Individual K-12 Chatswood Tutoring, for all subjects, tailored to you!
Get 1 on 1 or small group support within your home, at our beautiful campus, or online 🙌
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Trusted by thousands of families and rated 4.9 ⭐️!
Top Tutors Providing Personalised Chatswood Tutoring
With our Chatswood Tutoring, your child's confidence & marks will take-off!
Since our establishment over 13 years ago in 2009, we’ve supported over 8,000+ students with Chatswood tutoring get confident, manage their wellbeing and maximise their results. From K-6, through to the HSC, covering English, Maths and Science, we’ve got you covered!
You can be confident that you’re working with the best tutoring Chatswood support available with Art of Smart! Our students not only grow in confidence and understanding, but also in their results at school, improving by over 20% on average!
Primary Schools
High Schools
Chatswood Public School
Our Lady of Dolours
Willoughby Public School
St Thomas Catholic Primary School Willoughby
Mowbray Public School
Lane Cove Public School
St Michael’s Catholic Primary School
Lane Cove West Public School
Artarmon Public School
Lindfield Public School
Boronia Park Public School
Holy Spirit Catholic Primary School
Forestville Public School
Ryde East Public School
Chatswood High School
St Pius X College
Mercy Catholic College
Willoughby Girls High School
St Ignatius’ College
Hunters Hill High School
Riverside Girls High School
Bradfield Senior College
Killarney Heights High School
Marist Sisters’ College
North Sydney Boys High School
North Sydney Girls High School
Cammeraygal High School
Killara High School
Chatswood Tutoring delivered with the Top 2% of tutors!
Our incredible Chatswood tutoring team go above-and-beyond to ensure that our students receive holistic support and mentoring. Each year we receive thousands of applicants for tutoring roles, and only the best become tutors with Art of Smart!
From 98+ ATAR scorers, Pre-Service Teachers, and Masters candidates, our Chatswood tutoring team not only have academic smarts, but also are clear and engaging communicators who have experience working with students at local schools across Chatswood.
This means that we’re equipped with the skills and school specific knowledge to help students master their internal assessments at their school!
Flexible Chatswood tutoring backed by comprehensive NSW syllabus resources
Our Chatswood tutoring can take place in the comfort of your home, at the Chatswood library, online, or at our Hornsby campus. Whether it’s 1 on 1 or small group, face to face or online, we can personalise your support so you’ve got exactly what you need!
At Art of Smart, our tutors armed with experience and the very best new HSC curriculum resources designed by an experienced team of teachers and tutors. This way, you’ll have the notes, practice questions, sample essays and more that you need to ace English, Maths, Science and more!
Meet Our 1 on 1 Chatswood Tutors
Jessica O
Experienced Maths Tutor | Chatswood
- Studying a Bachelor of Computer Science at UNSW
- An enthusiastic tutor who understands that every student learns differently and tailors her lessons to suit the needs of students.
- Top Tip: Break any work down into smaller tasks, to make any project more manageable and to encourage yourself to take breaks!
Christina U
Experienced English Tutor | Chatswood
- Studying a Bachelor of Arts and Advanced Studies (International and Global Studies) at the University of Sydney
- An enthusiastic and engaging tutor who creates syllabus-driven lessons tailored to the student’s learning needs.
- Top Tip: Study economically by identifying weaker areas and make them the first priority when preparing for exams.
Samim V
Experienced Biology Tutor | Chatswood
- Studying a Bachelor of Psychology (Honours), Bachelor of Cognitive and Brain Sciences at Macquarie University
- A confident and engaging tutor who provides structure to lessons by establishing an outline of the lesson and outcomes.
- Top Tip: Make sure you take care of your mental health during stressful times - if you aren’t feeling it then don’t try and push through.
Gota B
Experienced English Tutor | Chatswood
- Studying a Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) at the University of New South Wales
- A goal-oriented tutor who makes her syllabus-driven lessons fun and interactive!
- Top Tip: Don't be afraid to ask your teachers questions.
Our Chatswood Tutoring Locations
Your own home
1 on 1 Sessions
On campus
Small Classes or 1 on 1 Sessions
Small Classes or 1 on 1 Sessions
Tailored Learning Programs for All NSW Subjects
No matter what year level you’re in, we’ve got you covered!
- Primary
- Year 7-10
- Year 11-12
- Study Skills
Primary: K-6
Our Chatswood tutoring program for primary school students assists them in establishing a strong base in crucial subjects like Maths, English, Science and Technology. While boosting their self-assurance, thereby equipping them for their future in high school.
Year 7-10: All Subjects
Our Year 7-10 Chatswood tutoring program supports students in commencing high school with assurance and developing a sound grasp of the NSW curriculum's content in Maths, English, Science and Humanities, preventing any knowledge gaps as they get ready for Year 11-12.
Year 11-12: All Subjects
The Year 11-12 tutoring Chatswood program helps students attain expertise in the NSW curriculum's material in Maths, English, Science and Humanities during their final years, facilitating outstanding performance in internal evaluations and the HSC exams, thus optimising their ATAR and opportunities for university admission.
Study Skills: Year 7-12
Drawing from over a decade of research conducted with high-achieving students nationwide, our Pathfinder Program equips Chatswood tutoring students in Year 7-12 with tried-and-true methods for smart studying, minimising distractions, staying motivated, developing efficient study habits, and approaching exams with reduced stress levels.
These are the study skills we hone in on motivation, goal setting, time management, study and exam preparation.
Explore some of our NSW Curriculum resources!
What do you need the biggest help in?
(Select one of the options below)
How to get started with Chatswood Tutoring
Get in touch
Fill out our contact form so we can get in touch about what suits you
Get matched
Be paired with one of our tutors that suit your personality and learning style!
