and helping them reach their school goals in a wide range of K-12 subjects, such as English, Mathematics, HSIE, Science and more.
We have a proven track record, with 93% of our customers agreeing that the Art of Smart approach helps them to reach their goals, increase confidence, and attain their desired results!
Primary Schools
High Schools
Baulkham Hills North Public School
Our Lady of Lourdes Primary
Crestwood Public School
Matthew Pearce Public School
Jasper Road Public School
Oakhill Drive Public School
St Michael’s
St Bernadette’s
Glenhaven Public School
Annangrove Public School
Sherwood Ridge Public School
Cherrybrook Public School
Excelsior Public School
Crestwood High School
Baulkham Hills High School
Model Farms High School
Castle Hill High School
Rouse Hill High School
Oakhill College
Kellyville High School
Glenwood High School
Redfield College
Marian Catholic College
William Clarke College
Tangara School for Girls
Pacific Hills Christian School
Gilroy Catholic College
Hills District tutoring at our local campus
Feel more motivated to learn in a studious environment? We can support you directly from our Hills campus, which is only a 50-metre walk from Norwest station and less than a 10-minute drive from locations such as Castle Hill, Rouse Hill and Cherrybrook!
This means we are a stone-throw away from you, and in case you find this arrangement the most convenient for you, you’ll find our Hills campus is very much a home-base for our students, and a great opportunity to make friends with many other students just like you. If you need 1 on 1 support, or prefer to learn in a class environment, we can make it happen!
Hills District is our backyard, tutoring is our specialty
Our Hills District tutors are exactly from the area, so you’ll have a local that understands the place, and can provide tutoring lessons right in your home, at our Hills or Hornsby campus, or even online — Art of Smart is everywhere for you and provides the flexibility you need.
You’ll have access to our expertly-made print and online resources, crafted according to the NSW curriculum, which will help you achieve your goals in an effective and SMART method. These will get you where you want to be — just like we have with over 8000 students over the past decade!
Learn about our Hills District Tutors
Ryan N
Experienced Economics Tutor | Sydney
- Studying a Bachelor of Applied Finance/Bachelor of Economics
- Senior Economics and Business Studies Coach at Art of Smart
- Top Tip: Keep up to date with your textbook readings and homework
Brooklyn A
Experienced English Tutor
- Bachelor of Arts in English (Honours)
- Co-Host of the English Literature Program on Art of Smart TV
- Class Teacher of the Year 2020
- Top tip: To set yourself up for success, spend time understanding your text's ideas and concepts!
Emily H
Biology Tutor
- Currently studying a Bachelor of Marine Biology!
- Experienced Biology Tutor
- Top Tip: You should find what works for you and stick with it! There isn’t a magical formula for studying success.
Adrian W
Head of Science
- Qualified High School Teacher
- Bachelor of Science in Physics and Chemistry
- Head of Sciences at Art of Smart
- Top Tip: Consistency is key! Stay on top of your work to ensure you don't resort to cramming!
We're a 2 minute walk from Norwest Station 😎
Opening Hours
Tailored Educational Programs for Every Subject
Regardless of your year level, we’ve got you covered!
- Primary
- Year 7-10
- Year 11-12
- Study Skills
Primary: K-6
With our tutoring services in the Hills District, we aim to support primary school students in establishing a strong foundation in essential subjects like Maths, English, Science and Technology. Through our tailored approach, we help enhance their confidence and readiness for the transition to high school.
Year 7-10: All Subjects
In the Hills District, our tutoring programs for Years 7-10 are specifically tailored to foster confidence, enhance knowledge, and achieve excellence in high school. Our programs are carefully designed to bridge any knowledge gaps, provide a comprehensive understanding of the NSW curriculum content in Maths, English, Science and Humanities. While equipping students with the necessary skills for success in their senior years of schooling.
Year 11-12: All Subjects
In the Hills District, our tutoring program for Year 11 and Year 12 is dedicated to guiding students in mastering the NSW Curriculum content in Maths, English, Science and Humanities. Our goal is to optimise their performance in internal assessments and excel in their final HSC exams. By doing so, we aim to maximise their ATAR and broaden their opportunities for university admission. Our focused approach is designed to support students in achieving exceptional results and unlocking their full potential.
