Supporting K-12 through Incredible Tutoring Strathfield
Learn in your own home, at one of our campuses or online 🙌
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Meet Our Strathfield Tutors
Sriram S
Experienced Science Tutor | Strathfield
- Currently studying a Bachelors degree in Software Engineering at UNSW
- Sriram's lessons are often discussion based and utilise a diverse range of visual aids and relatable analogies to prompt his students to develop a passion for learning.
- Top Tip: Pencil in the dates for your exams, prepare notes at least a month before and spend the last 2-3 weeks doing practice questions.
Tasnova S
Experienced English Tutor | Strathfield
- Currently studying a Bachelor of International Studies and Media (Screen and Sound Production) at UNSW
- Embraces holistic mentoring, in which she includes aspects of mental health and wellbeing activities
- Fun Fact: Tasnova enjoys the art of film making and photography as it's a creative outlet in which she can express her creativity! 📸
Ruth C
Experienced Standard Maths Tutor | Strathfield
- Currently studying a Bachelor of Applied Sciences (Speech Pathology) at the University of Sydney
- An engaging and empathetic tutor who goes above and beyond to make her lessons interactive, and promote fruitful discussion within the classroom
- Top Tip: Don't rote learn concepts - try and understand course material holistically and be curious throughout the learning process!
Eric M
Experienced Maths Tutor | Strathfield
- Studying a Bachelor of Science and Advanced Computing (Computational Data Science major) at USYD
- A passionate tutor who believes in keeping students engaged as the catalyst for independent success and taking ownership of their own learning!
- Fun Fact: Outside of university, Eric loves to code and is currently undertaking a Harvard course to enhance this skill! 👨🏻💻
Local Strathfield Tutoring by Enthusiastic & Motivated Tutors
Inspiring Students and Helping them Achieve their Best
Offering a wide range of subjects since being founded in 2009, Art of Smart’s tutoring Strathfield team has delivered phenomenal results through our research-based approach, which has been developed from working with the top 2% of students nation-wide.
Our Strathfield tutoring customers have found our methods effective and engaging, helping to increase their child’s understanding and skills across subjects such as Maths, Science, English, HSIE and more!
Primary Schools
High Schools
Strathfield South Public School
Strathfield North Public School
St Martha’s Catholic Primary School
St Anne’s Catholic Primary School
Santa Sabina College
Marie Bashir Public School
MLC School
Homebush Public School
Enfield Public School
Burwood Public School
Croydon Public School
Strathfield Girls High School
Homebush Boys High School
Trinity Grammar School
Santa Sabina College
Burwood Girls High School
Southern Cross Catholic College
MLC School
Rosebank College
Ashfield Boys High School
Concord High School
St Patrick’s College
Meriden School
Tutoring Strathfield with Excellent Resources
Our highly personalised tutoring Strathfield service means that we provide you with the best K-12 print AND online resources, crafted according to the NSW curriculum, following each and every syllabus dot point.
You’ll never be out of practice questions and you’ll also have a Strathfield tutor to guide you in the right direction if you ever find yourself stuck on something. With our holistic approach which we’ve developed over a decade, more than 8,000 of our students have excelled and grown in confidence!
Flexible Strathfield tutoring with our expert tutors
Our tutors in Strathfield are locals — some may have even attended the same school as your child! We understand Strathfield’s unique needs. Our tutoring Strathfield team teach from a range of locations including your home, at our campuses, the Strathfield Council Library & Innovation Hub or online. Whatever your child’s schedule and learning style, we’ve got the flexibility to cater to you!
Our research-backed tutoring Strathfield approach has allowed students to flourish. In fact, on average, our students have increased their marks by 20.7% from Strathfield tutoring with Art of Smart Education!
Endorsed by thousands of families and rated 4.9 ⭐️!
Our Strathfield Tutoring Locations
Your own home
1 on 1 Sessions
Strathfield Library
1 on 1 Sessions
Small Classes or 1 on 1 Sessions
Customised Tutoring Programs for Each Subject
Regardless of your year level, we’ve got you covered!
- Primary
- Year 7-10
- Year 11-12
- Study Skills
Primary: K-6
With Strathfield Tutoring, our primary school program is designed to empower students with a solid grasp of essential subjects, including English, Maths, Science and Technology. This not only enhances their self-assurance but also equips them for the challenges of high school and beyond.
Year 7-10: All Subjects
At Strathfield Tutoring, our Year 7-10 program is here to support students as they embark on their high school journey. We ensure they step into this new chapter with self-assurance while building a strong grasp of the NSW curriculum, within subjects like English, Maths, Sciences and Humanities. This paves the way to Year 11-12, ensuring no gaps in their understanding along the way.
Year 11-12: All Subjects
At Strathfield Tutoring, our Year 11-12 program is designed to guide students through their crucial final years of high school. We're dedicated to helping them excel in internal assessments and HSC exams by ensuring a deep understanding of the NSW curriculum. This not only boosts their chances of achieving a high ATAR but also opens doors to university admission.
We offer support for students at every level of Maths and English, as well as across a range of Science and Humanities subjects.
Study Skills: Year 7-12
At Strathfield Tutoring, our Pathfinder Program is the result of over ten years of dedicated research involving accomplished students from various regions. Tailored for Year 7-12 students, this program offers proven strategies to enhance studying, diminish distractions, stay motivated, cultivate productive study routines, and tackle exams with a sense of calmness.
