Science as Human Endeavour
This post will go through some things to look into for SHE for QCE Chemistry.
4.1.6 – Science as a Human Endeavour (SHE)
- SHE subject matter will not be assessed on the external examination, but could be used in the development of claims and research questions for the research investigation.
Functional Groups and Organic Chemistry
- Functional groups and organic chemistry: Developments in computer modelling enabled more accurate visualisation and prediction of three-dimensional organic structures, such as proteins, which is critical in drug design and biotechnology.
This video looks at the 3D structure and bonding of organic compounds.
You would have looked at various analytical techniques from previous posts but this video shows the application of computational chemistry.
Green Polymer Chemistry
- Green polymer chemistry: Synthetic polymers often have large ‘ecological footprints’ as they are synthesised from fossil fuels and do not biodegrade. Therefore, sustainable polymers, produced from renewable sources such as plants, waste products and waste gases are ‘greener’.
This video is a little background on the challenges of plastics.
This video looks at some work occurring in the development of green chemistry.
Use of Organochlorine Compounds as Insecticides
- Use of organochlorine compounds as insecticides: Organochlorine compounds, such as DDT, chlordane and lindane, were identified as powerful insecticides in the 1950s because their structure makes them chemically unreactive.
This video looks at DDT.
This video is a small TED-Ed video on pesticides.