BlogStudyHow Ali Stepped Up His Study Game in Year 11

How Ali Stepped Up His Study Game in Year 11

Just as Ali found out in Year 11, there’s no doubt that the work really starts to pile up!

It can come as a bit of a shock because you’ve got to put in the work and stay organised to get the results. With the help of the Pathfinder Program, Ali stepped up his studying habits and learned how to make the most of his time.

We’ve had a chat with him about what he learned, and how he managed to really take control of his study and improve his results!

Let’s dive in!

Ali Before the Pathfinder Program
Ali’s Biggest Challenge in Year 11
Ali’s Pathfinder Program
How Ali Prepared for His End of Year 11 Exams
Top 3 Success Tips for Year 11 Students
How Pathfinder Helped Ali Lift his Year 11 Results
Ali’s Final Tips for Year 11 Students

Ali Before the Pathfinder Program

Before starting the Pathfinder program at Art of Smart’s Hornsby tutoring campus, Ali was taken aback by his workload in Year 11.

“It was a lot of ups and downs. Like initially, you start, you’re like, it’s kind of a breeze,’ Ali tells us, ‘there’s not much work. And then your first assessment week comes and like everything starts piling on, and then you’re like oh, this is what being a senior is meant to be.”

“And then you get through that, and then you’re like, it’s a breeze again, so pretty much a kind of boom-and-bust cycle,” he adds.

But once he started the Pathfinder Program, it all changed because he learned how to study effectively!

Ali’s Biggest Challenge in Year 11

For Ali, being consistent in his revision was the biggest challenge he faced.

For his study timetable, putting those hours in and really studying effectively as of Year 11 was imperative! He had his work cut out for him, taking more subjects than the average student: 

Doing a bit of study every day, even for a short amount of time, was a habit Ali had hammer into himself.

Doing HSC subjects with major works? Check out how Kira managed her major works and got a 95 ATAR here!

Ali’s Pathfinder Program

What did the mentoring look like?

While the Pathfinder Intensives are super informative, they are a set program.

In comparison to the Pathfinder Intensives, the mentoring programs are a lot more personalised and there’s more time for you to work with your mentor one-on-one.

“[Rowan] tried to see what I needed help with, and then we’d work on things that I needed help with, and then we’d also start projects like the personal project,” Ali said, reflecting on Rowan as his Pathfinder mentor.

Looking to step up your own study game? Check out the Pathfinder program here!

What were some strategies Ali learnt in his Pathfinder Program?

Strategy #1: Tolls for organisation

Rowan introduced Ali to an organizational app called Trello, a management tool, which skyrocketed Ali’s time management.

With Trello on hand, Ali created to-do lists and kept accurate track of his progress.

“I remember the first session after [Rowan] got me onto it, you were just looking at my Trello,” Ali says, “like your face was just saying, ‘what is this?’ and then you spent like 10 or 15 minutes just going through and organising it all, and still works pretty efficiently,”

So, here’s your first hint to download Trello and start organising your time better!

Strategy #2: Accountability

Accountability was an integral strategy for Ali!

“Having an accountability group, and having set times, like teaching friends is first very good for your feedback and secondly, it’s also a way to stay accountable if you study,” he says.

Ali also mentions that parents, teachers and of course, your mentor can also help you stay accountable.

Study Space - Ali Year 11

Strategy #3: Changing Your Environment

 We all know how distracting our phones can be. Imagine how much study time we waste just scrolling, scrolling and scrolling!

For your study space, Ali tells us that means “taking all your distractions away, phone in another room, cleaning up the room, cold turkey on your computer to make sure that you’re not doing anything, you’re not meant to.”

Ali’s Best Year 11 Advice From His Mentor

 Ali told us the best piece of advice he got from his mentor was to use Trello for time management and not overwork himself.

Ali says he first looked up to David Goggins, an American runner who lives by the mentality of you work until you’re dead, and then you keep working.

