BlogStudyThe Ultimate 7 Day Study Plan for VCE Physical Education

The Ultimate 7 Day Study Plan for VCE Physical Education

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Whether your VCE Physical Education exam is in months, or just one week, we’ve got you covered with our study plan! 

This content-heavy subject can often be stressful to study for, but follow this plan and you should feel prepped and ready to go! 

Let’s get started!

Day 1: Figure Out Your Study Priorities
Day 2: Teach Someone The Concepts You’ve Learnt
Day 3: Summarise Your Study Notes
Day 4: Complete Some Practice Papers
Day 5: Time Yourself for Practice Exams
Day 6: Do Exams Under Less Time
Day 7: Go Over the Study Design

Day 1 of the VCE Physical Education Study Plan: Figure Out Your Study Priorities

Day 1 has a lot of prepping involved.  

The key to any plan is figuring out what you need to do. Throughout all 7 days of study, you should know what areas of study you need to prioritise.

The most effective way to work your priorities on the VCE Physical Education study plan is to find your weaknesses. You can use the following steps: 

Step #1: Rate Each Dot Point From 1-5

Grab out your VCE Physical Education study design. Rate each of the dot points between 1-5. 

Labeling a 5 means you feel like you’re all set for the topic! On the flip side, labeling a 1 means you don’t even remember covering this topic.

Don’t worry if you’re seeing a lot of 1’s and 2’s on your VCE Physical Education study design at this point, you’ll work on those in the next 7 days!

Step #2: Order The Topics Based on Priority

Now that you’ve done that, the next step is to order your topics so you know what to study for! The lower numbers, 1’s and 2’s, should have a larger priority comparative to your higher ranked numbers.

This is now your list of topics to cover over the next 7 days.

Step #3: Check the Quality of Your Notes 

The next order of business is to look at all of your notes for each of the dot points, and compare the quality of your notes for the 3’s, 4’s, and 5’s, against the notes for the 1’s and 2’s. 

You might notice that your notes for 1’s and 2’s may not be as good as your higher numbers! This actually gives you a lot of space to improve easily.

Step #4: Start Polishing your Notes!

Start by writing brief but comprehensive exam study notes for those topics. 

Make sure you are sticking close to the syllabus to ensure you are getting all the bits you need and you aren’t studying useless information.

Your brief exam notes can come from anywhere, including handouts and slide decks from your teacher, the textbook your class is using and any additional information you can find on the internet!

Note: If you’re completing this study plan with the bare minimum of 7 days before the exam, get ready to knuckle down! Hopefully the time crunch will motivate you to smash through the work to the best of your ability!

Rate - VCE Physical Education Study Plan

Day 2: Teach Someone The Concepts You’ve Learnt

On Day 2, continue writing notes for your high priority topics.

For a great way to see if you really conceptually understand the topics, try to teach someone else

If you can successfully teach someone else, it shows that you clearly understand the information and can communicate it effectively. You have covered all the necessary information and you are logical and systematic with your explanation. 

Understanding all the key information and explaining it logically will translate to scoring higher on a given question

Tip: Always ask the person you are teaching what they may not have understood, as that may be a gap in your explanation and therefore it is something to go back and revise.

Day 3: Summarise Your Study Notes

Now it is time to turn your attention to the 3’s, 4’s and 5’s that you haven’t focussed on the past two days. 

It is important to still revise these topics even though you are more confident in your understanding of them! The goal is to summarise and shorten your notes, rather than relearning the information.

Great way to do this is to rewrite key definitions and focus on key points. Drawing pictures, flow charts and diagrams are also a great way to revisualise your understanding of topics.

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Day 4 the VCE Physical Education Study Plan: Complete Some Practice Papers

It’s Day 4 of your VCE Physical Education study plan, which means you’ve passed halfway and are nearing your exam date. 

This means you should start to transition your study from more understanding into exam focused practice.

The goal is to complete as many practice questions as possible. The key thing to do is treat them as if they are real exam questions and try not to look at any notes.

Once you’ve completed the practice questions, here comes the equally important part: marking. Here are some pointers when correcting your answers: 

  1. Make a note of the exemplar answers
  2. Rewrite and redraft the answers for the questions you get wrong
  3. Keep your redrafted answers in a separate book and go over them as you would with your study notes

Day 5: Time Yourself for Practice Exams

For day 5 of your VCE Physical Education study plan, continue studying until you can perform your best in exam conditions. This means doing practice exams under time constraints.

Before doing this, it’s a good idea to revise the dot points which you were unsure about the days prior. 

Getting into the habit of doing this in the next few days will mimic what you are going to do on your exam day!

Heart - VCE Physical Education Study Plan

Day 6: Do Exams Under Less Time

Aim to do your exams under timed conditions, but with about 15 minutes left to go!

This will help you in a few ways. Firstly, it will give you extra time for any difficult questions you might encounter in the actual exam. 

Additionally, finishing with extra time is always a good idea. It gives you time to look over your answers and correct any mistakes you may have made or finish off any questions you may have left.

Note: As with Day 5, the first thing you want to do is to review the topics that you were unsure about. Now, all you got to do is do what you did yesterday. Practice makes perfect.

Day 7 of the VCE Physical Education Study Plan: Go Over the Study Design

Congratulations, you’ve made it through an intense week of studying. 

Day 7 is your final opportunity to go over anything that you are not 100% sure on. It is always a good idea to still be writing these down as you go through these topics.

A nice starting point is to go through the syllabus and your notes. Rewrite 3-5 dot points per topic.

On the night before your exam, finish off with a healthy meal, a well-deserved break and good night’s sleep, and you’re all set!

And, That’s Your 7 Day Study Plan for VCE Physical Education!

Aim for at least 120 minutes of study each day — this way, you’ll be able to get enough done to be able to cover enough knowledge to give yourself a great fighting chance.

Remember that the hard part is over and now you are just executing everything you have learnt! 

Want to boost your exam confidence? Check out more of our VCE Physical Education resources:

Are you looking for some extra help with preparing for your VCE Physical Education exam?

We have an incredible team of VCE tutors and mentors!

We can help you master the VCE Physical Education study design and ace your upcoming VCE assessments with personalised lessons conducted one-on-one in your home or online!

Stay accountable to your study plan with a tutor in Footscray or VCE tutor in Doncaster to help you ACE your upcoming Physical Education assessments!

We’ve supported over 8,000 students over the last 11 years, and on average our students score mark improvements of over 20%!

To find out more and get started with an inspirational VCE tutor and mentor, get in touch today or give us a ring on 1300 267 888!

Joshua Kulasingham is currently a Content Writer at Art of Smart. He completed a Bachelor of Science and a Masters of Occupational Therapy and has written for a variety of charity organisations and has worked for educational resource companies. In addition to this, he has had a variety of tutoring experiences with different students. In his free time, he loves playing basketball, playing the drums and hanging with friends!

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