Science as Human Endeavour
This post will go through some things to look into for SHE for QCE Chemistry.
4.2.5 – Science as a Human Endeavour (SHE)
- SHE subject matter will not be assessed on the external examination, but could be used in the development of claims and research questions for the research investigation.
Green Chemistry
- Green synthesis methods and atom economy: Green chemistry aims to increase the atom economy of chemical processes by designing novel reactions that can maximise the desired products and minimise by-products. Designing new synthetic schemes that can simplify operations in chemical productions, and seeking greener solvents that are inherently environmentally and ecologically benign, are also important in developing sustainable chemical industries.
This video goes through the 12 principles of green chemistry.
Synthesising Biofuel
- Biofuel synthesis: Dwindling supplies of economically viable sources of fossil fuels and concerns related to carbon emissions have prompted research into the synthesis of biofuels from plant feedstocks, such as algae,
oil seeds and wood waste, or from waste materials, such as food industry waste oils.
This video looks at the synthesis of biodiesel.
The Future of Molecular Manufacturing
- Development of molecular manufacturing processes: Molecular manufacturing (or molecular assembly) involves building objects to atomic precision using robotic mechanisms to position and react molecules. Molecular manufacturing arguably has the potential to quickly develop products (such as stronger materials, and smaller, faster and more energyefficient computers) and address a range of global issues through provision of vital materials and products at a greatly reduced cost and environmental impact.
This video is a TED talk on molecular manufacturing.