Study Skills: Year 7-12
The Pathfinder Program we offer for tutoring in the Hills District is specifically designed to equip Year 7-12 students with essential study skills and techniques. Our program focuses on enhancing study habits, minimising distractions, fostering motivation, and reducing exam-related stress. By implementing these strategies, students can adopt smarter study practices and achieve improved academic performance.
Based on over 10 years of research we have conducted with high performing students across Australia, the Pathfinder Program helps students in the Hills District with motivation, goal setting, time management, study and exam preparation!
Browse through some of our tutoring resources!
How to Master HSC Physics Formulas: Application and Memorisation
Download Printable Year 2 Punctuation Worksheets | Australian Curriculum
Year 11 Advanced English Module B: Critical Study of Literature – 20 Practice Essay Questions
How to Use Your School Holidays Study Time to Boost Your HSC Marks and ATAR
How to Write Effective HSC Study Notes for Any HSC Subject
What are you struggling with most?
(Select one of the options below)
Hills District Tutoring starts right here!
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Be paired with one of our tutors that suit your personality and learning style!
Kickstart your first session
Start your holistic tutoring journey with zero booking and cancellation fees
Let’s Talk
Call us at 1300 267 888 or leave your details below and we’ll be in touch to help you achieve your goals
Stellar resources for Hills District Tutoring
Something you will find different with Art of Smart is our very own personalised study resources. The Art of Smart team works around the clock in conjunction with students, to act based on their feedback and produce resources that tackle the most challenging questions, and leave no stone unturned in terms of providing answers, and a walk-through methodology to every problem, every essay, and every assignment. You will find a variety of features in our resources, that will become available to you as you start your journey with Art of Smart and our tutors.
Resources shaped by experience
Art of Smart has been helping out students with their schoolwork and beyond since our founding in 2009. Across this great period, we’ve gained crucial experience and research that has informed the way we construct our resources, so that there is a balance between practice questions, problems, theories and explanations. This allows you to be flexible as to how you decide to revise and make your way through exam revision, and allows tutors to be more selective and comprehensive with what we target each time we have a lesson. These resources are available for you 24/7 and are yours from the moment you start with us.
Hills District tutoring, as local as possible
Here at Art of Smart, we have taught a great number of students and supported a great variety of people since our founding in 2009. What we’ve gathered from our long experience in delivering results is that success must also be accessible, rather than just visible. That is why Art of Smart has made it its mission to be as accessible and flexible as possible when it comes to helping students reach the best of their ability. Whether you would like to study in the comfort of your own home, at the library or at our Hills Campus, we are ready to hit things off anywhere, anytime.
De-stress with Hills District Tutoring
We know how busy life can get, and with school, other commitments, and a social life, tutoring must be flexible and accessible for you, to suit your schedule and integrate seamlessly into your day. This ensures you get the best results possible for the time you put in.
Given that our amazing tutors are recruited locally amongst the best and brightest, you won’t just have our proximity to you as an advantage, but you’ll have mentors that you can relate to, that know your area, and share your experiences!
Stellar Hills District tutoring service right next door
Hills District tutoring methods act inside and outside of school, helping you achieve your best both in your academic and personal goals. You’ll be able to take control of your school life with Hills District mentoring.
Here is a range of schools students have asked our help from! Chances are yours is here too.
State of the art Hills District tutoring
The campus possesses a uni-like vibe to it, you’re welcome to take advantage of all its state of the art study spaces, interactive classrooms and dedicated teachers whenever you want! The best bit about how flexible Art of Smart can be is that you can choose to have a mix of at-home, online, or on-campus lessons depending what is more convenient for you at any given time.
Hills District tutoring excellence at your fingertips
The Art of Smart philosophy is all about delivering excellence and driving success, and this is no expedition when it comes to the selection of our tutors and staff. There are scrupulous and rigorous processes to make sure the tutors we select are not only capable in their mentoring and academic skills, but are true masters of the subjects they teach. This is so that they can be both a guide and an inspiration for you as you make your way through school.
To rest assured that the academic prowess of our tutors is as high as it can be, you will come to know that we are extremely selective when it comes to choosing candidates based on results: a candidate can only be considered for a position if they have scored a minimum of 90% on their final high school exam. This means that you’ll be getting tutored by the top 10% of students in Australia, the elite of the elite. That is the kind of quality we aim to bring to every lesson with you.