Tailored Tutoring Campbelltown for all K-12 Subjects
Learn from the comfort of your own home or online 🙌

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Counted on by thousands of families and rated 4.9 ⭐️!
Boost Your Marks with Exceptional 1 on 1 Tutoring Campbelltown!
Become confident and excel in any K-12 subject with Campbelltown tutoring
Since 2009, Art of Smart has built a name for itself as an award-winning tutoring company that prides itself on tutoring Campbelltown students at all K-12 levels, across all subjects!
With our personalised and holistic approach, our Campbelltown tutoring customers can testify that our teaching style is successful in helping students achieving their goals, inside and outside of class.
Primary Schools
High Schools
Campbelltown Public School
St John the Evangelist
Campbelltown East Public School
St Thomas More Ruse
St Peter’s Anglican Grammar
Ambarvale Public School
Bradbury Public School
Briar Road Public School
Blairmount Public School
Rosemeadow Public School
Claymore Public School
Glenfield Public School
Campbelltown Performing Arts High School
Thomas Reddal High School
Al-Faisal College
St Patrick’s College
Airds High School
Leumeah High School
Ambarvale High School
Elizabeth Macarthur High School
St Gregory’s College
Magdalene Catholic College
Eagle Vale High School
Sarah Redfern High School
Accessible K-12 Tutoring Campbelltown Experts
Every one of our Campbelltown tutors are well-qualified to deliver a personalised learning experience that supports your growth in all aspects of life, including your academic, personal or future career goals.
Our Campbelltown tutoring team travels across all parts of the area, so we can deliver lessons right at your doorstep, at your local library or even online. Chances are, we are already supporting students from one of the local Campbelltown schools that you attend!
Personalised K-12 1 on 1 Tutoring Campbelltown
At Art of Smart, we understand that our customers’ needs come first when we are tutoring K-12 Campbelltown students. This is why we offer flexible services that can be delivered at your own home, at the spacious HJ Daley Library or online. You can depend on us to find a date, time and place that is most convenient for you!
Our Campbelltown tutors are well trained to provide you with exclusive access to our comprehensive, step-by-step resources that are available for every K-12 subject. As a world-class education provider, we do our part to ensure that all of our Campbelltown tutoring students receive a holistic, top-quality learning experience!
Meet Our Campbelltown Tutors
Ryan N
Experienced Economics Tutor | Sydney
- Studying a Bachelor of Applied Finance/Bachelor of Economics
- Senior Economics and Business Studies Coach at Art of Smart
- Top Tip: Keep up to date with your textbook readings and homework
Brooklyn A
Experienced English Tutor
- Bachelor of Arts in English (Honours)
- Co-Host of the English Literature Program on Art of Smart TV
- Class Teacher of the Year 2020
- Top tip: To set yourself up for success, spend time understanding your text's ideas and concepts!
Emily H
Biology Tutor
- Currently studying a Bachelor of Marine Biology!
- Experienced Biology Tutor
- Top Tip: You should find what works for you and stick with it! There isn’t a magical formula for studying success.
Adrian W
Head of Science
- Qualified High School Teacher
- Bachelor of Science in Physics and Chemistry
- Head of Sciences at Art of Smart
- Top Tip: Consistency is key! Stay on top of your work to ensure you don't resort to cramming!
Our Tutoring Campbelltown Locations
Your own home
1 on 1 Sessions
On Campus
Small Classes or 1 on 1 Sessions
Small Classes or 1 on 1 Sessions
Customised Learning Plans for Each Subject
Regardless of your year level, we’ve got you covered!
- Primary
- Year 7-10
- Year 11-12
- Study Skills
Primary: K-6
Through our tutoring program in Campbelltown designed for primary school students, our goal is to establish a strong foundation in essential subjects like Maths, English, Science and Technology. This not only boosts their self-confidence but also readies them for the challenges of secondary education.
Year 7-10: All Subjects
Within our Campbelltown tutoring program, tailored for Year 7-10 students, we've crafted an approach to empower them with the confidence and expertise needed for success in high school. This methodology not only addresses potential knowledge gaps but also strengthens their command over the NSW curriculum content for Maths, English, Science and Humanities. While guaranteeing a robust foundation as they advance to Year 11-12.
Year 11-12: All Subjects
In Campbelltown tutoring, our focus shifts to Year 11-12 students, aiming to guide them comprehensively through their senior years of high school. We are dedicated to helping them excel in internal assessments and the final HSC exams by ensuring a deep understanding of the NSW Curriculum content for Maths, English, Science and Humanities. This not only boosts their chances of achieving impressive ATARs but also broadens their horizons for higher education opportunities.
Study Skills: Year 7-12
Students ranging from Year 7 to 12 can participate in our Pathfinder Program. This unique program offers valuable study strategies that enhance effective learning, minimize distractions, boost motivation, cultivate productive study habits, and promote a more relaxed approach to exams.
Our Pathfinder Program in Campbelltown is the result of over a decade of extensive research, during which we closely collaborated with high-achieving students across the country. It's tailored to provide students in Campbelltown with motivation, time management, study and exam preparation!
Browse through our NSW tutoring resources!
Year 4 Recommended Reading List: Best Books for 8 and 9 Year Olds
How to Analyse ‘The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time’ for HSC English
The Ultimate 7 Day HSC Chemistry Study Plan
Download Our Free Dropping an HSC Subject Decision Tree Tool ⬇️
Download Our Free 6-Week HSC Exam Study Plan ⬇️
What do you need the biggest help in?