Explore a Variety of NSW Curriculum Aligned Resources
The Ultimate Guide to the Year 8 Maths Syllabus
How to Transform Your HSC Results – Bounce Back from Your Trials with 5 Key Steps
The Ultimate Summary and Analysis of Past the Shallows for HSC English
The Ultimate Guide to Year 4 English
Download Printable Kindergarten Punctuation Worksheets | Australian Curriculum
What do you need the biggest help in?
(Select one of the options below)
How to get started with Strathfield Tutoring
Get in touch
Fill out our contact form so we can get in touch about what suits you
Get matched
Be paired with one of our tutors that suit your personality and learning style!
Kickstart your first session
Start your holistic tutoring journey with zero booking and cancellation fees
Let’s Talk
Call us at 1300 267 888 or leave your details below and we’ll be in touch to help you achieve your goals
Meet Our Tutoring Strathfield Team
Helping you to articulate, plan and achieve your goals, our tutoring Strathfield team can help your child to excel and achieve their best in school. Art of Smart’s tutoring Strathfield team has supported students in their academics and personal goals through our award-winning tuition methods.
Our HSC Strathfield tutoring has helped hundreds of students through our holistic tuition and mentoring methods. Teaching kids from Kindergarten to Year 12, we are able to cater and respond to your child’s needs, helping them overcome tricky assessments, deepen their understanding of content and grow their self-confidence. We make learning fun for all stages of school!
We offer English and Mathematics tutoring Strathfield for primary school students and offer a range of high school subjects like Advanced Mathematics, Standard English, Chemistry, Modern and Ancient History. Our tutoring methods help students to develop holistically. By breaking down and stepping through complex concepts together, we help tutoring Strathfield students understand their schoolwork and develop exam techniques. Using evidence-based techniques, our tutoring Strathfield team will accelerate your child’s learning and help them to achieve their best in school and beyond.
Art of Smart offers a range of schedules, tutors and formats. Our tutoring Strathfield team is able to cater to your child’s schedule and learning styles. From one-on-one tuition classes in the library, at home or at one of our learning centres to online and group classes — our Strathfield tutoring team can help to boost your child’s marks.
Working with Our Team at Tutoring Strathfield
Our tutoring Strathfield team work closely with students to target gaps in understanding, skills and help to develop exam strategies. By aiding students in articulating their goals and addressing areas of concerns, they work hand in hand with students to help them boost their marks.
The tutoring Strathfield team at Art of Smart is made up of tutors who are enthusiastic about the subjects they teach, helping students to understand complex concepts by explaining them in simple terms and demonstrating through examples.
Our Strathfield tutoring team have to pass a 60-minute interview where we assess their communication skills, ensuring they are able to engage and keep your child focused during the tuition sessions. Furthermore, they have to meet minimum academic requirements — passing tests that assess various skills like teaching and communication.
At Art of Smart, we are not only interested in ensuring your child achieves their best academically but also ensuring that each tuition session is enjoyable for them as well. We match students with tutors based on their academic needs but also their personal interests. We ask our tutoring Strathfield team what their hobbies, interests and extra-curricular activities so you know they’ll hit it off with your child from day one!
Catering to Your Tutoring Strathfield Needs
Art of Smart’s tutoring Strathfield team strives to provide you with the best experience and are responsive to your child’s needs. We tailor each tuition lesson to individual students, ensuring they are able to learn in the style and method that best suits them. From online, face-to-face, individual and group lessons, you are sure to find the support and schedule that suits your needs!
Face-to-Face Tutoring Strathfield
Our tutoring Strathfield team is dedicated to providing your child with the best holistic and fun tutoring experience that is individualised according to their needs. We provide tuition at the local library, community centre or in the comfort of your own home — working around the family schedule and extra-curricular activities.
Tutoring Strathfield Online
Art of Smart’s tutoring Strathfield team offers tuition classes online, allowing students to attend class from wherever they might be! Our sessions are run through Zoom and each Strathfield tutor is equipped with a digital whiteboard, utilising screen-sharing and file sharing functions to keep lessons fun and interactive.
Comprehensive Strathfield Tutoring Resources
With an extensive database that covers content according to the NSW syllabus, our Strathfield tutoring team hand-picks resources for students in each lesson. Developed by teachers and tutors using their expertise and practical knowledge to create worksheets that will help students to develop and reinforce their understanding. By organising them according to the curriculum, this ensures that students are able to easily reference content and use these revisions as a key tool in their assessment preparation. Available in both print and digital worksheets, the resources provide your child with practice questions and exemplars.
Why Choose Tutoring Strathfield?
At Art of Smart we match each student with their tutor to help address areas of concerns and suit their learning needs. By building up their skillsets and confidence, through a combination of mentoring, practice questions, exam technique and content review. We pair each tutor with your child who not only helps them in school, but can also act as a mentor throughout their high school journey as they grow and develop into bright, young adults. We help your child focus on their goals and keep the big picture in mind as they progress through high school and consider their options.
Our tutoring Strathfield team frequently check up on their students, making sure that their needs are met and they constantly feel supported. By holding these discussions, our tutoring Strathfield team are able to tweak and tailor lesson plans according to your child’s goals and interests. Once we have matched a tutor for your child, we will contact you to discuss lesson plans and set a date for the first lesson!
Tutoring Strathfield that Caters to Your Needs
Through an initial diagnostic test run by our Strathfield tutoring team, we are able to assess your child’s understanding and knowledge of a subject. We will also review past papers that they have done so that our Strathfield tutors can identify weak areas that need to be addressed. Through worksheets, practice questions and timed practice, our Strathfield tutoring team will help your child build the skills and knowledge they need to walk into exams confident in their abilities. For high school students, we help them to keep track of upcoming assessments and assignments so that they are able to manage their time efficiently.