Personalised 1 on 1 Tutoring Parramatta for all K-12 Subjects
Learn from the comfort of your dining table, at one of our welcoming campuses, or online 🙌

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Trusted by thousands of households, rated 4.9 ⭐️!
Improve your marks with expert 1 on 1 Tutoring Parramatta!
Build your confidence and master your subject with K-12 tutoring Parramatta
Since our humble beginnings in 2009, our award-winning support has helped thousands of Parramatta students from K-12 in achieving their subject goals.
Work with an experienced 1 on 1 tutor in your home, online, or at our campus, accessing comprehensive NSW Curriculum resources! Over the last decade, 7 in 10 students we support score a Band 5 or 6 in the HSC, and on average improve marks by 20%!
Primary Schools
High Schools
Parramatta Public School
St Monica’s Primary School
St Patrick’s Primary School
Parramatta North Public School
Westmead Public School
Oatlands Public School
Telopea Public School
Murray Farm Public School
Carlingford West Public School
North Rocks Public School
Winston Hills Public School
Parramatta High School
Tara Anglican School for Girls
Granville Boys High school
Burnside Public School
Macarthur Girls High School
Girraween High School
Northmead CAPA High School
Parramatta Marist High School
St Patrick’s Marist College
Muirfield High School
Cumberland High School
Arthur Phillip High School
Expert K-12 Tutoring Parramatta with NSW Curriculum Experts!
Our team of Parramatta tutors including qualified and pre-service teachers, 98+ ATAR scorers and Master & PhD students are well-equipped to provide your child with personalised tutoring and mentoring.
With access to comprehensive NSW Curriculum resources designed by expert teachers and tutors, we can help you master your subject! We’ve supported hundreds of students from local Parramatta schools!
Flexible Tutoring in Parramatta starting from $34 per hour with no lock-in contracts!
Our Parramatta tutors can work with you from the comfort of your very own dining table, at the vibrant Parramatta library, at our campus in Norwest or even online, we have got you covered with flexible support with no lock-in contracts, and support starting from $34 per hour.
Covering English, Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Economics, Business Studies, History, Studies or Religion and NAPLAN support, we’ll match you with your ideal tutor to help you ace your assessments and exams!
Meet Our Amazing Parramatta Tutors
Ryan N
Experienced Economics Tutor | Sydney
- Studying a Bachelor of Applied Finance/Bachelor of Economics
- Senior Economics and Business Studies Coach at Art of Smart
- Top Tip: Keep up to date with your textbook readings and homework
Brooklyn A
Experienced English Tutor
- Bachelor of Arts in English (Honours)
- Co-Host of the English Literature Program on Art of Smart TV
- Class Teacher of the Year 2020
- Top tip: To set yourself up for success, spend time understanding your text's ideas and concepts!
Emily H
Biology Tutor
- Currently studying a Bachelor of Marine Biology!
- Experienced Biology Tutor
- Top Tip: You should find what works for you and stick with it! There isn’t a magical formula for studying success.
Adrian W
Head of Science
- Qualified High School Teacher
- Bachelor of Science in Physics and Chemistry
- Head of Sciences at Art of Smart
- Top Tip: Consistency is key! Stay on top of your work to ensure you don't resort to cramming!
Our Tutoring Parramatta Locations
Your own home
1 on 1 Sessions
Norwest Campus
Small Classes or 1 on 1 Sessions
Small Classes or 1 on 1 Sessions
Customised Learning Programs for All Subjects
Regardless of your year level, we’ve got you covered!
- Primary
- Year 7-10
- Year 11-12
- Study Skills
Primary: K-6
With our primary school Parramatta tutoring, we assist students in establishing a strong foundation in essential subject areas of Maths, English, Science and Technology. While boosting their self-assurance and readiness for high school.
Year 7-10: All Subjects
Our Parramatta tutoring for students in Year 7-10 aims to equip students with the confidence and knowledge needed to excel in high school, preventing any potential knowledge gaps as they prepare for Year 11-12 and ensuring a strong understanding of the NSW curriculum content in Maths, English, Science and Humanities.
Year 11-12: All Subjects
Our Parramatta tutoring program for Year 11-12 is designed to help students achieve mastery of the NSW Curriculum content for Maths, English, Science and Humanities in their senior years, leading to exceptional performance in internal assessments and final HSC exams. This ultimately enables students to maximise their ATAR and broaden their university options.
Study Skills: Year 7-12
Year 7-12 students can benefit from our Pathfinder Program, which offers effective study techniques to study smarter, reduce distractions, stay motivated, develop strong study habits, and approach exams with reduced stress.
Based on over 10 years of research we have conducted with high performing students across Australia, the Pathfinder Program helps students in Parramatta with motivation, time management, study planning and exam preparation.
Look through some of our tutoring resources!
The Ultimate Guide to HSC English Module A: Textual Conversations
The Ultimate Guide To The Year 7 NAPLAN
How James Went From a Band 2 to a Band 6 in HSC Maths Advanced
How to Ace Your Multimodal Presentation for HSC English
60+ HSC Biology Terms and Definitions You Need to Know for Each Module
How Koushik Went from Burnt Out and Inconsistent to a 99.3 ATAR!
What do you need the biggest help in?
(Select one of the options below)
How to get started with 1 on 1 Tutoring Parramatta
Get in touch
Fill out our contact form so we can get in touch about what suits you
Get matched
Be paired with one of our tutors that suit your personality and learning style!
