1 on 1 Tutoring Brisbane for all P-12 Subjects
Boost your QLD curriculum proficiency with our personalised in-person or online tutoring! 🙌
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Trusted by thousands of households and rated 4.9 ⭐️!
Individualised Tutoring Brisbane with Expert Tutors
Research-backed tutoring Brisbane for any P-12 Subject
Art of Smart has built a strong reputation over the past 13 years for providing holistic and expert tutoring Brisbane for all P-12 subjects, such as English, Maths, Science, History and more! From working with the Top 2% of students nationally, our tutoring Brisbane approach is informed by over a decade of research on how to best support any student achieve their best!
Our results show that the unique holistic approach our Brisbane tutors use really works! With 40% of our students scoring an ATAR over 95, and 7 in 10 scoring an A result, you can be confident that you’ve made the right choice in Brisbane tutoring support!
Primary Schools
High Schools
Aspley East State School
Gumdale State School
Ferny Grove State School
Bracken Ridge State School
Enoggera State School
Bald Hills State School
Graceville State School
Sunnybank Hills State School
Ormiston College
Rainworth State School
Indooroopilly State School
Holy Family Primary School
St Ambrose’s Primary School
Brisbane State High School
Kedron State High School
Marsden State High School
Albany Creek State High School
Ferny Grove State High School
The Gap State High School
Pine Rivers State High School
St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School
Northside Christian College
John Paul College
Mansfield State High School
Moreton Bay College
Unlock your academic potential with QCAA Curriculum Experts
Rely on our Brisbane tutoring team of QCAA Curriculum experts to provide effective lessons that align with your subject’s syllabus requirements. With an Art of Smart tutor, you’ll gain exclusive access to updated QCAA Curriculum resources for all major P-12 subjects!
You’ll work with some incredible Brisbane tutors, including 95+ ATAR scorers, QCE Honour Roll graduates, Masters & Phd students and more, all who have had extensive training in our holistic Art of Smart teaching approach! Take a look at some of the Brisbane schools we’ve helped students achieve their goals in!
Get started with a Brisbane tutor with no contracts, and our satisfaction guarantee!
We cater our Brisbane tutoring lessons to suit your family’s needs! So whether you’re looking for tutoring Brisbane at home, online, or at Brisbane Square library, your local tutor will make it happen!
Our team of expert Brisbane tutors also make sure lessons are personalised for customers by carefully planning each lesson with the support of up to date online resources for all P-12 subjects. With our flexibility, you get to decide how often you have lessons and with our satisfaction guarantee, you can cancel at any time, so you aren’t locked into anything!
Meet Our 1 on 1 Brisbane Tutors
Ryan N
Experienced Economics Tutor | Sydney
- Studying a Bachelor of Applied Finance/Bachelor of Economics
- Senior Economics and Business Studies Coach at Art of Smart
- Top Tip: Keep up to date with your textbook readings and homework
Brooklyn A
Experienced English Tutor
- Bachelor of Arts in English (Honours)
- Co-Host of the English Literature Program on Art of Smart TV
- Class Teacher of the Year 2020
- Top tip: To set yourself up for success, spend time understanding your text's ideas and concepts!
Emily H
Biology Tutor
- Currently studying a Bachelor of Marine Biology!
- Experienced Biology Tutor
- Top Tip: You should find what works for you and stick with it! There isn’t a magical formula for studying success.
Adrian W
Head of Science
- Qualified High School Teacher
- Bachelor of Science in Physics and Chemistry
- Head of Sciences at Art of Smart
- Top Tip: Consistency is key! Stay on top of your work to ensure you don't resort to cramming!
Tutoring Locations
Your own home
On campus
Personalised Learning Programs for All Subjects
From P-6 through to Year 11-12 we’ve got you covered!
- Primary
- Year 7-10
- Year 11-12
- Study Skills
Primary: P-6
Our primary school Brisbane tutoring supports students develop strong understanding across the key strands of content in Maths, English and Science. While developing their confidence, so they can be ready for high school.
Year 7-10: All Subjects
Our Year 7-10 tutoring in Brisbane supports students make a confident start in high school, and build strong foundations in their content knowledge across the QLD curriculum in Maths, English, Science and Humanities so they don't have any gaps as they get ready for Year 11-12.
Year 11-12: All Subjects
Our Year 11-12 Brisbane tutoring supports students in their senior years of school with the new QCAA Curriculum build strong mastery of the content in Maths, English, Science and Humanities so they can ace their IAs and External Exams to maximise their ATAR and options for university study.
Study Skills: Year 7-12
Through our Pathfinder Program we support students in Year 7-12 learn and implement proven study strategies to help them study smart, manage distractions, get motivated, get into a good study routine, and prepare for exams with less stress.
Based on over 10 years of research we have conducted with high performing students across Australia, the Pathfinder Program helps students in Brisbane with motivation, goal setting, time management, study and exam preparation.
Check out some of our QLD Curriculum resources!
How to Structure Your PSMT Report for QCAA Mathematical Methods
The Ultimate Writing Guide to the QCAA Biology Student Experiment
QLD Subject Scaling: Which Subjects Scale the Best from QCAA?
The Complete Guide to Writing an Analytical Essay for QCAA English
QCAA Year 11: How to Effectively Prepare for Your Practice Exam Block
Extensive QLD Curriculum Resources Designed by Expert Tutors
Our Tutoring Resource Books offer a comprehensive learning experience for P-12 students, with interactive exercises, detailed explanations and notes, worked examples, and ample practice questions all aligned to the QLD Curriculum!
What do you need the biggest help in?
