Level up with our tutoring Footscray for all P-12 Subjects
Learn in your own home or online 🙌
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Depended on by countless families, earning a 4.9 ⭐️ rating!
Get Ahead with Our 1 to 1 Private Tutoring Footscray
We help students gain confidence through Tutoring Footscray
At Art of Smart, we are well known for helping students achieve outstanding results through our VCE tutoring Footscray program.
With the help of our private tutoring Footscray program, your child will be mentored by our passionate tutors who are subject experts with extensive experience tutoring P-12 students.
Over 97% of our students share that they have built a fantastic rapport with their Art of Smart tutor which has helped them increase their understanding and confidence!
Primary Schools
High Schools
Footscray Primary School
Footscray City Primary School
Footscray North Primary School
St John’s Catholic School Footscray
St Monica’s Catholic Primary School
Footscray West Primary School
Corpus Christi Primary School
Kingsville Primary School
Wembley Primary School
Holy Rosary School
Footscray West Primary School
St Margaret’s Primary School, Maribyrnong
Footscray High School
Ivanhoe High School
Kensington Community High School
Maribyrnong College
Williamstown High School
Mount Alexander High School
Braybrook College
Buckley Park High School
Emmanuel College
Sunshine College
Caroline Chisholm Catholic College
Essendon Keilor College
Flexible 1 on 1 F2F or online Tutoring Footscray that fits around your busy life
Whether you prefer F2F or online support, we can help! Our local team of tutors in Footscray are available to support you in your own home or your local library, so you can save travel time! We provide online support, so you can have greater flexibility over the times you get support.
Using state of the art online learning platforms like Zoom, online whiteboards, and our custom learning application, Art of Smart Online, our 1 on 1 online tutoring Footscray is incredibly engaging and will feel like you have your tutor sitting next to you, explaining all the concepts.
We support students that attend schools across the Footscray area.
Work with a VCE tutoring Footscray expert to master the VCE curriculum!
Work with VCE tutoring Footscray experts that provide lessons in Footscray, study support and also end of year exam preparation.
We can make sure we’re offering comprehensive support for our Footscray tutoring customers thanks to our expert tutors who are outfitted with the most recent online resources for every VCE subject.
Meet Our Tutoring Footscray Team
Ryan N
Experienced Economics Tutor | Sydney
- Studying a Bachelor of Applied Finance/Bachelor of Economics
- Senior Economics and Business Studies Coach at Art of Smart
- Top Tip: Keep up to date with your textbook readings and homework
Brooklyn A
Experienced English Tutor
- Bachelor of Arts in English (Honours)
- Co-Host of the English Literature Program on Art of Smart TV
- Class Teacher of the Year 2020
- Top tip: To set yourself up for success, spend time understanding your text's ideas and concepts!
Emily H
Biology Tutor
- Currently studying a Bachelor of Marine Biology!
- Experienced Biology Tutor
- Top Tip: You should find what works for you and stick with it! There isn’t a magical formula for studying success.
Adrian W
Head of Science
- Qualified High School Teacher
- Bachelor of Science in Physics and Chemistry
- Head of Sciences at Art of Smart
- Top Tip: Consistency is key! Stay on top of your work to ensure you don't resort to cramming!
Tutoring Locations
Your own home
On campus
Personalised Learning Programs for All Subjects
From P-6 through to Year 11-12 we’ve got you covered!
- Primary
- Year 7-10
- Year 11-12
- Study Skills
Primary: P-6
Through our primary school tutoring in Footscray, our goal is to help students establish a solid foundation in fundamental concepts in Maths, English and Science, ultimately boosting their confidence and preparing them effectively for the demands of high school.
Year 7-10: All Subjects
In our tutoring program in Footscray tailored for students in Year 7-10, our objective is to offer a robust grounding in VIC curriculum content for Maths, English, Science and Humanities subjects. This approach not only enhances students' confidence but also ensures they transition seamlessly to Year 11-12 without any knowledge gaps.
Year 11-12: All Subjects
The primary focus of our Footscray tutoring program for Year 11-12 is to support students in achieving excellence in their SACs and External Exams. This effort enhances their ATAR scores and broadens their prospects for university admission by ensuring they attain a profound understanding of the VCAA Curriculum content for Maths, English, Science and Humanities subjects.
Study Skills: Year 7-12
The Pathfinder Program we provide is designed to assist students in Footscray, spanning Years 7-12, in acquiring efficient study techniques that enable smarter learning, minimise distractions, boost motivation, establish effective study routines, and approach exams with reduced stress levels.
