What is instantaneous and average velocity?
In this post, we conduct a practical investigation to gather data to facilitate the analysis of instantaneous and average velocity through quantitative, first-hand measurements and the graphical representation and interpretation of data as a part of the Prelim Physics course under the module Kinematics and sub-part Motion in a Straight Line. Instantaneous velocity is the velocity of an object in motion at a specific point in time, while the average velocity is a vector quantity calculated by dividing the displacement by the total time taken.
The following two videos dive deeper into motion and the definition of instantaneous and average velocity. The Crash Course video on motion is extremely useful in understanding further topics of motion in a straight line, while the second video gives a clearer explanation on instantaneous speed and velocity.
Part 1: Crash Course motion in a straight line
Part 2: Instantaneous speed and velocity
Practical Investigation
The video below depicts a practical investigation conducted to gather data to visualise constant velocity and acceleration.