Got your head around all the great aspects of a Bachelor of Laws at Griffith? Considering a career in this field?
We’ve already given you the lowdown of what to officially expect from this degree, but we were keen to speak with a student to find out more about their experience.
In this article, we will unpack the experience of Ami, a fifth year Law and Psychological Science student at Griffith, and exactly why she believes you should study at Griffith.
Let’s get straight into it!
Why should you study a Bachelor of Laws at Griffith?
Top 3 Pros of a Law Degree
Top 3 Cons of a Law Degree
Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make
Things to Know Before Starting a Griffith Bachelor of Laws
What Makes this Degree Different
Motivations for Studying a Griffith Bachelor of Laws
Potential Career Paths
Why should you study a Bachelor of Laws at Griffith?
“My favourite thing about studying the Bachelor of Law (Honours) is that I can both complete my dream degree, and also have the option to complete the academic research side, simultaneously, so it’s like tackling two birds with one stone!” said Ami.
Wow, that’s quite a review, thanks Ami! Let’s hear some things about the nitty gritty of this degree.
Top 3 Pros of a Law degree
#1: Research
When you complete a Bachelor of Laws (Honours), you will complete a thesis. You will present your findings on a particular topic of law to an academic supervisor, including your research process and any final conclusions you’ve come to.
An Honours degree is a really great way to refine your research skills and drill into a topic that really interests you. The process is lengthy (a year all up), but rewarding.
Ami, for one, is very excited to complete her thesis with one of the many supervisors on offer at Griffith.
“Though, this might just be the academic geek in me,” she joked.
#2: Career advantages
“The Honours qualification gives you a great leg-up for career avenues and possible internship opportunities. Practical skill is great in Law, but law firms consider research skills as equally appealing!”
As we all know, Law is a trendy degree. It’s often ‘the’ option if you finish school with good marks and an academic disposition.
Because of this, it’s a highly competitive industry with more graduates than there are jobs. We aren’t telling you this to scare you — hopefully it gives you a realistic understanding of why completing Honours could put you at a great advantage!
#3: Range of skills
Ami also believes that this degree sets you up for a really wide range of jobs, which can be great for flexibility and employment.
“Even if I don’t end up applying to be a barrister down the road, the range of skills and abilities you learn and develop across the years make you eligible for a much wider range of positions and opportunities that most degrees just simply don’t offer! I could be a lawyer, sure, but I could also be a researcher; a policy-maker; I could work in HR, or the government, or even in international relations,” she said.
This is certainly a degree that sets you up with plenty of options, which are great to take on.
Top 3 Cons of an Arts degree
#1: It’s long…
If you do a double degree like Ami, you’ll be studying for at least five years. If you just study a straight Law (Honours) degree, it’ll be four. That’s pretty lengthy for an undergraduate — imagine your senior years of high school, doubled!
However, Ami believes it’ll really be worth it in the end. She will be well equipped to tackle any job that is thrown at her.
#2: The competitiveness
As we’ve mentioned, “Law is a competitive field as it is, and the Honours degree even more so!”
Ami says that despite the hard work to keep going in this competitive degree, it’s a great opportunity to flex your ability. By excelling in such a challenging field, you’ll really show employers and university staff alike that you’re up for a challenge.
“Don’t be afraid to show off your skills, and be proud in your achievements! Completing a research thesis in any area, much less law, is hard enough as it is!” she said.
#3: That’s all!
Well there you go, Ami’s certainly made this degree look like a great option! With only two negatives and a plethora of positives, we think it’s a course you should look into.
It’s important to remember that each person’s study experience is different, and you may find yourself loving or hating the course in different ways to Ami.
Any regrets?
“Nope! I’m glad I could choose such a practical degree while having the option of postgraduate research existing at the same time.”
Ami has really loved her study, and it’s amazing that she has no regrets!
One common piece of feedback from law students, however, is not being on top of work early. There is a hefty study load associated with law degrees, so it’s great if you can be organised each semester.
One tip is to plan exactly where you need to be up to each week, and stick to your schedule.
What do you wish you had known before starting a Griffith Bachelor of Laws?
“How hard it was going to be — nothing prepares you for the first few years of content!”
This is a common remark from law students. As wonderful as this degree is, it’s important that you know what you’re getting yourself into. However, Ami has really reaped the benefits of such an academic pursuit.
“You get into a great, productive schedule very early on, and you develop instincts that you don’t even realise you’re learning until you start talking about cases to your friends and they have no idea what you’re talking about!”
What makes this degree different from the ones offered at other universities?
First, not a lot of courses offer Honours from the day of enrolment. For most universities, you have to achieve a certain WAM throughout your first years of study and be approved to complete an Honours thesis. This generally includes pitching, finding a supervisor and writing an academic letter, all just to complete that one last year of study.
Honours is built into this degree, which means you can skip that crazy stage!
Ami also believes that a double degree like she studies is a great bonus for Griffith students.
“The Honours double degree is fairly new, and is very exciting, as it offers an alternative research pathway for those who want to explore that career avenue. I feel confident in wanting to explore a research pathway specialising in both Law and Psychology, while also having that opportunity of practising Law further down in the future, because my degree offers it all!”
To sum it up, this is a really diverse degree which offers a wide range of skills and career benefits.
What inspired you to choose a Griffith Bachelor of Laws?
Ami has a few points to this answer.
First, Griffith seemed like an approachable option.
“I was quite intimidated by the expectations that QUT and UQ demanded of me, and it felt like a very stressful, grade-focused environment. I went to Griffith on their open day back in 2016, and every lecturer and student advocate I talked to was very laid-back, chill, and really passionate about their specialised areas of study,” she explained.
Ami also loved the idea of a double degree, as she initially didn’t know exactly what she wanted to get out of university. She’s since found that a double degree unlocks many academic and career paths.
“I didn’t feel pressured to decide a career path right on the spot. With Griffith, I felt my degree and subject selections were very flexible, and the content covered was broad and covered a range of topics, and after 5 years, I feel I have adequately explored a lot of different career pathways and opportunities that I don’t think I couldn’t fully at any other university.”
Finally, Ami was encouraged by the relaxed and friendly atmosphere that Griffith exuded!
What are the possible career paths?
There’s a wide range of careers available when you study a Bachelor of Laws (Honours). Many of these may take you into legal work. However, you may also wish to go into research, foreign aid or international relations.
Some common career options include:
- Solicitor
- Barrister
- Policy advisor
- Human rights lawyer
- Journalist
- Political analyst
- Management consultant
To become a Solicitor or work in a court, students need to complete Practical Legal Training, which provides you with the last few skills to become an entry-level lawyer. This must be completed after graduating.
If you’d like to learn more about a career as a Lawyer, head here!
Well, where you have it! Now you know all the ins and outs of a Bachelor of Law (Honours) at Griffith. Have fun applying!
Lucinda Garbutt-Young hopes to one day be writing for a big-shot newspaper… or maybe just for a friendly magazine in the arts sector. Right now, she is enjoying studying a Bachelor of Public Communication (Public Relations and Journalism) at UTS while she writes on the side. She also loves making coffees for people in her job as a barista, and loves nothing more than a sun shower.