Ace P-12 subjects with professional Townsville tutoring
Work with us online or in the comfort of your own home 🙌

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Valued by countless families and rated 4.9 ⭐️!
Personalised 1 on 1 Townsville Tutoring
Develop confidence and grasp all P-12 subjects
Quality Townsville tutoring has been our know-how since our founding in 2009. We’re here to help students become their best across P-12 and all subjects, from Maths, English, Science to History and more! We provide one-on-one support in the comfort of your own home or online.
We will match you with one of our outstanding tutors who will develop a personalised learning plan tailored to your individual needs, empowering you to gain confidence and excel in your assessments. With 40% of our students achieving an ATAR of over 95 and 7 out of 10 students securing an A grade, you can be assured that you have made the right decision in choosing our tutoring support.
Primary Schools
High Schools
Townsville South State School
Belgian Gardens State School
Townsville Central State School
St Joseph’s Catholic School, The Strand
Townsville West State School
Annandale Christian College
Hermit Park State School
Mundingburra State School
Holy Spirit Primary School
Kelso State School
Railway Estate State School
Townsville State High School
Pimlico State High School
William Ross State High School
Thuringowa State High School
Heatley Secondary College
Kirwan State High School
Ignatius Park College
St Margaret Mary’s College
St Patrick’s College
Northern Beaches State High School
Professional Townsville tutoring right next-door
Trust our Townsville tutoring team of QCAA Curriculum specialists to deliver efficient lessons that are in accordance with your subject’s syllabus demands. As an Art of Smart student, you will have privileged access to up-to-date QCAA Curriculum resources for all major P-12 subjects!
You will be supported by exceptional Townsville tutors, such as those who have achieved ATAR scores of 95+, graduates of the QCE Honour Roll, Master’s and PhD students, and others who have undergone extensive training in our comprehensive Art of Smart teaching method. Check out some of the Townsville schools where we’ve helped students fulfil their potential!
No contracts, flexible sessions, with our Happiness Guarantee!
We know Townsville like the inside of our pockets: we hire and train the best Townsville tutors to make sure we can meet at your convenience, whether at home, online, or in Townsville City Library.
Importantly, you can easily get started with no contracts, or booking fees. This means you can be feel comfortable to get started, knowing that at any time if you aren’t happy, you can stop sessions, and we’ll refund you for any any remaining sessions you had already paid for!
Meet Our 1 on 1 Townsville Tutoring Team
Ryan N
Experienced Economics Tutor | Sydney
- Studying a Bachelor of Applied Finance/Bachelor of Economics
- Senior Economics and Business Studies Coach at Art of Smart
- Top Tip: Keep up to date with your textbook readings and homework
Brooklyn A
Experienced English Tutor
- Bachelor of Arts in English (Honours)
- Co-Host of the English Literature Program on Art of Smart TV
- Class Teacher of the Year 2020
- Top tip: To set yourself up for success, spend time understanding your text's ideas and concepts!
Emily H
Biology Tutor
- Currently studying a Bachelor of Marine Biology!
- Experienced Biology Tutor
- Top Tip: You should find what works for you and stick with it! There isn’t a magical formula for studying success.
Adrian W
Head of Science
- Qualified High School Teacher
- Bachelor of Science in Physics and Chemistry
- Head of Sciences at Art of Smart
- Top Tip: Consistency is key! Stay on top of your work to ensure you don't resort to cramming!
Tutoring Locations
Your own home
On campus
Personalised Learning Programs for All Subjects
From P-6 through to Year 11-12 we’ve got you covered!
- Primary
- Year 7-10
- Year 11-12
- Study Skills
Primary: P-6
Our primary school Townsville tutoring helps students in developing a robust comprehension across the essential strands of content in Maths, English, Science and Technology. While boosting their self-assurance, thereby preparing them for high school.
Year 7-10: All Subjects
Our Year 7-10 tutoring in Townsville aids students in making a confident transition to high school while establishing a firm foundation in their content knowledge based on the QLD curriculum in Maths, English, Science and Humanities. This ensures that they do not have any gaps as they prepare themselves for Year 11-12.
Year 11-12: All Subjects
Our Year 11-12 Townsville tutoring assists students in their final years of school with the updated QCAA Curriculum in subjects like Maths, English, Science and Humanities. We aim to enhance their content proficiency so that they can excel in their Internal Assessments and External Examinations, maximising their ATAR and expanding their opportunities for university studies.
Study Skills: Year 7-12
Our Pathfinder Program offers assistance to students in Year 7-12, enabling them to acquire and implement effective study techniques. By adopting these strategies, they can study smarter, overcome distractions, stay motivated, establish a productive study routine, and prepare for exams with less stress.
Based on over 10 years of research we have conducted with high performing students across Australia, the Pathfinder Program helps students in Townsville with motivation, time management, study planning and exam preparation.
Check out some of our QLD Curriculum resources!
QLD Subject Scaling: Which Subjects Scale the Best from QCAA?
The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Problem-Solving and Modelling Task (PSMT) Report for General Maths
4 Simple Steps You Can Follow to Ace Your Research Investigation for QCAA Biology IA3
Download The Ultimate List of QCAA Cognitive Verbs That You Need To Know
The Definitive Guide to Writing a Student Experiment Report for QCAA Chemistry
Extensive QLD Curriculum Resources Designed by Expert Tutors
Our Tutoring Resource Books offer a comprehensive learning experience for P-12 students, with interactive exercises, detailed explanations and notes, worked examples, and ample practice questions all aligned to the QLD Curriculum!
