VCE Together Year 12 Biology: Apoptosis: Programmed Cell Death


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Apoptosis: Programmed Cell Death

Apoptosis: Programmed Cell Death is a part of the VCE Biology area of study ‘How do Cellular Processes Work?’ and subtopic ‘Cellular Signals’. There are two ways that a cell can die. These are:

  • necrosis: a messy process which occurs when a cell is damaged by an external force
  • apoptosis: a cleaner process which follows a controlled, predictable route.

In this post, we look at apoptosis. In this process, cells are packaged into a membrane for the collection of immune cells. This process is important in embryonic development.

What’s the Difference Between Apoptosis and Necrosis?

This video compares apoptosis and necrosis.


What is the Process of Apoptosis

This video explains how apoptosis works.


Looking for more resources? Check out more of our VCE Biology resources here!

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