Kickstart your first session
Start your holistic tutoring journey with zero booking and cancellation fees
Let’s Talk
Call us at 1300 267 888 or leave your details below and we’ll be in touch to help you achieve your goals
Comprehensive resources for all NSW subjects
The fantastic mentoring provided by Art of Smart tutors during our tutoring Chatswood lessons is complemented by comprehensive and easy-to-digest resources for all K-12 NSW subjects. Each of the resources have the syllabus in focus and break down the individual syllabus points in detail. This ensures that everything our students are expected to know is right at their fingertips. These resources are produced by qualified teachers and subject experts at Art of Smart.
We want all of our Chatswood tutoring students to have access to these phenomenal resources and so we have made them available in digital and print form. This means that our students can utilise them in ways that make the most sense to them and ensures they are always available. The resources contain explanations of content, as well as practice questions and exams. During your tutoring Chatswood lessons, your tutor can assess your child’s understanding and application of knowledge.
Art of Smart’s personalised Chatswood tutoring
Our lessons are student-focused which gives your child the best chance at achieving their goals. We believe that placing all students into one box only inhibits their abilities to reach their full potential – afterall, not everyone learns the same way. With this approach, our tutors can truly understand what their student’s need and how they can support them in a way that makes sense to them. We can assess your child’s performance in past assessment pieces to identify gaps in content knowledge or skills that can be addressed. With this, we can produce a personal learning plan to tackle all the challenges your child’s subject presents to them.
Art of Smart’s Chatswood tutoring supports students in their learning journey and improves their confidence
Are you in need of holistic K-12 tutoring in the Chatswood area?
If so, we have exactly what you need!
Since 2009, the team at Art of Smart have put in the hours to build up a reputation for delivering award-winning educational services. With over a decade’s worth of experience and study-skill expertise to our name, it is safe to say that we have a few tricks up our sleeves. From day one, we have strived to make learning accessible, fun, and stress-free. To ensure our Chatswood tutoring is as effective as possible we have conducted year’s worth of research into Australia’s top students – the top 2% to be exact. With this knowledge in hand, we were able to devise teaching techniques and study methods which have helped our tutoring Chatswood students ace their studies.
Art of Smart’s wonderful team of tutors go into every lesson keen and prepped to help your child reach all of their goals. It is important to us that our tutors develop a good sense of rapport with their students. We know just how stressful and anxiety-inducing it can feel to not understand content or to struggle with an assessment piece, and we understand that this is only amplified if you don’t have someone you trust supporting you. And so, we prioritise our student-tutor pairings and aim to make students as comfortable as possible in lessons. We aim to help our Chatswood tutoring students grow in confidence during their time with us, and we are happy to announce that this is exactly what we see on a regular basis.
Right from your first interaction with us, your child will be set up for success. When you reach out to us, you can let us know all about your child. We are keen to hear about their interests, goals, and how we can best guide them through their learning journey. With the information that you share with us in this first interaction, we will carefully sort through each of our tutors to present to you a list of who we believe will best support your child. This process is crucial to ensuring that we maximise the gains that you get from our Chatswood tutoring services.
Why is Art of Smart’s Chatswood tutoring so effective?
At Art of Smart, we are grateful to have an incredible team of passionate tutors. It would be an understatement to say that our tutors are experts in their subjects. Our team is well equipped to help you tackle any problems you are having in your subjects – whether it be a tricky bit of content or a confusing assignment. One of our top-priorities is the quality of not only our tutors, but also the student-tutori pairings. With the rigorous tests and training that our tutors go through, you can rest assured knowing that our tutoring Chatswood services are top-notch. The recruitment processes put in place allow us to hire capable and passionate individuals who are excellent communicators and are knowledgeable in their subjects.
We want all of our lessons to be as engaging, effective, and proactive as possible. Our tutors are familiar with teaching methods informed by over a decade’s worth of research and are equipped with comprehensive subject resources. On average, our Chatswood tutoring students see a grade improvement of over 20%! Further, 75% of Art of Smart students will receive scholarships and early entry offers for university.
How do we recruit subject experts for Chatswood tutoring?
It is fair to wonder how we recruit our tutors, and let me tell you – it is a rigorous process. To work with us, our tutors had to have achieved an ATAR greater than 90.00 and hold a valid Working with Children Check. Further, the interview process includes a mock tutoring lesson in which the candidates will teach a recruiter at Art of Smart a thing or two about a subject of their choosing. From this we get an idea of how competent they are with communicating, as well as how patient and personable they are. All of this ensures that tutors who are knowledgeable, helpful, and will foster a safe environment. Each year, only 1 in 8 individuals will land a job as a tutor with us – meaning only the best will be there to support your child with our tutoring Chatswood.
Convenient Chatswood tutoring!
It is our goal to deliver student-focused lessons and holistically support students through school – no matter if support is given in-person or online. We strive to ensure our Chatswood tutoring lessons are accessible and convenient for everyone involved!
Art of Smart’s face-to-face tutoring Chatswood
With Art of Smart, you can receive Chatswood tutoring at a location and time suitable for you! During your very first chat with the tutor, you will be able to organise when and where your initial lesson with take place (and can even organise recurring lessons). It is crucial that lessons occur in an environment that makes our students comfortable. So if you find comfort in working from your dining table or have a preference for the Chatswood library, we have you covered.
Art of Smart’s online tutoring Chatswood
If face-to-face lessons aren’t your style, then we can happily say that we are more than well-equipped to accommodate online lessons. Our incredible tutors have experience in completing lessons online and can assure you that these lessons are just as enriching and productive as face-to-face Chatswood tutoring lessons. Online lessons can take place through Zoom or Skype (or any other agreed-upon platform). Platforms such as these have an extensive variety of functions to help lessons be conducted with ease. Such functions include document and screen sharing.