What do you need the biggest help in?
(Select one of the options below)
How to get started with 1 to 1 Tutoring Footscray?
Get in touch
Fill out our contact form so we can get in touch about what suits you
Get matched
Be paired with one of our tutors that suit your personality and learning style!
Kickstart your first session
Start your holistic tutoring journey with zero booking and cancellation fees
Let’s Talk
Call us at 1300 267 888 or leave your details below and we’ll be in touch to help you achieve your goals
What makes VCE tutoring Footscray at Art of Smart unique?
Our Art of Smart private tutoring Footscray program have been helping students from P-12 for 13 years and helped students increase their marks. Art of Smart are proud to say that on average our student’s increase their marks by 20.7% and 3 in 4 of our students from Year 12 have received university early entry or scholarship offers.
Our trained tutors for VCE tutoring Footscray will assist and guide your child into becoming the best version of themselves academically. Our tutors can mentor your child, whether they need to prepare for an VCE exam, yearly exams, or you want your child to improve in their knowledge on a certain subject. Art of Smart have got you covered with our 1 to 1 private tutoring in Footscray that will help your child build understanding and confidence
Get in touch with us today! We will have a chat and discuss what are you or your child’s goal academically and we will explain how Art of Smart will help you achieve your goals!
How our Footscray Tutoring team support your child?
Our tutoring Footscray staff collaborates with students to identify and address their main concerns. Our private Footscray tutoring team identifies gaps and fills them by working individually with students, giving your child the tools and information they need to succeed in school.
The teaching staff at Art of Smart in Footscray has a thorough understanding of the VIC curriculum and covers the material carefully. Each teacher is enthusiastic about the things they instruct, and by breaking down complicated ideas into straightforward language, they aid pupils in understanding them.
How will our private tutoring Footscray team be assessed?
Each member of our tutoring Footscray staff must successfully complete a 60-minute interview in which we evaluate their communication abilities to make sure they can interact with your child. Additionally, they must fulfil minimal academic standards. Our interview tests a range of abilities, including the capacity to engage others and communicate.
Additionally, we match each student with a Footscray tutor based on their unique requirements and interests. To guarantee that tutors can interact with your child and discuss mutual interests, ensuring that lessons are always entertaining, we ask instructors about their hobbies, interests, and extracurricular activities!
Find Great Online Tutoring Footscray
Rest assured that you’ll be working with the best of the best when you start with your Art of Smart tutor. All our tutors must have strong academic credentials, including scoring a minimum ATAR of over 90.
Additionally, we require all our tutors to provide a simulated lesson on a subject of their choice during our interview process. This lesson enables us to evaluate their capacity for exchanging ideas and responding to inquiries as well as traits such as patience and compassion.
These requirements guarantee that our tutors are not only experts in their fields but also will provide a secure and friendly learning environment for all students.
No matter if they are in primary school or high school, our Footscray tutoring team continues to offer excellent tutoring for our students to thrive in all areas of their academics. Therefore, if you require VCE Footscray tutoring, our team is ready to assist you in excel in students VCE exam!
Access Comprehensive Tutoring Footscray Resources
The tutors at Art of Smart are skilled and have access to a variety of our very own comprehensive and simple-to-understand P-12 resources for every subject!
This includes English, Maths, Business Management, Economics and many more subjects. We work hard to make sure that our tutoring is effective to our students!
Tailored Tutoring Footscray that meets your needs
At Art of Smart, your child’s education is approached holistically with our Footscray Tutoring. This enables your tutor to comprehend and assist your child’s requirements as best as possible. Our tutors will evaluate how well your child performed on the subject in their prior assessments and point out areas that can be strengthened.
Your child will receive assistance from us in comprehending challenging subjects, producing high-caliber projects, creating effective study schedules, and effectively getting ready for tests.
As a tutoring company, one of our objectives is to help young people feel less stressed so they can enjoy studying and get the most out of their school time.
Comprehensive Resources Built by our Tutoring Footscray Team
As part of your Footscray tutoring experience, your child will receive access to all the tools and resources they need to support their learning. Our tutoring resource library includes detailed lesson plans, practice exam papers and study sheets, chapter breakdowns, and glossaries; the lot!
→ The resources you need to succeed in the areas where your child is struggling
→ The step by step solutions to master challenging concepts
→ Study tips to ace their exams quickly
Our tutors consistently monitor your child’s progress as they work through their homework assignments and learning materials. This way we can easily catch any academic problems before they turn into major issues, saving your child’s grades from suffering.