What Ali learned from his mentor Rowan was this: “It was more just like doing something that’s sustainable for you and trying to make sure that you’re mentally, physically and academically in the best place at all times.”

How Ali Structured for His End of Year 11 Exams

End-of-year exams are always a stressful point in time. For Year 11s, it’s the final set of exams before you move into your final year.

Ali found the Pathfinder workshops and initiatives very helpful in preparation for his final Year 11 exams.

“There was a lot on structuring your notes and practice questions, [using the] 10% less time [rule] when you’re doing practice papers and also just kind of giving me a kick to get me started,” he says.

Starting to study early was also something that really helped Ali — in the workshops, each student had to make a 10-week study plan.  

“I was done with my Ancient History notes a week or a week and a half before the actual exam…and then I was just chilling and revising,” he says. 


From his plans of attack and organisation, Ali found Year 11 exams a “better experience than Year 10”.

Taking part in the Pathfinder intensives and workshops helped Ali to feel prepared and confident going into most of his exams.

Of course, there’ll be subjects that are always going to be relentless and hair-pulling. In Ali’s cases, it was Physics because his teacher liked to ask very hard questions.

“It just helped me feel a lot more relaxed. I wasn’t as stressed as I saw some other people,” Ali says, “I felt it was much easier to actually get the work done coming up to it [the exams] instead of like, I have so much to do.”

What was Ali’s study like before and after the Pathfinder Program?

 Before Pathfinder, Ali says his study was “almost non-existent” — “it [exam preparation] was like cramming the week before,” he tells us.  

However, after taking part in the Pathfinder Program, Ali’s study routines gradually changed for the better.

While his study for English and Maths stayed the same, his study approach to Legal Studies and Ancient History changed.

Want to do the Pathfinders program during Year 12? Check out what Hamish had to gain from his Pathfinders experience here!

“I remember, one day at home, I was highlighting what was important, and I ended up highlighting, like a whole page because it was just all I needed, and I couldn’t really differentiate what I didn’t and what I did need,” he explains.

Ali said the 80/20 rule he learned from Pathfinder was a game-changer.

“Now at this point, it’s more like flashcards, and then [studying during] transition moments, so I barely actually do any study for Ancient History or Legal Studies at home. It’s just all on the train, in the gym, walking home or walking to school, that kind of thing,” he says.   

Top 3 Success Tips for Year 11 Students

Tip #1: Structure

Having a plan to study ahead, but also staying on top of your work” was essential for Ali in Year 11!

Without structure, study becomes something like telling yourself “I’ll do it tomorrow. Tomorrow becomes the day after and often the next week, and then you’re coming out to the exam, and you’re like, I have like a list of like 20 math exercises I haven’t done”.

That way you can stay on track and know what you’ve got to do to get the results you want and feel confident walking into the exam.

Flashcards - Ali Year 11

Tip #2: Flashcards

Ali says “use flashcards, or a really good other option is traffic lighting the syllabus and then cutting that up and carrying that with you”.

That way, you use those transition moments like on the train to school, to pull out your flashcards or syllabus and have a read-through of information you’ve simply just got to remember.

Sort out your Year 11 life and get organised with our downloadable Year 11 study planner here!

Tip #3: Stay Active

During quarantine, Ali wasn’t as active as usual while studying, and he noticed a decline in his overall study efficiency.

“Your productivity decreases, your energy decreases, and you just feel worse overall if you don’t,” he says.

So, get your steps in (10,000 is a good benchmark!), go for a run or even do an at-home workout! 

The Biggest Habit That Changed Ali’s Year 11 Life and School Results

Simply, reducing distraction!

“Not wasting time, so pretty much that’s coming from having structured study,” Ali says. 

Ali noticed the amount of time he spent on his phone — not surprisingly, it was an unhealthy amount of time he could’ve spent on studying. 

“Setting accountability for those commitments…helps reduce the amount of time you waste, increases your productivity,” Ali tells us. 

Is your screen time on your phone going over 4 hours? Check out our ways to cut back your screen time down here!

