K-12 Tutoring North Shore with expert tutors for all subjects!
Learn 1 on 1 in your own home, on campus or online 🙌

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Endorsed by thousands of families, earning a 4.9 ⭐️ rating!
Achieve Success with our Holistic Tutoring North Shore
Unlock Improved Marks & Confidence with Tutoring North Shore
In the last decade, we’ve developed a reputation for holistic support that helps students improve their confidence and their marks at school. In fact, 9 out 10 students see improved confidence after working with an Art of Smart tutor!
Additionally, due to our holistic and tailored approach that harnesses the ultimate potential of our students we have helped our students increase their marks by an average of 20.7%.
Primary Schools
High Schools
St Ives North Public School
Hornsby North Public School
Artarmon Public School
Beaumont Road Public School
Cammeray Public School
Neutral Bay Public School
St Mary’s Catholic Primary School
Willoughby Public School
Roseville Public School
Lindfield East Public School
Northbridge Public School
Turramurra Public School
St Thomas’ Catholic Primary School
Wahroonga Public School
Marist Catholic College
Monte Sant’ Angelo Mercy College
Shore School
Bradfield Senior College
Cammeraygal High School
St Aloysius’ College
North Sydney Girls High School
North Sydney Boys High School
Barker College
Roseville College
Loreto Normanhurst
Brigidine College St Ives
Killara High School
Pymble Ladies’ College
St Pius X College
Tutoring North Shore Students for All-Round Excellence
At Art of Smart, we understand that intelligence goes way beyond learning in the classroom. Based on 10 years of research with top performers who have achieved an ATAR of over 98, we have found that it is the important leadership, organisational and time management skills that make an effective learner. In other words, our philosophy is that studying smarter, not harder is the way to go!
With a team of stellar tutors, including 98+ ATAR scorers & qualified teachers, we have a track record of tutoring North Shore students from both primary and high schools in the local area to achieve their best performance in any K-12 subject – so join us today!
Tutoring North Shore At Your Convenience with NSW Curriculum Resources
With Art of Smart’s mobile services, you have the flexibility to personalise lessons at your preferred time and place. We have been tutoring North Shore students in their homes, at the Hills or Hornsby campus, at Gordon Library (or whichever library is closest to you) and online, so you can trust us to deliver high quality teaching in any location that suits you!
Through our tutoring, you’ll gain access to a plethora of print AND online resources that are crafted and aligned with the NSW curriculum. You’ll never run out of practice questions and will consistently get feedback to help you improve your marks!
Meet Our 1 on 1 North Shore Tutors
Bella M
Experienced Economics Tutor | North Shore
- Currently studying Advanced Studies and Commerce at the University of Sydney
- A dedicated tutor who integrates relevant and relatable examples in an easy to understand way. Bella ensures to leave time for plenty of practice questions to solidify the student’s understanding of the concepts taught within the lesson!
- Fun Fact: Bella enjoys reading, her goal for 2023 is to get through a book a week!
Gota B
Experienced Studies of Religion Tutor | North Shore
- Studying a Bachelor of Psychology at the University of New South Wales
- A detail-oriented tutor who provides detailed relatable examples to consolidate students understanding of a topic.
- Fun Fact: In her spare time, Gota loves to write creative stories.
Christina U
Experienced Ancient History Tutor | North Shore
- Studying a Bachelor of Advanced Studies (International and Global Studies) and Arts at the University of Sydney
- A dedictaed tutor who provides in depth explanations to break down complex content and encourages students to ask questions when they are unsure of a topic.
- Fun Fact: Christina plans to pursue a career in screenwriting or at a publishing company!
Jess R
Experienced Modern History Tutor | North Shore
- Studying a Bachelor of Medical Science at the University of Sydney
- A well prepared and structured tutor who consistently asks students thought provoking questions to ensure they are following along with the material.
- Fun Fact: Upon completion of her degree, Jessica plans to become a paediatric surgeon!
Our North Shore Tutoring Locations
Your own home
1 on 1 Sessions
On campus
Small Classes or 1 on 1 Sessions
Small Classes or 1 on 1 Sessions
Customised Learning Programs for All Subjects
Regardless of your year level, we’ve got you covered!
- Primary
- Year 7-10
- Year 11-12
- Study Skills
Primary: K-6
Our primary school program for North Shore Tutoring aids students in building a solid foundation in critical subjects like Maths, English, Science and Technology. While enhancing their confidence and preparing them for their high school future.
Year 7-10: All Subjects
Our Year 7-10 North Shore Tutoring program helps students start high school confidently and gain a strong understanding of the NSW curriculum in Maths, English, Science and Humanities. While avoiding any knowledge gaps as they prepare for Year 11-12.
Year 11-12: All Subjects
Our Year 11-12 North Shore Tutoring assists students in mastering the NSW curriculum's content in Maths, English, Science and Humanities during their final years, leading to exceptional results in internal assessments and the HSC exams, ultimately maximising their ATAR and university admission opportunities.
Study Skills: Year 7-12
Based on over a decade of research with high-achieving students across the country, our Pathfinder Program at North Shore Tutoring provides Year 7-12 students with proven techniques for effective studying, minimising distractions, staying motivated, establishing efficient study habits, and approaching exams with reduced stress levels.
We hone on study skills such as goal setting, time management, study planning and exam preparation!
Explore some of our NSW Curriculum resources!
What do you need the biggest help in?
(Select one of the options below)
How to get started with North Shore Tutoring
Get in touch
Fill out our contact form so we can get in touch about what suits you
Get matched
Be paired with one of our tutors that suit your personality and learning style!
