Science as a Human Endeavour
This post will go through some things to look into for SHE for Unit 3 Topic 2 of QCE Chemistry.
3.2.6 – Science as a Human Endeavour (SHE)
- SHE subject matter will not be assessed on the external examination, but
could be used in the development of claims and research questions for a
research investigation.
- Breathalysers and measurement of blood alcohol levels: The level of
alcohol in the body can be measured by testing breath or blood alcohol
This video goes through how breathalysers work.
Fuel Cells and Their Uses
- Fuel cells and their uses: Fuel cells are a potential lower-emission
alternative to the internal combustion engine and are already being used to
power buses, boats, trains and cars.
This video will introduce and explain fuel cells.
Electrochemistry for Clean Water
- Electrochemistry for clean water: Electrochemistry has a wide range of
uses, ranging from industrial scale metal extraction to personal cosmetic
This video will go through the relationship between electrochemistry and clean water.