What do you need the biggest help in?
(Select one of the options below)
How to get started with 1 on 1 Townsville Tutoring
Get in touch
Fill out our contact form so we can get in touch about what suits you
Get matched
Be paired with one of our tutors that suit your personality and learning style!
Kickstart your first session
Start your holistic tutoring journey with zero booking and cancellation fees
Let’s Talk
Call us at 1300 267 888 or leave your details below and we’ll be in touch to help you achieve your goals
Townsville tutoring, your guide through assessment
Students often obsess and revise content and material that is irrelevant to their weaknesses, and have little to no idea what specific syllabus points to target in order to significantly improve their exam scores. This is often due to poor preparation, and not the student’s capabilities. This is why our personalised Townsville tutoring resources are packed with relevant practice questions that will develop and hone your skill, directing it to meaningful practice that will improve exam performance when assessment time strikes.
Tutoring Townsville is always up to date!
We constantly stay up to date with the latest from the curriculum, so we can make sure our Townsville tutoring resources cover every section of the syllabus, bullet point by bullet point. This gives us enough accuracy in our assessments of your skill to exactly gauge where your strengths and weaknesses lie, and focus on improving the lacklustre parts and strengthen your strong points even further.
We take great care in developing our Townsville tutoring personalised resources, so that they can cover as much ground as possible, as well as give you the most in terms of exam practice and skill development, in a short period of time. We know very well that a full day of school plus a tutoring session can be an overload sometimes, so our resources aim to make our time together as effective as possible, and get out the most out of your practice, fo you can achieve your best in no time!
Townsville tutoring that suits you
It can often be hard to find tutors that work around your busy schedules, that understand what you need and where you’d like to see yourself achieve. Art of Smart Townsville tutoring is here for exactly this reason. We develop a study program that is right for your needs, where your input is what we consider first, starting with where you feel most comfortable. Our Townsville tutors are flexible enough to meet at your own home, Townsville library, or where it suits you best.
Townsville tutoring is about understanding your endgame and your starting point. Our tutors conduct a thorough analysis of your skills in the wide array of subjects you may have chosen to seek help with. We do this by looking at past assessments, recent schoolwork, and most importantly, listening to your feedback as to where you’d like to improve. This guarantees that you get your money’s worth in terms of time and progress.
Get on top of schoolwork with Townsville tutoring
A huge challenge when it comes to succeeding at school is keeping up with your schoolwork, that can often get hectic, especially when preparing for an exam. This is where we make the difference. Chances are, study habits are what’s missing with these sorts of problems. Our Townsville tutoring approach puts your wellbeing first, and seeks to help you create the optimal balance between your school obligations and your favourite activities.
Manage your time with Tutoring Townsville
Our tutoring Townsville methods can help you craft a better schedule and routine that benefits your happiness, lee’s you have a healthy social life, and improve your marks. Does this sound too good to be true? It might right now, but Art of Smart was created specifically for this reason. We understand school isn’t everything. And we help you succeed at it without sacrificing all your other talents and wants, that are just as important.
You will learn to divide up your time effectively, taking in consideration your assignment preparation, your other commitments, and other schoolwork you might have due. We will help you develop a schedule that is rigid enough to push you to meet deadlines and deliver drafts to the best of your ability.
Townsville tutoring from the best Townsville tutors
Here at Art of Smart we take great pride in the way we select and prepare our tutors to teach and mentor our customers. We understand that every student is unique, with their own interests and goals, as well as work ethic. Naturally, to cater to such a large pool of diverse people, we need an equally diverse and talented group of tutors.
Our Townsville tutors are picked amongst the top academic performers in Australia: we have a rigorous bench mark of eligibility, by which our tutors must achieve a 90% on their final high school exams to be able to be part of Art of Smart. This ensures we can provide the best quality tutoring and support to every customer. Another factor we take pride in is the wide array of specialisations that our tutors have. No matter what level you are at in a specific subject, Townsville tutoring is right for you, as we have a passionate teacher ready to match to your level. Whether you’re grappling with standard English or advanced mathematics, there is a Townsville tutor waiting for your needs.
The Best Townsville Tutoring Resources Out There
Since our founding in 2009, Art of Smart has gained a lot of valuable experiences working with students from every academic background. Given we’ve also worked for many years with most schools in the area, we know, on a local level, what academic requirements are, and what the syllabus requires. Thanks to this precious insight and the combined effort of our passionate teachers and tutors, Art of Smart has developed unique, personalised townsville tutoring resources based on years of experience and research, to help you study smarter, and not harder.
Townsville tutoring is what sets you apart
Another factor that sets us apart from others, is that our tutors are trained to be mentors. Performance in school is influenced by many factors, and it is not easy nowadays to keep up with everything. Hence why our Townsville tutors assume the roles of advisors and mentors, helping you keep your options open after highschool, discussing career paths and help you run through your future plans after school.
As we mentioned before, there is a tutor for every year and every level, so do not hesitate to get in touch, we accommodate all P-12 subjects.