Elevate your academic performance with our P-12 English tutoring Brisbane
Learn 1 on 1 with a tutor in your own home or online 🙌

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Relied on by countless families, with a 4.9 ⭐️ rating!
Learn with a Passionate English Tutor in Brisbane
Our students transform their English skills
All students from Prep through to Year 12 benefit greatly from working with one of our English Tutoring Brisbane team members due to our expertise! We have over a decade of experience supporting thousands of students and are QLD curriculum experts!
Whether you’re in primary school or studying English Literature, our students working with an English tutor Brisbane have seen a 20.7% increase in their marks and 1 in 5 of our Year 12 students score an ATAR over 95!
High Schools
Primary Schools
Mitchelton State High School
St James College
Mansfield State High School
Brisbane Girls Grammar School
Cavendish Road State High School
Earnshaw State College
Kedron State High School
Mount Gravatt State High School
Clayfield College
Wilston State School
Holy Family Primary School
Seven Hills State School
St Finbarr’s Primary School
Aspley East State School
Bald Hills State School
Dakabin State School
St James Catholic Primary School
Sunnybank State School
St Peters Lutheran College
Ipswich Grammar School
Ashgrove State School
Sheldon College
St Laurence’s College
Padua College
Marymount College
San Sisto College
St Patrick’s College
English tutors in Brisbane that know the QLD curriculum back to front
Our team of experienced English Tutors Brisbane include 95+ ATAR scorers, university graduates with English majors and qualified teachers! All are equipped with QLD curriculum designed lessons and resources to support students in Brisbane master the key writing skills and texts for their school.
With flexible 1 on 1 support either face to face or online, in the comfort of your own home, we’ve supported students with English tutoring Brisbane from schools all over Brisbane and QLD.
Our English tutors Brisbane are flexible and fit into your busy schedule & life!
We understand that life is busy so our team work with your schedule and location. Your Art of Smart English tutor Brisbane is available either face to face in your own home, online, or at your local library, including the State Library of Queensland.
Need regular weekly sessions, or exam focused support? Need English General, or English Literature support? Our English tutoring Brisbane team will build a personalised plan for you. With no contracts, or booking fees, you can dial your support up and down as you need it!
Meet Our English Tutors in Brisbane
Luca H
Experienced English Tutor | Brisbane
- Studying a Bachelor of Advanced Finance and Economics (Honours) at the University of Queensland
- Effective tutor who explains complex ideas effectively to students and creates a meaningful connection with each of them.
- Top Tip: Sleep 8-10 hours a night and go to bed at the same time every night.
Monique Y
Experienced English Tutor | Brisbane
- Studying a Bachelor of Speech Pathology at the University of Queensland
- An avid pianist and clarinet musician!
- Top Tip: Try and teach the content to your friends or family as it helps you to remember it!
Jack R
Experienced English Tutor | Brisbane
- Studying a Master of Psychology Education and Developmental at Queensland University of Technology
- Jack is a senior gymnastics coach and has competed at the representative level for gymnastics
- Top Tip: Be thoughtful about time management, focusing only on relevant tasks for the topic and assessment.
Annabella P
Experienced English Tutor | Brisbane
- Studying a Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication) at the University of Queensland
- A lively and engaging tutor who provides a structured approach to learning, establishing the context and syllabus dot point before she begins.
- Top Tip: No matter how big or small the question, always do drafts and make sure to send them to your tutor to utilise the help that is there for you!
Tutoring Locations
Your own home
On campus
We Support Various Levels of QLD English
From P-10 through to Year 11-12 we’ve got you covered!
- P-10
- General English
- Literature
P-10: QLD Curriculum English
Our P-10 English tutoring Brisbane supports students in developing a strong understanding of the Queensland Curriculum English across key strands of content, including reading, writing, language, and literature. Our program focuses on developing students' analytical and critical thinking skills, as well as enhancing their communication and literacy skills.
Our program also includes NAPLAN support for Year 3, 5, 7, and 9 students to ensure they are fully prepared for these important assessments.
General English: Year 11-12
Our tutors are experienced in helping students master the content of the QLD English General curriculum, which includes Units 1-4 covering perspectives and texts, texts and culture, textual connections, and close study of literary texts. We provide guidance and practice across the three key areas of study in each unit, including texts in contexts, language and textual analysis, and responding to and creating texts.
Our tutors help students develop their skills in creative and critical responses to literary texts, and engage in conversations about concepts and issues in texts. With our support, students can build their confidence and achieve success in their English General studies.
Literature: Year 11-12
Our tutoring offering for Year 11 and 12 students taking QLD Literature is designed to provide comprehensive support across all four units of the curriculum. Through our program, students will develop a deep understanding of the key concepts, themes and techniques used in literary texts. They will learn how to analyse and respond to texts, and how to create their own imaginative and analytical pieces.
We will focus on helping students develop their critical thinking skills and their ability to articulate their thoughts effectively. With our experienced tutors, students will build their confidence and develop the skills necessary to excel in their assessments and examinations.
Extensive QLD Curriculum Resources Designed by Experienced English Tutors
Our P-12 QLD Curriculum English tutoring resource books have a variety of skill-building activities, practice questions and sample responses that will ensure you have everything you need to stay up to date and excel in English!
Check out our QCAA English tutoring Brisbane resources!
