Extensive 1 on 1 P-12 Tutoring Essendon for All Subjects
Excel in the VIC curriculum with a personal Art of Smart tutor, at home or online 🙌
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Trusted by countless households, earning a 4.9 ⭐️ rating!
Specialised Masters in P-12 Tutoring Essendon
Succeed with your personalised journey
With Art of Smart’s VCE tutoring in Essendon, you can get exceptional tutoring support from our team of experienced tutors. Our tutors are highly qualified with 45+ study scorers, 98+ ATAR graduates, and pre-service teachers with excellent subject expertise and communication skills.
Our tutoring program has a holistic approach to teaching, and our Essendon tutoring customers have expressed satisfaction with 9 out of 10 saying that Art of Smart tutoring helped them boost their confidence and achieve their academic goals!
Primary Schools
High Schools
Essendon Primary School
Essendon North Primary School
Aberfeldie Primary School
Strathmore North Primary School
Ascot Vale Primary School
Flemington Primary School
Westbreen Primary School
Pascoe Vale South Primary School
St John Bosco’s School
St Brendan’s School
Moonee Ponds Primary School
PEGS Junior School
St Columba’s College
St Therese’s School Essendon
Our Lady of The Nativity School Aberfeldie
Ave Maria College
St Bernard’s Catholic Boys College
Lowther Hall Anglican Grammar School
Penleigh and Essendon Grammar College
Buckley Park College
Mount Alexander College
Strathmore Secondary College
Rosehill Secondary College
Private tutoring Essendon students wherever needed
It’s only fair that every student has all the tools and content they need to bring out the best of their potential.
As part of our core goals to personalise our students’ learning journeys, we’ll find the right tutors who’ll passionately guide and support students no matter where they’re at. Whether you’re preparing for VCE exams, or studying in Year 8, or need help with primary school Maths, we are here to help!
See for yourself, our tutoring sessions are spread all around Essendon and Victoria!
Don't be a stranger to your school syllabus!
We’ve got a team of Essendon tutors and you’ve got a few learning goals, so what’s next? We’ve simplified our tutoring options so that you can start your learning journey anywhere you need — whether that’s online, in the comfort of your own home or in one of the Moonee Valley Libraries, we’ll make it possible.
Once you get started, you’ll have both the expertise and knowledge of your savvy tutor, as well as our curriculum resources designed by the best qualified teachers across Victoria!
Meet Our Tutoring Essendon Team
Dhruv C
Experienced Chemistry Tutor | Essendon
- Studying a Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours) at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.
- A motivating tutor who creates well prepared and structured lessons that prioritise genuine student engagement with the material.
- Top Tip: Learn using mistakes as they are our greatest learning tool.
Zoe M
Experienced Maths Tutor | Essendon
- Studying a Bachelor of Commerce with a Diploma in Mathematics and Statistics at The University of Melbourne.
- A reassuring tutor who prioritises student involvement, boosts confidence through consistent practice and fosters effective study habits.
- Top Tip: Take proper study breaks by going for a walk, listening to music. Study breaks are essential for productive study.
Drew M
Experienced English Tutor | Essendon
- Studying a Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Business Management at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.
- An interactive tutor who uses visual aids encourages student participation through questions and discussions to foster active learning.
- Top Tip: Plan your breaks, It gives you motivation to continue without burning you out.
Sai P
Experienced Physics Tutor | Essendon
- Studying a Masters of Physics at Monash University.
- A flexible tutor who tailors lessons to suit diverse learning needs, simplifying content and enhancing engagement with enjoyable activities and relatable examples.
- Fun Fact: Sai plans to become a Physics professor and publish research papers!
Vanessa L
Experienced Maths Tutor | Essendon
- Studying a Bachelor of Radiography and Medical Imaging (Honours) at Monash University.
- A motivating tutor who focuses on boosting student confidence and fostering a strong understanding by presenting concise and easily understandable material.
- Top Tip: Active recall (flash cards)!
Tutoring Locations
Your own home
On campus
Personalised Learning Programs for All Subjects
From P-6 through to Year 11-12 we’ve got you covered!
- Primary
- Year 7-10
- Year 11-12
- Study Skills
Primary: P-6
With our primary school tutoring in Essendon, we aim to assist students in building a strong foundation in essential concepts, within Maths, English and Science, and boost their confidence, enabling them to better prepare for the challenges of high school.
Year 7-10: All Subjects
With our tutoring program in Essendon for students in Year 7-10, we aim to provide a strong foundation in VIC curriculum content in Maths, English, Science and Humanities, that helps students build their confidence and avoid knowledge gaps as they progress to Year 11-12.
Year 11-12: All Subjects
The focus of our Tutoring Essendon program for Year 11-12 is to help students excel in their SACs and External Exams, boosting their ATAR and university prospects by ensuring they develop a deep understanding of the VCAA Curriculum content in Maths, English, Science and Humanities subjects.
Study Skills: Year 7-12
The Pathfinder Program we offer is designed to help students in Years 7-12 learn effective study techniques that they can use to study smarter, reduce distractions, stay motivated, establish strong study habits, and approach exams with less stress.
What do you need the biggest help in?
(Select one of the options below)
How to get started with Essendon Tutoring
Get in touch
Fill out our contact form so we can get in touch about what suits you
Get matched
Be paired with one of our tutors that suit your personality and learning style!