(Select one of the options below)
How to get started with 1 on 1 Brisbane Tutoring
Get in touch
Fill out our contact form so we can get in touch about what suits you
Get matched
Be paired with one of our tutors that suit your personality and learning style!
Kickstart your first session
Start your holistic tutoring journey with zero booking and cancellation fees
Let’s Talk
Call us at 1300 267 888 or leave your details below and we’ll be in touch to help you achieve your goals
Get access to the latest Brisbane Tutoring resources
We provide our Brisbane tutoring customers with top notch resources designed by expert teachers. Your tutor will share them with you to use during tutoring lessons and for studying, homework practice and revision. Each resource is filled with an extensive review of the syllabus with in-depth notes for every dot point, thousands of activities and questions, sample Grade A responses and more. Art of Smart’s Brisbane tutoring resources are also up to date with the syllabus and specifically designed for the Queensland Curriculum for any P-12 subject. So whether you need support with challenging foundational topics, or with extension concepts and activities, your Brisbane Tutoring lessons, tutor and resources are here to help you ace school!
Our Brisbane Tutoring students excel at school and develop their confidence
We’ve discovered that the key is to approach studying holistically! So here at Art of Smart, we make sure your tutoring Brisbane lessons will help you grow both inside and outside the classroom.
In addition to comprehensive tutoring, your tutor will provide you with outstanding mentoring to help you develop your study techniques, master time management, avoid burnout and earn your fun! This way you’ll learn how to stay healthy and prioritise your mental and physical health while excelling at school.
How we provide holistic and personalised tutoring Brisbane
To make sure you’re receiving top-notch holistic tutoring Brisbane, our tutors work hard to individualise every lesson based on your personal needs! Regardless of whether you’re looking for Preparatory Maths, Year 4 English, or QCE Legal Studies, your tutor has got you covered. Our Brisbane tutoring team is supported by comprehensive training and resources so that they’re equipped to provide you with subject-specific and tailored tutoring for all levels and grades.
Every tutoring Brisbane lesson is carefully designed by your tutor based on your personal goals and needs. Your tutor will spend the first 5 minutes of each session chatting with you to figure out your goals, challenging topics, upcoming assignments, and homework. For the remainder of the lesson, they’ll make sure to make these goals and tasks top-priority by unpacking difficult topics and taking a deep dive into practice questions and feedback on homework or assessments.
Your tutor will also end each Brisbane tutoring lesson with a review of main actions for the rest of the week and some key strategies to help you work towards your academic goals while staying healthy. So no matter what you’re looking for, our Art of Smart tutoring Brisbane will make it happen with a completely personalised experience for any P-12 subject!
Receive Brisbane tutoring with our carefully recruited tutoring team
Our team of incredible tutors are highly qualified and well-equipped to support you with your personal and academic goals. We ensure that all our tutors are the very best through our rigorous recruitment process!
Our Art of Smart recruitment team will assess every tutor applicant through a 1-hour interview where applicants are required to teach a mock-lesson so that we can evaluate their communication skills, teaching ability, and subject expertise. This means we carefully select tutors who are amazing communicators with the ability to connect with students and make learning engaging, fun and relevant.
Not only are our tutors fantastic communicators, they’re also high achievers and excellent role models with 98+ ATARs and subject expertise. So when you choose to work with one of our Brisbane tutoring teachers, you can feel confident that you’re being supported by the best of the best!
Our tutors are also required to have a valid Working With Children Check and undergo training from us to help them deliver holistic tutoring lessons in a safe and welcoming learning environment.
Why work with an Art of Smart tutor for Brisbane tutoring lessons?
When it comes to our tutoring Brisbane lessons, we don’t just personalise lessons to suit your goals and requirements. We also carefully match you with an expert tutor who understands you and will build a good rapport with you!
During your very first phone call with us, we ask you all about your child’s learning style, hobbies, interests, and what they find difficult. We also ask you a bit about when and where you would like to receive Art of Smart tutoring Brisbane. Based on this information, we then thoughtfully select from our vast range of tutors to find one who will help your child’s development the most.
When matching you with a tutor, we take into account the tutor’s career path, personality, hobbies and availability so that we can find one who is a perfect match for you! This way you will receive tutoring Brisbane lessons from a talented tutor and inspiring role model who will boost your child’s confidence and provide academic and professional clarity.
Flexible Brisbane tutoring lessons tailored just for you
Here at Art of Smart, we understand how important comfort and convenience is when it comes to Brisbane tutoring. Which is why we ensure that your entire tutoring experience, including the location and timing of sessions, is personalised to work with your hectic family schedule. So, wherever and whenever is ideal for you, your tutor can make it happen!
Tutoring Brisbane At Home
Looking for Brisbane tutoring minus the hectic travel times? Well you’ve come to the right place! Art of Smart offers face-to-face Brisbane tutoring from the comfort of your own home so that you can say goodbye to having to travel to and fro for lessons. After chatting with you to find a day and time that’s perfect for you, your tutor will travel to your address and deliver lessons where you’re most comfortable!
Online Brisbane Tutoring
If you’d prefer the flexibility of online lessons, we’re here to help! Art of Smart’s tutoring Brisbane lessons are also available as live online sessions. These sessions are interactive, so you can forget about dull self-paced activities! Instead, our approach aims to deliver online lessons that will keep you engaged just as if you are sitting next to your tutor.
By using virtual whiteboards, screen sharing, chats and more, your tutor will provide the ultimate individualised experience and give you the chance to ask questions, discuss challenging topics and gain feedback. This way, your online tutoring Brisbane sessions will be highly productive and engaging!