You now know all the facts and stats about the Bachelor of Aviation at UNSW. If you don’t, have a quick look here.
But, are you still curious about how people feel about this degree? Wonder no more!
We chatted with Matthew, a Bachelor of Aviation (Flying) student at UNSW, about what this degree is really like to study.
Have a read below!
Why should you study an Aviation degree at UNSW?
Top 3 Pros of an Aviation Degree
Top 3 Cons of an Aviation Degree
Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make
Things to Know Before Starting UNSW Aviation
What Makes this Degree Different
Motivations for Studying UNSW Aviation
Potential Career Paths
Why should you study an Aviation degree at UNSW?
The Bachelor of Aviation at UNSW is a degree like no other, testing your limits mentally and sometimes physically!
This degree is for people who want to push themselves! It will test you but you will be greatly rewarded for sticking with it and pushing through.
Top 3 Pros of an Aviation Degree
#1: The bonds created with fellow classmates
You’ll discover that a Bachelor of Aviation at UNSW is quite distinguished in the sense that the cohort is much smaller than the average sized one, so it isn’t hard to become good friends with fellow peers.
“We are all so close — I can honestly say that my best friends come from this course, and many of my classmates can say the same,” Matt tells us.
It’s only inevitable that having a small cohort combined with students spending lots of time on campus or at the airport will allow them to become well acquainted with one another!
#2: The different nature of this degree
This degree is so different to what you can expect from any uni degree! Your friends and family can tell you about their uni experiences, but only an Aviation student can tell you what you’re really in for.
“I have friends and family who are completing or have completed different uni degrees and the Bachelor of Aviation feels completely different. This degree is different in the way it’s delivered — the way you get to know your cohort and really everything about it! It almost feels like an extension of high school,” Matt says.
#3: The two majors on offer
If you choose to take on Aviation at UNSW, there are two unique majors that you can select from: Management or Flying.
A Management major sees students not leaving the ground, but learning all there is to know about the behind the scenes stuff that goes on at the airports and the workings of the aviation industry.
A Flying major allows students to become pilots! With over 200 hours in the sky, students will become well-rounded, sought after pilots and flying professionals.
In terms of classes though, Matt says, “In first year, we all have the same courses regardless of whether you’re a Management or Flying major.”
Top 3 Cons of an Aviation Degree
#1: The large workload
Pursuing this course means that you’ll be committing quite a lot of time to it and you’ll have a heavy workload.
“There’s also study involved in this degree — lots of it. So when you aren’t in class or in the air you will be studying content for your exams! For Flying there are theory exams every month!” Matt reveals.
#2: This course is not for everyone
For students who commence this degree, you must complete an interview with the Head of Aviation, to ensure they are satisfied with your prospects and commitment to the degree. If you do not meet their standards, you may be asked to discontinue the course.
“We started with around 70 people commencing the course in the first year, but now around 20 or in the high teens will graduate in the last year! There are lots of people who drop out from this degree, either from their own choosing or recommendation for their program to be discontinued,” Matt says.
#3: The time spent on campus
This degree, as mentioned earlier, requires a large commitment. Though, studying with friends and staying on top of your workload will help you out immensely.
“The practical flying courses are where it gets more intense. From second year if you get into Flying, you will be out at the Bankstown airport for 5 days a week — 8am to 4pm in the classroom for 2 days, and flying all days for the other days!” Matt says.
Any regrets?
While Matt hasn’t expressed any regrets for taking on this degree, he does have some advice for those looking to get into Aviation at UNSW.
Don’t go into this degree thinking you can skim through it without much work — this degree requires a lot from you! If you don’t feel you are ready to take on this commitment, then it might be better to pursue other courses. Make sure you’re in a place to prioritise your study before commencing!
“I think it’s important for students to know how much commitment this degree is. You must meet the criteria that is expected of you and be consistently achieving. There are so many positives to this degree and lifelong friendships to be made, but hard work is super important also!” Matt says.
What should you know before starting UNSW Aviation?
The teaching staff for Aviation at UNSW have a wealth of knowledge and experience that they are enthusiastic about passing onto their students.
“Nearly everyone who teaches or lectures us within this degree has industry knowledge and accreditation. Rather than just experiences as a career academic, most of the Aviation teaching staff have industry experience! They provide not only industry knowledge, but also connections to professionals in the real world working out in the field,” Matt says.
Lucky for Aviation students, teaching staff are generous in providing their students with valuable industry knowledge and insight, as well as helping them gain industry connections!
What makes this degree different from the ones offered at other universities?
The Bachelor of Aviation at UNSW differs from many university courses in general. In fact, it is the only university degree of its kind offered in NSW in terms of Aviation studies.
Not only do you get to develop your skills and knowledge at an actual airport (for Flying majors), you’re also taught by those with industry experience and you’ll be super tight with the members of your cohort!
“The training environment is like no other — they have such a professional environment and have lots of expectations and rules to abide by. UNSW strives to have a strong standard for their cohort and graduates,” Matt says.
What inspired you to choose UNSW Aviation?
There’s a range of reasons why students might choose to embark on a Bachelor of Aviation at UNSW. It could be the prestige of the university or even the closeness of the cohort — here’s why Matt wanted to pursue the degree.
“I feel UNSW offers a unique experience. Rather than just attending a flight school and obtaining your pilot’s license, you get a degree and a pilot accreditation! You get exposed to the aviation management world too — there are lots of roles within this industry to gain knowledge and expertise in,” Matt says.
What are the possible career paths?
Graduating for a Bachelor of Aviation at UNSW will give you many different career paths to follow, regardless of your chosen major!
For a major in Flying, you may find yourself in one of the following careers:
- Pilot
- Air Transport Professional
- Flight Pattern Engineer
With a major in Management, the following career outcomes and more are possible with this degree:
- Airline Manager
- Freight Operations Manager
- Flight Analyst
- Flight Safety Investigator
- Aviation Consultant
Matilda Elliott is a Content Writer at Art of Smart and a Communication graduate with a major in Journalism at Western Sydney University. You can find some of her published work in a range of platforms including SBS World News, The Music Network and within her own creative exploits with her twin sister. Matilda is a lover of listening, helping people to tell their stories, making genuine connections, clowning around in her circus troupe and dancing like no one is watching at live music shows!