What are Oxidation and Combustion Reactions?
This post will go through oxidation and combustion for QCE Chemistry.
4.1.3 – Organic Reactions and Reaction Pathways
- Describe, using equations:
- Oxidation reactions of alcohols and the complete combustion of alkanes and alcohols
- Understand that organic reactions can be identified using characteristic observations and recall tests to distinguish between:
- Primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols using acidified potassium
dichromate (VI) and potassium manganate (VII)
- Primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols using acidified potassium
The Oxidation of Alcohols
This video will go through the oxidation of alcohols.
Observations of the Oxidation of Alcohols
This video goes through a practical which shows some observations when oxidising alcohols.
This video will go through complete and incomplete combustion.