The Complete Guide to Writing an Analytical Essay for QCAA English
The Ultimate Guide to QCAA English Unit 3: Textual Connections
How to Write an Analytical Written Response for Your QCAA English Exam
How to Create a Literary Article for Your QCE English IA1
QCAA English: The Ultimate Guide to Achieving an A
How to get started with English Tutors Brisbane
Get in touch
Fill out our contact form so we can get in touch about what suits you
Get matched
Be paired with one of our tutors that suit your personality and learning style!
Kickstart your first session
Start your holistic tutoring journey with zero booking and cancellation fees
Let’s Talk
Call us at 1300 267 888 or leave your details below and we’ll be in touch to help you achieve your goals
Our Online English Tutoring Brisbane Sessions
A pandemic world has created some blocks in providing quality education to students, but here at Art of Smart, we have adapted to provide high quality education on an interactive, online platform!
Our online English tutoring Brisbane is highly personalised for each student, targeting all the areas your child might need support with, utilising Art of Smart’s large bank of resources and the skills of our amazing Brisbane English tutors.
Each English tutor Brisbane will generally conduct online classes over a zoom platform, which has features such as screen share, whiteboard and file sharing among others, which allows the online learning space to be a seamless transition from the in person school environment, whilst maintaining the engagement and interactivity. Our English tutors Brisbane also utilise platforms such as google documents for real time collaboration on english tasks, including various question responses and assignment feedback!
Such use of various applications allows the online learning platform to be highly effective and personalised, whilst cutting down travel time!
The #1 Provider of English Tutoring Brisbane
If you are searching for an enthusiastic, qualified English tutor Brisbane, you have most definitely come to the right place! Art of Smart Education has a large team of expert Brisbane English tutors that will be able to help you with any and all of your childs’ English needs!
Our English tutors Brisbane have an impressive track record, with 13 years of experience and with that, thousands of students that have been able to improve and feel more confident about their English skills. With this amount of expertise, we can most certainly help your child achieve their goals with English tutoring Brisbane!
The English tutor Brisbane services that we offer are award-winning, and highly personalised, catering for all students from years P through to year 12, for all levels of English. Our qualified team of English tutors Brisbane will help your child fulfill their potential and gain confidence in English, no matter if they are just starting out in primary school, are in high school, or are sitting their QCE exams this year! We have the team, and the resources to help your child!
Our flexible and holistic approach
Our 1 on 1 English tutoring takes place either in the comfort of your own home, or online! Our amazing English tutors Brisbane comprehensively move through the English curriculum at your child’s pace, supporting students to gain all the necessary skills they need to excel in English and improve their written and verbal communication skills!
Additionally, your English tutor Brisbane will diligently work to help your child develop their soft skills, including study skills and exam skills, which are not only beneficial for their primary and high school lives, but are transferable once they leave high school! These soft skill techniques are all based on research we’ve conducted with Australia’s top-performing students! This allows our students to confidently excel in their exams with less stress while maintaining their wellbeing.
Why work with an Art of Smart English tutor Brisbane?
Are you looking for English tutoring Brisbane for your child? Well, if you are, Art of Smart has the best tutors and resources to help your child excel in English! We have a large and growing team of English tutors Brisbane who have been working with students from all year levels, for over 10 years! Our tutors have supported primary school students who have begun to learn about grammar, high school students who have learnt how to master essay writing, and guided students as they worked towards and sat their QCE English exams! Whatever your need, we have a tutor that can help you!
Your English tutor Brisbane has undergone a meticulous recruitment process which ensures that we are able to provide the quality education and support that your child deserves. This recruitment process also allows us to be 100% certain that your child’s tutor has the relevant subject knowledge, rapport building skills and teaching skills that will allow them to help your child excel in English.
Your Art of Smart English tutor Brisbane must also meet some competitive academic requirements, obtain a national police check and show a high level of communication, rapport building, and teaching skill, which we assess through a 60 minute interview process. We also ensure to take note of the hobbies and interests of our English tutors Brisbane, in order for us to match your child with a tutor that they are able to relate to and connect with.
Out of the thousands of applicants that apply to be Brisbane English tutors, we only recruit 1 in 8, meaning that your English tutor Brisbane will only be of the best!
Tailored English tutoring Brisbane that suits your needs
At Art of Smart Education, we strive to provide the best quality education to all our students in a manner that best suits them. We provide English tutoring services that are in our students’ homes, or online. In this way, we are able to reach all students who require support!
English tutoring Brisbane face to face, in your home
If you prefer face to face or in-home tutoring, we’ll help identify the times that best suit you and your family so that we can support your children! We have a wide variety of tutors with flexible schedules meaning that we will be able to find tutors who can comfortably support your child in the comfort of your own home.
Work with an English tutor Brisbane online
Art of Smart Education understands that online tutoring may have a bad rep, which is exactly why we work hard to create an online learning experience that is like no other! Our online tutoring sessions are offered on programs such as zoom or google meets which each have their own unique features that allow for a smooth learning experience. Our tech savvy English tutors Brisbane know how to make online learning fun, allowing your child to enjoy and explore their subject as they would in a classroom setting. Features such as screen sharing, digital whiteboards and Google docs allow for live, real time collaboration and engagement, allowing for the most convenient type of tutoring to be as effective as a face to face session.
Start English tutoring Brisbane with us today!
If you have liked what you’ve read, give us a ring on 1300 267 888 or send us an inquiry form on our website, and we’ll be sure to listen to your needs, and match you up with one of our talented tutors!