Kickstart your first session
Start your holistic tutoring journey with zero booking and cancellation fees
Let’s Talk
Call us at 1300 267 888 or leave your details below and we’ll be in touch to help you achieve your goals
Get started with Art of Smart's tutoring Essendon
We’ve discovered what makes a great tutor and, with that, our Essendon tutoring positions are widely known across Victoria.
The reason why we’re so discussed isn’t a secret — we put in great effort to find the best tutors. Before their first day on the job, our tutors undergo an in-depth recruitment process and training sessions. A combination of both of these makes sure that we know our tutors’ best strengths and the students they’ll best cater to.
How are our Essendon tutors hired?
If you’re unaware of our recruitment process, it all starts with meeting our academic standard or, in other words, having great marks in school and university. Then, an hour’s interview takes place: but, this isn’t just back-and-forth questions, we also get our potential tutors to hold a “mock lesson”. This assures they have the perfect mix of communication, knowledge, enthusiasm and, of course, teaching ability that our students need. Once they pass their Working with Children Check, our tutors are off to their first tutoring lesson!
We know, more often than not, tutors end up being role-models in their students’ eyes. That’s why we emphasise the mentoring and personalised side to tutoring, meaning we also take into account our tutors’ passions and co-curricular interests. From there, we make sure that your child — whether they are having their face-to-face or online tutoring Essendon sessions — is matched to someone with a compatible influence.
Pop into one of our online tutoring Essendon classes
At the forefront of our tutoring Essendon services is personalisation and flexibility. It then comes as no surprise that we offer live online tutoring Essendon sessions.
We’ve designed our online tutoring sessions to maximise interactivity and engagement, so your child can experience our tutoring sessions even if they can’t make it to a face-to-face session.
To join their weekly tutoring Essendon lessons, your child simply clicks the dedicated Zoom link to their class. From there, they’ll have access to our resources, designed and contributed by various qualified teachers, and use digital functions — such as the whiteboard, messaging, live audio, screen sharing and file sharing — to assure the lesson runs as if the tutor is sitting right beside them.
Just like an offline tutoring Essendon session, the tutor uses the digital whiteboard to explain and expand on the lesson’s topics, and your child will be able to write back their answers, explanations and notes on that same whiteboard. Sounds pretty smooth-sailing, doesn’t it?
Meet us for private tutoring Essendon lessons
If our private tutoring Essendon lessons work best for you, getting started is an easy step-by-step process. Like the online sessions, we’ll organise the tutoring sessions around your compatible times and dates. This way, we can work around your family’s packed schedule and slot in the most convenient time. We’ll use that info to find a tutor most suitable to your needs and, within 24 hours, you can get your child’s learning journey kickstarted!
Our personalised approach to our tutoring Essendon sessions
Like every student, your child will have their certain strengths in a subject and room for improvement in that subject. That’s where we come in to figure out those specific areas they need to square up on. As equally important, we review all our Essendon tutors so that your child gets a lesson with a tutor who’s best compatible with their special needs, learning pace and passion.
Before you get the ball rolling and start your first tutoring Essendon sessions, we’ll take a detailed look at your child’s assessment results. Once we get a sense of how your child is going in the particular subject, we’ll work out personalised lesson plans based on their current learning level. Of course, the lessons will also be paced according to the topics of their upcoming exams and what’s going on in their school classroom.
When your child starts their first VCE Tutoring Essendon in Year 11-12, or tutoring for any other grade from P-10, we’ll work out how the lessons will support their learning goals and maximise their potential. We know that every student starts somewhere different — whether that’s sharpening up on the subject’s fundamentals, or accelerating and excelling in their cohort — so, our extensive range of study content and resources is designed to best meet their unique needs.
Take a peek at our tutoring Essendon lessons
If your child’s exam feedback shows a gap in understanding the structure of an essay, our lesson plans will start with just that — from what is needed in each body paragraph to how to properly write out a specific analysis of text material.
Once you call and communicate your interest, we’ll go over the options: that is, online tutoring Essendon sessions, private tutoring Essendon sessions, and whether your child is seeking VCE tutoring Essendon lessons. Before 24 hours is up, one of our Essendon tutors will have a chat about your first lesson, confirm a date and time, and listen to any particular needs your child has.
To provide the best tutoring session for your child, we’ve personalised the features of our tutoring sessions to the tiniest detail such that your child has the most comfortable environment for their learning.
Art of Smart: the GOAT Provider of Tutoring Essendon
Since you’re here, you must be looking for a tutor in Essendon. Here’s our cue to come in.
Art of Smart has dedicated itself to providing new tutoring journeys for over 13 years. Our core values centre around a holistic and passionate approach to teaching that has won us awards across Australia. We’ve helped countless students (the total number’s in the thousands!) to bring out their best potential by having a team of enthusiastic Essendon tutors that can meet your child’s learning needs.
Holistic and personalised Essendon tutoring is hard to come by, whether your child is in Prep, Year 10, doing their VCE or anywhere in between. Our tutoring resources and content, which your child will have full access to, overcomes the stock standard learning and allows students to move at their particular pace. Thanks to our research with Australia’s high-achieving students, our teaching methods ensure that your child is equally excelling and maintaining their mental wellbeing on their learning journey.
Like what you hear? Start tutoring Essendon with Art of Smart today!
If you need tutoring – Art of Smart is the tutoring company that can help you achieve your goals! If we have convinced you of our expertise and quality and you are ready to start tutoring Essendon with us, send us an inquiry form from our website or call us on 1300 267 888, and we’ll swiftly match you up with one of our awesome tutors!