(Select one of the options below)
How to get started with Campbelltown Tutoring
Get in touch
Fill out our contact form so we can get in touch about what suits you
Get matched
Be paired with one of our tutors that suit your personality and learning style!
Kickstart your first session
Start your holistic tutoring journey with zero booking and cancellation fees
Let’s Talk
Call us at 1300 267 888 or leave your details below and we’ll be in touch to help you achieve your goals
All Encompassing NSW Curriculum Resources for Tutoring Campbelltown
In addition to our excellent Campbelltown tutoring support, your child will also be equipped with our extensive resource library that covers all subjects at all K-12 levels. Each of these resources have been meticulously designed by our highly experienced team of teachers and tutors who ensured that our resources address every dot point of the syllabus to facilitate a holistic teaching approach.
To allow convenient access, your child will be able to retrieve these resources in either print form or via our Art of Smart app online. This means that your child is able to access these resources at any point of time that suits them, regardless of whether they are in or out of a tutoring Campbelltown class.
In these resources, your child will be supplied with written demonstrations, sample responses, practice questions as well as past exam papers which will allow them to practice their knowledge and skills in their own time.
Your #1 Tutoring Campbelltown Service
In search for an exceptional Campbelltown tutoring experience?
Good news, your search is now over! You’ve come to the perfect place.
Since being founded over a decade ago, Art of Smart has become well-known as a world-class education provider across Australia. With over 10 years of teaching experience, our team has supported over thousands of students at all K-12 levels, across all subjects. Whether you need assistance in English, Science, Mathematics, History or more, we can find a Campbelltown tutor for you!
With more than 500 incredible tutors on our Art of Smart coaching team, you can trust us to match you up with one of our experienced Campbelltown tutors. Our Campbelltown tutoring service also provides state-of-the-art NSW curriculum resources that cover each and every dot point of the syllabus, so you won’t miss a thing!
Why Art of Smart Tutoring Campbelltown is Your First Choice
At Art of Smart, we understand that true success lies beyond academic achievements.
Our tutoring Campbelltown team employs a holistic approach that targets all aspects of your child’s learning, including their knowledge in the subject, their study habits, their ability to maintain their well-being and plan their future career prospects. This way, your child is
well-equipped with valuable life skills to help them succeed in their pursuits after school!
We have completed research across more than a decade with the top 2% of high achievers in Australia to find out how they got to where they are today. From this research, we’ve identified effective study strategies that can help your child work smarter, not harder — while optimising their results!
So join us to start developing healthy study routines that maximise your marks!
How Our Personalised Tutoring Campbelltown Work
Our Campbelltown tutoring team strives to provide a personalised learning experience right from the get-go!
During your very first call with us, you will be asked to share important information about your child, including their goals, needs, learning style as well as their interests and passions.
We will then use this information to carefully hand-pick a Campbelltown tutor who we think would be the best match for your child. This process ensures that we are able to match your child with a Campbelltown tutor who they can relate to and connect with, so lessons are highly enjoyable and engaging for both parties!
To truly understand your child’s academic needs and areas of improvement, your Campbelltown tutor may choose to review past assessments to identify gaps in knowledge and skills to target in their customised lesson plans. This way, your child will be able to improve their marks on a holistic level!
Furthermore, our passionate Campbelltown tutoring team aims to build meaningful relationships with our students because we understand how important it is to foster a safe environment for students to run to their tutors for guidance on their homework, study tips or career pathways. This way, students can build their confidence in their knowledge and skills freely without stress or the fear of judgment.
Ultimately, we know how demanding studying at school can be, so we try to make our lessons as easy and enjoyable for your child by grasping their needs, goals and interests!
How We Recruit Our Amazing Tutoring Campbelltown Members
Every year, we receive thousands of applicants but only 1 out of 8 candidates successfully make it through our intense interviews and requirements to be part of our amazing Campbelltown tutoring team!
Through our selective recruitment process, we ensure that every one of our members in the tutoring Campbelltown team are highly qualified with expert subject knowledge, engaging communication skills and effective rapport building.
Each applicant must pass our 60-minute interview, where they will be required to deliver a mock lesson in their own specialised subject. Here, they will be tested on their skills to communicate complex ideas and topics, as well as their ability to create a safe and welcoming environment for their students to feel free to engage and interact with them.
On top of that, we make sure that all our tutoring Campbelltown members are highly qualified for the job with an ATAR above 90, a Band 5 or above in their specialised subject, as well as a Working with Children check that is updated and valid under NSW services.
With our exclusive seal of approval, we can guarantee that each and every member of our tutoring Campbelltown team is well-qualified to deliver lessons of the best quality to your child!
Convenient Tutoring Campbelltown
Our Campbelltown tutors prioritise your convenience and access to our lessons, so we are happy to work with you to find the perfect time and place to organise a lesson that is suited to you and your family’s schedule!
In-Person Tutoring Campbelltown
If you like to have lessons in person, our Campbelltown tutoring team will make it happen!
Whether you would like it to be at your home or at the local library, our Campbelltown tutors are happy to travel to a place that is most convenient for you. Before your first lesson with your Campbelltown tutor, let them know what your preferred time and place is so they will be able to organise lessons accordingly!
Virtual Tutoring Campbelltown
On the other hand, if you prefer online lessons, our Campbelltown tutoring members are well-trained to set that up too!
Your Campbelltown tutor may choose to use either Zoom or Skype, depending on which platform they are most comfortable with. And don’t worry, we make our online lessons as fun and interactive as in person classes by using a variety of functions such as screen sharing, chat options and a two-way online Whiteboard to keep you engaged!