Kickstart your first session
Start your holistic tutoring journey with zero booking and cancellation fees
Let’s Talk
Call us at 1300 267 888 or leave your details below and we’ll be in touch to help you achieve your goals
Top of the line resources for all New South Wales subjects
Along with the excellent support provided by our tutors during our Parramatta tutoring lessons, your child will also be supported by a detailed – yet easy-to-digest – library of subject resources. These resources were created to tackle each of the syllabus points individually to break down all of the content students are expected to learn. Written by qualified teachers and our very own tutors, we assure you that the resources provided to your child will be beneficial to their studies.
For ease of access, we have made these resources available in digital and print form – allowing students to use these resources in a way that best suits them. No matter how lessons take place, these resources will be readily available. You child will be provided with explanations of subject topics, practice questions, and even practice exams. This ultimately provides your child with another means of practicing the application of knowledge (which can then be reviewed in your tutoring Parramatta lessons).
Art of Smart’s holistic Parramatta tutoring
At Art of Smart, our Parramatta tutoring lessons employ a student-focused approach to your child’s learning journey. This approach ensures that our tutors best understand your child’s needs and how they can be of greatest support. Your child’s performance in past assignments will be assessed by the tutor to pinpoint gaps in knowledge or skills that can be further developed. We will aid your child in comprehending tricky concepts, producing high-quality assessment pieces, and generating healthy learning routines to help them ace their exams. We strive to reduce school-related stressors so learning can be an enjoyable experience for our students.
Tutoring Parramatta that helps students to build strong knowledge foundations
Are you looking for exceptional tutoring in the Parramatta area?
Well, lucky for you, you have come to the right place!
We, at Art of Smart, have built a reputation for providing award-winning educational support. Since our humble beginnings in 2009, we have racked up over a decade’s worth of experience and research. It has been our goal, since day one, to make the process of learning as stress-free, enjoyable, and worthwhile as possible. To achieve this, we have conducted research into the top 2% of Australian students to see what sets them apart. From this we collated a number of teaching techniques and study methods which will help our tutoring Parramatta students to study smarter, rather than harder, while getting the most out of their marks.
Our incredible team of passionate Parramatta tutors go into every lesson with the aim of building a great rapport with their students. We understand the struggles that can arise when students don’t feel comfortable enough to ask questions and seek support. Thus, creating a safe and judgment-free environment is one of our top priorities. It is our hope that Parramatta tutoring students will develop a good sense of self-confidence in their abilities in each subject. We are pleased to let you know that this is exactly what we see consistently. So you can rest assured knowing that our tutoring Parramatta will give your child the best chance at succeeding academically and improving their wellbeing by reducing school-related stressors.
From your very first chat with us, we will be setting your child up for success. During this chat you will be able to share with us important details about your child, their interests, their goals, and how they could be best supported in their studies. With this information we will be able to carefully select an assortment of our tutors who we think will be able to best help your child. This process maximises the benefit you receive from our Parramatta tutoring services!
What makes Art of Smart’s Parramatta tutoring so amazing?
Our team of Parramatta tutors are all experts of the subjects they mentor. This means that they are more than ready to handle any questions your child throws at them or to walk your child through an assessment piece. The quality of our tutors and student-tutor pairings are some of our top priorities. To ensure that our tutors are able to provide our Parramatta tutoring students with amazing support they must first be rigorously tested and trained. These processes are put in place to ensure that the tutors we hire are capable of communicating ideas at a satisfactory level and are compassionate individuals who are knowledgeable about their subjects of focus. With our tutoring Parramatta, you will find only the best quality tutors as we strive for students to be able to achieve each and every one of their goals.
Recruiting subject experts for our Parramatta tutoring
You may be wondering how, exactly, we recruit our tutors and what is expected of each tutor. Each of our tutors have obtained an ATAR above 90.00 and each have a valid Working with Children Check. These requirements ensure that our tutors are not only knowledgeable about their subjects but will also create a safe and welcoming environment for students. Our interview process requires that candidates conduct a mock lesson in a subject of their choosing. This lesson allows us to gauge their abilities to communicate ideas and answer questions, as well as assess traits such as patience and compassion. Each and every year, thousands of individuals apply for tutoring Parramatta positions. However, only 1 in 8 will be successful in landing a job with us.
In all tutoring Parramatta lessons, we want learning to be fun, hands-on, and beneficial. To make this goal a reality, our tutors employ teaching methods backed by years of research and utilise the very best subject resources. These methods see our Parramatta tutoring students improve their grades by 20.7%! Additionally, 75% of our students will receive university early entry offers and scholarships!
Parramatta tutoring most convenient for you!
Our tutors strive to provide students with holistic support during their studies – whether this support is provided face-to-face or online. We want our tutoring Parramatta lessons to be as accessible and convenient as possible for students and parents.
Art of Smart’s in-person tutoring Parramatta
Our in-person Parramatta tutoring will take place as a location and a time that makes everyone happy. During the very first interaction you have with your tutor, you can organise a time and place for the first lesson (and even for recurring lessons). We want our lessons to be done in a comfortable environment, so if you prefer sitting at your dining table then we have you covered and you can farewell any unwanted travel. Likewise, if you would rather have lessons take place at a local library, then this can also be arranged.
Art of Smart’s in-person tutoring Parramatta
If online lessons are more your style then we are more than equipped to accommodate for that. Art of Smart’s fantastic team of expert tutors are experienced in conducting productive and enriching online Parramatta tutoring lessons.
These lessons may be conducted via Zoom or Skype – but the platform used can be discussed. These platforms have a wide variety of functions which allow for online lessons to take place with ease. Notable functions include the file and screen sharing features. Our assortment of online resources help to make lessons fun and rewarding.