Expert Tutoring Melbourne for all P-12 Subjects
Conquer VIC curriculum content with an Art of Smart tutor at home or online 🙌

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Trusted by thousands of families & rated 4.9 ⭐️!
1 on 1 Tutoring Melbourne with Incredible Tutors
Gain confidence and ace your outcomes and SACs with Tutoring Melbourne
With Art of Smart’s VCE tutoring Melbourne lessons, you’ll receive tutoring support from our team of incredible tutors. Our tutors include 45+ study scorers, 98+ ATAR graduates and pre-service teachers who all have strong subject expertise, and fantastic communication skills!
Our tutoring Melbourne customers are happy with their tutor’s holistic teaching methods, with 9 in 10 saying that Art of Smart tutoring Melbourne helped them boost their confidence and achieve their goals!
Primary Schools
High Schools
Beverley Hills Primary School
Oakleigh South Primary School
Presbyterian Ladies’ College
South Melbourne Primary School
Carlton Primary School
Kensington Primary School
South Yarra Primary School
Docklands Primary School
Melbourne High School
Bayswater Secondary College
Melbourne Grammar School
Yarra Hills Secondary College
Lilydale High School
Melbourne Girls College
St Bernard’s College
Brighton Grammar School
Learn from our expert P-12 tutoring Melbourne team to achieve results
What sets Art of Smart apart from other tutoring services is our personalised approach — every lesson is crafted to suit you, thanks to our top-notch tutors in Melbourne. Whether you’re tackling VCE English, Year 8 Mathematics or primary school content, we have Melbourne tutors with expertise in all areas of the Victorian curriculum.
We help tutoring Melbourne students in schools like these achieve their goals and ace their SACs and external exams with our award-winning tutoring!
Flexible Melbourne Tutoring that's tailored just for you!
Whether you’re looking for face to face private tutoring Melbourne in the comfort of your own home or at the State Library of Victoria, or online tutoring, our local tutors will make sure that lessons are convenient for you!
We’ll match you with the perfect tutor, who is local and just a stone’s throw away, so we can tailor logistics to your exact needs.
Meet Our 1 on 1 Melbourne Tutors
Maya M
Experienced Economics Tutor | Melbourne
- Studying a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Melbourne
- A patient tutor showing a strong variety of skill sets to help all students of different levels of academic abilities.
- Fun Fact: Outside university and tutoring, Maya loves to dedicate her time to competitive rowing!
Rose M
Experienced English Tutor | Melbourne
- Studying a Bachelor of Arts at the University of Melbourne
- A detail-oriented and adaptable tutor who is committed to ensuring lessons are interactive.
- Top Tip: Making summaries that are digestible and accessible is the key to setting yourself up for success!
Jeff Y
Experienced Maths Tutor | Melbourne
- Studying a Bachelor of Commerce (majoring in Actuarial Studies) at the University of Melbourne
- With creative visuals and presentations, Jeff cultivates a step by step process to get students on track and have a deep understanding of the content.
- Top Tip: Never back down never give up
Tutoring Locations
Your own home
On campus
Personalised Learning Programs for All Subjects
From P-6 through to Year 11-12 we’ve got you covered!
- Primary
- Year 7-10
- Year 11-12
- Study Skills
Primary: P-6
With our primary school Melbourne tutoring, we aim to help students build a solid grasp of essential concepts in Maths, English, and Science, while boosting their self-assurance, preparing them for the challenges of high school.
Year 7-10: All Subjects
With our Melbourne tutoring program for students in Year 7-10, we assist students in starting high school with confidence by establishing a strong understanding of VIC curriculum content in Maths, English and Science, which enables them to avoid any knowledge gaps as they prepare for Year 11-12.
Year 11-12: All Subjects
The focus of our Melbourne tutoring for Year 11-12 is to help students excel in their Maths, English, Science and Humanities SACs and External Exams, boosting their ATAR and university prospects by ensuring they develop a deep understanding of the VCAA Curriculum content.
Study Skills: Year 7-12
Our Pathfinder Program assists students in Years 7-12 to acquire and utilise effective study techniques, including studying efficiently, handling distractions, staying motivated, establishing a consistent study routine, and preparing for exams with reduced anxiety.
Based on over 10 years of research we have conducted with high performing students across Australia, the Pathfinder Program helps students in Melbourne with motivation, study, management and exam preparation.
Check out some of our VIC Curriculum resources!
What do you need the biggest help in?
(Select one of the options below)
How to get started with Melbourne Tutoring
Get in touch
Fill out our contact form so we can get in touch about what suits you
Get matched
Be paired with one of our tutors that suit your personality and learning style!
Kickstart your first session
Start your holistic tutoring journey with zero booking and cancellation fees
Let’s Talk
Call us at 1300 267 888 or leave your details below and we’ll be in touch to help you achieve your goals
Receive study support with our impressive Tutoring Melbourne resources
In addition to private tutoring Melbourne with one of our incredible tutors, you will also gain access to top notch learning resources! These resources are crafted by Art of Smart’s team of wonderful resource designers and are up-to-date with the latest Victoria Curriculum for any P-12 subject. Our resources are packed with a wide range of practice questions, detailed study notes, exemplar responses, and more so you can ace your upcoming assessments!
