As a HSC student, you may be questioning “How Long Should I Be Studying a Day?“. Do I need to study for over 10 hours a day to get that Band 6? These HSC Study Skills Videos will help you answer this question and help you ace your HSC Exams!Â
Why Asking “How Many Hours Should I Study?” is the Wrong Question!
Wondering how many hours you should study for school each day? In this video, Rowan shares why this is actually the entirely WRONG question you should be asking!
How to Study 1 Hour Per Day and Score a 99+ ATAR (CASE STUDY)
How many study hours should you do each day for your HSC? 2 hours? 4 hours? 5 hours each night? In this video, Rowan interviews Tom who scored an 99.85 ATAR while being School Captain and representing NSW in sport!
How do you get to study when you have zero motivation to do so? It’s a problem we’ve all faced, myself included. Let’s be real, watching Jocko Willink YouTube videos amps you up in the moment, but motivation doesn’t sustain you, and soon enough, you’re back in a rut.