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Students reduce stress & anxiety for assessments
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Kiana Gashtirajaie
36% Improvement in English
Derek Jongco
27% Improvement in Maths
Henry Furrer
55% Improvement in Chemistry
Ashim Nepal-Kadariya
34% Improvement in English
Simone Sethi
32% Improvement in Economics
Campbell Henderson
30% Improvement in Maths
Sophie Campbell
37% Improvement in English
Chloe Kaltoum
13% Improvement in English
Struggling to identify let alone explain the effect of an English technique? Let us help with this ultimate HSC English Literary Techniques Cheat Sheet!
By now you've got your results, but what do they mean? Here's everything you need to know about interpreting and understanding your HSC Results!
Want to improve your results but aren't too sure how to write study notes? Find out our 4 tips to help you write kickass study notes!
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