Holistic VCE Tutoring Melbourne with an incredible tutor
When you choose tutoring Melbourne at Art of Smart, we can guarantee you’re receiving support from the best of the best!
Before starting your VCE tutoring Melbourne lessons, we’ll call you and get to know your tutoring goals and requirements by asking you a bit about your child’s hobbies, career interests and learning style. We’ll also take into account your preferred location and timing for tutoring Melbourne lessons.
From this conversation, our team will carefully select a tutoring Melbourne tutor for you from our vast range of expert tutors. We’ll make sure you’re receiving VCE tutoring Melbourne support from a tutor who matches your needs and goals! We take the tutor’s career path, hobbies, and personality into consideration so that your child will receive tutoring Melbourne lessons from a tutor who is the perfect match for them. This way, your child will build a good rapport with them and learn from a person with great expertise and is an inspiring mentor!
How we recruit our VCE Tutoring Melbourne team
You can rest assured that we’ve matched you up with the perfect tutor, because all our VCE tutoring Melbourne tutors have been recruited through a very thorough process!
Our recruitment team will carefully assess all tutoring Melbourne applications through a 1-hour interview where tutors teach a mock lesson to our recruitment team. This way we can guarantee you’re receiving tutoring Melbourne from an excellent communicator and talented teacher who makes learning fun and approachable and is skilled at simplifying complex concepts. Our VCE tutoring Melbourne teaching team is also made up of high achieving tutors with 90+ ATARs and extensive subject knowledge, so you’ll certainly receive tutoring Melbourne from a dedicated and highly qualified tutor!
We also ensure our tutors are well-equipped to create a safe and welcoming environment for tutoring Melbourne lessons. All tutors are required to have a valid Working With Children Check and will also undergo additional Art of Smart training to help them deliver lessons and prioritise students’ health and wellbeing.
Research-backed Tutoring Melbourne to help you reach your goals
Your tutor will make sure that your private tutoring Melbourne lessons are providing you the holistic support you need to ace your studies.
Our tutoring Melbourne teaching methods are built upon a strong foundation of over 10 years of extensive research with the Top 2% of students in Australia. What we’ve discovered through our research is that holistic learning is the key to accessing those top marks! Which is why here at Art of Smart, we provide 1 on 1 private tutoring Melbourne that not only boosts your subject-specific understanding, but also supports your personal growth and development.
Your tutor will work with you to develop a study plan and walk you through simple tips and tricks to help you study effectively. From avoiding burnout and taking healthy study breaks to minimising procrastination and reducing exam stress, your tutor has all the tips you need to ace studying! Your mental health and wellbeing will be at the heart of every tutoring Melbourne lesson, so no matter what your goals are, one of our wonderful tutors will help you reach them in a holistic and personalised way!
How we personalise Tutoring Melbourne lessons
Our VCE tutoring Melbourne team will make sure that every lesson is tailored to suit your needs and goals. So whether you’re looking for Year 7 English tutoring or VCE Chemistry tutoring Melbourne, we’ve got you covered with our subject-specific lessons!
When you choose Art of Smart tutoring Melbourne, your tutor will carefully design lessons based on your child’s goals, learning style, and topics they find challenging. All our tutoring Melbourne lessons are individualised to help you plan ahead, catch up, and easily understand complex concepts. Every private VCE tutoring Melbourne lesson starts with a 5 minute chat about any upcoming assignments, homework, and confusing topics to understand what needs to be top-priority for the remainder of the lesson.
Over the next 50 minutes, your tutor will delve deeper into these priority topics and go through practice questions, homework, and feedback on assessments. Your tutoring Melbourne lesson will also end with a 5 minute review to set goals for the rest of the week and identify 1-2 tips to help you study effectively while staying healthy.
Flexible Tutoring Melbourne to suit your needs
Here at Art of Smart, we know it can be challenging to squeeze tutoring into your already hectic schedule. Which is why we make sure to deliver tutoring Melbourne lessons whenever and wherever you’d prefer! Whether you’re looking for online tutoring Melbourne or private tutoring Melbourne in the comfort of your own home, rest assured that you’ve come to the right place.
Face to Face Tutoring Melbourne
If it’s face to face private tutoring Melbourne you’re after, look no further! Your tutor will call you to find a day, time and location that works for you. They will then travel to your address to deliver tutoring Melbourne lessons in the comfort of your own home.
Online Tutoring Melbourne
Alternatively, we also offer live and interactive online tutoring Melbourne lessons! You can say goodbye to self-paced activities and boring pre-recorded videos, because all our online lessons are designed to make you feel as though you were sitting right beside your tutor. All online tutoring Melbourne lessons will make use of functions such as screen sharing, digital whiteboard, chat, and more so that you have the chance to ask your tutor burning questions, get feedback on homework, and work through practice questions. This way, you will receive online tutoring Melbourne lessons that are fun and engaging!