How Pathfinder Helped Ali Lift his Year 11 Results

The Pathfinder Program has three objectives: lift results, find direction and stand out!

Let’s look at how each of these objectives played out for Ali.

Pathfinder Objective #1: Lift Results

 Ali ended up coming first overall in his grade for Ancient History!

“I feel like the amount of study that I did leading up to it, and the work that I’ve done is pretty much due to Pathfinder,” he says.

He also got into Extension 2 Maths and got above 80% in his final Legal Studies Exam which he credits to the Pathfinder Program!  

Pathfinder Objective #2: Find Direction

Working out what you want to do and where you want to go after school can be challenging.

This is why the Pathfinder Program aims to help you find direction — so, you have a plan to work towards your goals.  

“I had no idea whatsoever when I first came in, and then the first mentoring session, you were like, okay, we’re going to start looking at UNSW because I was like, Co-Op could be interesting,” he said. 

The industry professionals brought in during the career Q&A sessions of the Pathfinder Program helped solidify his sense of direction. Ali enjoyed asking questions and learning from an AI scientist and an Economist. 

Pathfinder Objective #3: Stand Out

“I actually have time to take opportunities now,” Ali says, ” Pathfinders made everything, like my study and all my other things, more efficient…mostly just freeing up a bunch of time and encouraging you to take things that’ll bolster your CV.”

With this extra time, Ali started a personal project: podcasting

He interviews experts on topics to do with balancing life, studying, the pros and cons of going to university and parallel pathways.

Ali started the podcast because he wanted to help other students like himself navigate senior school life. While he didn’t know anything about podcasting before he started, he’s now learned a lot about it along the way!


The Best Part about the Mentoring Sessions

Ali appreciated how much new knowledge he could access by simply asking his mentor questions.

“If I had any question, you were like..I’m going to send you this report, or there’s this link you can look at,” he says.

Ali also really appreciated how his mentor was relatable and offered different tips for balancing school, study and sports because he had also gone through it.  

The Best Overall Part about Pathfinders

 Ali said the Pathfinder Intensives were the best part of the program because “there’s just so much that’s given to you”.

“You can work through it with your mentor, but there’s like a lot of new things that are shown to you during the Intensives,” he says.

On top of that, Ali’s mentoring sessions boosted his confidence.

“It’s a lot more personalised,” he says, frankly, “I don’t think I’d be able to choose.” 

Ali’s Final Tips for Year 11 Students

 “Start early is probably the best one. Don’t leave it for too long,” Ali advises, “There’s a quote, I think, that came up in the last intensive which was ‘rockets use mostly fuel during take-off‘ and pretty much if you do start early, the rest of your Year 11 kind of just becomes a breeze.”

“Just try your best, but don’t sacrifice anything for it. So, try and keep up with your co-curricular, try and keep up with your sport, and also try and keep up with your academics. The HSC is not the be-all end-all,” Ali says as a final note.

And, That’s a Wrap!

With Ali, we’ve covered the benefits of partaking in the Pathfinder Program and strategies to improve study habits and results!

Studying for Year 11 has never been easier! 

Check out more of our Year 11 and HSC resources here:

Looking for some extra help with your studies?

We pride ourselves on our inspirational coaches and mentors!

We offer tutoring and mentoring for Years K-12 in a variety of subjects, with personalised lessons conducted one-on-one in your home or at one of our state of the art campuses in Hornsby or the Hills!

To find out more and get started with an inspirational tutor and mentor get in touch today! 

Give us a ring on 1300 267 888, email us at [email protected] or check us out on TikTok!

Tanna Nankivell is a Senior Content Writer at Art of Smart Education and is currently in Germany completing a year of study for her double degree in Communications (Journalism) and Bachelor of Arts (International Studies). She has had articles published on Central News – the UTS Journalism Lab and wrote a feature piece for Time Out Sydney during her internship. Tanna has a love for travel and the great outdoors, you’ll either find her on the snowfields or in the ocean, teaching aqua aerobics or creating short films.

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