You now know all the facts and stats about the Bachelor of Arts at WSU. If you don’t, have a quick look here.
But, are you still curious about how people feel about this degree? Wonder no more!
We chatted with Shreya, a Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Business student at WSU, about what this degree is really like to study.
Have a look!
Why should you study an Arts degree at WSU?
Top 3 Pros of an Arts Degree
Top 3 Cons of an Arts Degree
Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make
Things to Know Before Starting WSU Arts
What Makes this Degree Different
Motivations for Studying WSU Arts
Potential Career Paths
Why should you study an Arts degree at WSU?
The Bachelor of Arts at WSU is a degree that can take you in many different directions, 27 to be exact! There are 27 different majors within this degree structure, ranging from languages, business-related specialisations, to psychology!
“This degree is extremely broad in the directions it can take you. With a ton of different majors, you will be able to achieve your own personal goals with this Bachelor’s degree!” Shreya says.
Top 3 Pros of an Arts degree
#1: It can be customised to suit your interests
If flexibility is what you need, a Bachelor of Arts will give you exactly that! We’ve already mentioned how many majors you can choose from, but did you know that you could study things like History and Political Thought and Cultural and Social Analysis?
And if you just want to diversify your qualifications further, you can opt to complete a double degree.
“I chose to add a Bachelor of Business majoring in Human Resources to my degree! Psychology and Human Resources are a good match together I think!” Shreya continues.
Some other double degree options with the Bachelor of Arts at UNSW include:
#2: The cohort
Your fellow cohort of students within a Bachelor of Arts are passionate and proactive! They will always be there when you need them.
“The teachers and students are very helpful! When I was in my first year, I couldn’t find a class, so I went up to a stranger and I asked them for help, and they took me to the class!”
#3: The teachers
The lecturers and tutors within a Bachelor of Arts are knowledgeable and accessible! They will also, always be there when you need them — they’re just an email away.
“All the teachers are super helpful and they are super understanding as well! They get back to you super fast too!” Shreya tells us.
Top 3 Cons of an Arts degree
#1: Arts subjects aren’t limited to just Arts students
Since a lot of the subjects for a Bachelor of Arts at WSU are accessible to other disciplines as electives, sometimes the students just aren’t passionate about the subject as you may be. Some students may enrol in a certain Arts subject in order to fill an elective space.
“Lots of Arts degree subjects can be done as electives with other majors, so sometimes your classmates will be a lot more in numbers depending on the popularity of the subject. For example, Forensic Psychology is super popular!” Shreya says.
#2: Assessments and readings will keep you busy
This degree does not shy away from content and readings that you’ll need to directly engage with! If you don’t feel you understand something — ask, as it will most likely show up on one of your potentially three assessments within the semester!
“With assessments, you will have an end of semester assessment, a preliminary assessment, and then in the middle there will be an assignment or exam!”
#3: Filled lecture theatres
It’s no surprise that with the versatility of an Arts degree, it’s a very popular study option at uni. You’ll often find lectures with up to 300 students attending, sometimes more!
This can make the degree feel a little more impersonal than another degree with a much smaller cohort — but remember, this could only be a feeling! The teachers and students are super friendly so you won’t feel neglected.
Any regrets?
Shreya is studying a double degree in Arts and Business — this means her degree will take longer to finish than a stand alone degree! She expresses her regret for not taking on summer units to complete her degree earlier.
“I am also doing a Bachelor’s degree in Business — right now, I’m in my third year of five. I do recommend summer school — you can do this and knock over some of your units so you can finish faster! I regret not doing it from my first year,” Shreya says.
What do you wish you had known before starting WSU Arts?
#1: Think about what you’d like to major in before you start the degree
“A lot of people start by just commencing the Bachelor of Arts and not deciding on a major until second or even third year. I would recommend students think about it before commencing their degree — researching into the majors they’re interested in and make sure this is for them before starting,” Shreya tells us.
Even if you aren’t ready to commit to a major or don’t have your heart set on anything just yet, it’s good to know what your options are and have a think about it.
#2: Be present
One thing that Shreya stresses is the importance of being present! Not only physically by attending tutorials and lectures, but also through your note taking.
“Instead of passively taking notes during tutes or lectures, try and take notes as if you’re studying for your final exam. It’s super useful — they will stick and help you a lot more in the end!” Shreya says.
What makes this degree different from the ones offered at other universities?
If you didn’t already know, WSU doesn’t exist on just one campus, but several! In fact for a Bachelor of Arts, you have the option to study at either the Penrith, Parramatta South, or Bankstown campus.
Something to keep in mind though is that some majors are only offered at specific campuses, so be prepared to travel if it’s a major you really want to do. Nonetheless, this degree leaves plenty of room for personal choices, including convenience!
What inspired you to choose WSU Arts?
“I was motivated to study a Bachelor of Arts because as I said, I was always interested in Psychology. But this degree structure and its versatility really stood out to me!” Shreya says.
So if you’re someone who wants versatility with your studies, you might want to follow in Shreya’s footsteps and take on a Bachelor of Arts.
What are the possible career paths?
What you select as a major will determine your career options, but there are still a wide variety of paths you can follow with a Bachelor of Arts at WSU. You might even continue your studies and join academia, or begin a career within:
- Communication and media
- Interpreting and language
- Education
- Psychology and counselling
- Cultural, political and social policy analysis
- Writing and publishing
- Anthropology
Matilda Elliott is a Content Writer at Art of Smart and a Communication graduate with a major in Journalism at Western Sydney University. You can find some of her published work in a range of platforms including SBS World News, The Music Network and within her own creative exploits with her twin sister. Matilda is a lover of listening, helping people to tell their stories, making genuine connections, clowning around in her circus troupe and dancing like no one is watching at live music shows!