Kickstart your first session
Start your holistic tutoring journey with zero booking and cancellation fees
Let’s Talk
Call us at 1300 267 888 or leave your details below and we’ll be in touch to help you achieve your goals
State of the Art North Shore Tutoring Resources
With over 45,000 subscribers to our free resources, Art of Smart is one of the most popular places to get your study guides, sample responses, practice questions, notes and more!
When you’ve become one of our North Shore tutoring students, you will gain access to so much more! Our team of experienced teachers and tutors have collaborated to design an extensive library of resources that address every dot point of the new NSW syllabus.
For all K-12 subjects, you can find comprehensive modules, skill-building workbooks, practice exam papers and useful links to equip you for your study! You can access these in print and online format on our new and improved Art of Smart app, so you can use these resources wherever you go.
North Shore Tutoring that Listens to Your Needs
More importantly, empathy is one of the most essential qualities we look for in our North Shore tutors!
This is because we understand how students may struggle to build their confidence and feel comfortable in seeking support from their tutors. Therefore, we aim to make this as easy as possible for our customers by recruiting North Shore tutoring team members who are skilled in building relationships based on mutual trust and respect with their students, so you can feel comfortable to turn to them for advice at anytime!
In fact, over 97% of our customers rave over our tutors’ ability to build fantastic and long-lasting rapport with their students! So, you know that you’ll be well supported with one of our North Shore tutors.
Our Exceptional North Shore Tutoring Services
Since our launch in 2009, Art of Smart has become an award-winning tutoring team that has supported over 8,000 students and more to achieve the results they aim for. We have dedicated ourselves to our North Shore tutoring students in all K-12 subjects, while teaching students smart study skills, university pathways and career options after school!
Whether you need support in acing your academic goals, or mentorship for key life skills to set you up for a solid career, our North Shore tutoring team is more than equipped to help you! Through our unique holistic and personalised scope, we have helped over 93% of our students feel a boost in their confidence.
Our North Shore Tutoring Team of Experts
At Art of Smart, we go the extra mile to ensure each and every member of our North Shore tutoring team are experts in their field!
Our company filters through the thousands of tutor applications we receive each year to handpick the best of the best to represent our name. Through our extensive recruitment process, we guarantee that our North Shore tutors are truly qualified to teach with the essential skills to deliver an engaging and effective lesson for all our K-12 students.
First, we perform a background check on our applicants to ensure that they have an official Working with Children check, a National Police check and an academic transcript that proves their academic achievements in their subject of expertise. This way, you can rest assured that every one of our North Shore tutoring team members are reputable and trained to build a safe learning environment for you.
Once our applicants have met these requirements, we invite them for an hour long interview, where we ask them questions about their favourite hobbies, pastimes and interests. This information will later be used to pair you up with a North Shore tutor who is compatible with your personality!
In this interview, our North Shore tutoring applicants must also impress our recruitment team in a mock lesson that they deliver. Here, they will be evaluated based on their ability to break down complex concepts into easy explanations, their capacity for creative thinking and knack for building rapport with their students.
Our successful applicants will then move on to become part of our incredible North Shore tutoring team! It is this process that guarantees that every one of our North Shore tutors are extremely knowledgable and skilled to deliver the best quality of lessons to you at your request, so you can sit back and relax knowing that we have done the hard work of finding the top tutors across Australia.
Our All-Encompassing North Shore Tutoring Services
Wouldn’t it be great to have a tutor whom you can connect well with?
With our personalised services, you can be matched with a North Shore tutoring member who shares the same passions, interests and hobbies as you! This ensures that our North Shore tutoring students can connect well with their tutors so they can enjoy learning with someone who they can converse well with. So, say goodbye to awkward conversations with your tutor, when you can have a motivational mentor cheering you on every step of the way.
Once you’ve been paired with one of our North Shore tutors, they will ask you about your specific goals, needs and requests. They may also look at your past assessment tasks and exam results to identify areas of improvement to personalise a lesson plan for you. Altogether, your North Shore tutor will work with you to ensure that you target all areas of your study that you find challenging, to equip you for success in your studies!
North Shore Tutoring Suited To You
There are so many great advantages to in-person Bondi Junction tutoring. Firstly, a tutor will travel to your house (with no extra cost to you) meaning you won’t have to worry about getting in the car and driving somewhere! This is super convenient, especially for busy parents and once you have a set tutoring area, requires little effort for parents. Face-to-face tutoring could also be done in a local library or another public place of agreement. Another great advantage to in-person tutoring is that it allows for a strong bond to be formed between the tutor and the student, as well as the tutor and the parent(s). It can also help improve the student’s sense of accountability and motivation. And we’ve got plenty of Bondi Junction tutors to choose from!
Face to Face North Shore Tutoring
If you prefer to learn in person, our tutors can deliver 1 on 1 lessons or small group classes for you!
For 1 on 1 lessons, our North Shore tutoring team can travel to your preferred location. Whether it is at the dining table in your home, at our campus or at the local library, our North Shore tutors can travel to meet with you.
As for small group classes, you can attend them in our Art of Smart Hills or Hornsby campus! Our small group classes are a great way to expand your thinking, as you will be exposed to the different ideas and perspectives of your peers! Let us know in your first call with us if you are interested, and we can set you up!
Remote North Shore Tutoring
If online tutoring is something you enjoy, you’re in luck!
We have been teaching North Shore tutoring students through online platforms, such as Zoom and Google Classroom. Our North Shore tutors do their best to make online learning fun for you, with numerous interactive features such as Whiteboard, Kahoot quizzes and the chat function.
Before your first meeting with your tutor, you will be sent a link to join the class on a weekly basis. Let us know if you prefer to have 1 on 1 private lessons online, or if you would like to join a group class online. Either way, we can work to make it happen!