What are the Trailblazer Awards?
The Trailblazer Awards celebrates Year 12 students beyond their ATAR, recognising those who have overcome personal challenges and used their final year of school to positively impact their community.
Our Trailblazers will have the opportunity to network with industry leaders, build their personal brand and profile as a future leader, get exam ready in our 1-day HSC Trials Accelerator, and so much more!
Find out how Khiera navigated Year 12 differently throughout 2022!
Introducing: Khiera Bartlett
Category: Social Impact & Change
School: Bishop Tyrrell Anglican College
State: NSW
Career Aspiration: Education Program with Newcastle City Council and CDAH
- Creating student-led education programs with Newcastle City council and CDAH
- Pioneered the Sustainnovation Challenge
- Interviewed on ABC Newcastle radio
What makes Khiera a Trailblazer?
Khiera Bartlett not only devotes time and effort to her student leadership positions at school but most notably, she works with the Newcastle City council and Community Disability Alliance Hunter (CDAH). She leads a team of four students, two members of the city council and four members from CDAH.
With this team, Khiera creates student-led education programs to improve attitudes toward those experiencing disability. This idea was then used within the Sustainnovation Challenge late last year, and she ran a preliminary program interviewing people living with disabilities.
Khiera and her team created a series of short interviews and videos that uncovered the lived experiences of those having a disability. These stories were shared to Personal Development, Health and Physical Education classes (PDHPE) across all year levels, effectively dismantling misconceptions and reducing ignorant-induced bullying incidence.
This proved successful in improving understanding and tolerance of those with disabilities by 60%! The Sustainnovation Challenge also garnered interest from ABC Newcastle radio, giving her and her team an opportunity and a wider platform to spread this awareness.
Through Khiera’s project, she obtained interview expertise, public speaking and leadership skills which built on her leadership roles as a College Creative Arts Prefect and previously leading in the debating team, social justice group, academic decathlon group and other creative arts group. Khiera is clearly a natural born leader!
Making such an impact on shifting the attitudes of the youth is no easy feat, let alone juggling this in Year 12. Khiera also remains active also in her school community, being involved in extracurricular activities such as drama, music and art. She also tackles Advanced and Extension Maths, Chemistry, and Biology.
Like every other Year 12 student, the final year of high school can be quite stressful and overwhelming, not to mention all the work and extracurricular activities Khiera manages! Having two years in prolonged isolation due to COVID-19 also impacted her mental health, however, she has made conscious decisions to improve.
While Khiera is still exploring her options for future industries and careers, one thing she is certain about is she wants to pursue the education program, making changes in the lives of the future of those living with disability and of the youth.
“(I) dedicate a lot of my time to creating the most beneficial program I can to help future students in understanding disability.”
Khiera Bartlett is definitely leading big changes in the world for the youth and dismantling the misconceptions behind those living with a disability. This is why she deserves a spot as one of our Top 50 Trailblazers!
The Top 50 Year 12 Trailblazer Awards
The Trailblazer Awards aim to identify and celebrate students who use their final years of school to invest holistically in the skills and experiences that will maximise their own future opportunities and make a contribution to the future of our society.
Our winners for the Year 12 Trailblazer Awards have demonstrated initiative in volunteering for their school or community, have participated in co-curricular activities, and have held leadership positions within their schools.
Learn more about who placed in the Top 50 Year 12 Trailblazers here!
About Art of Smart Education
At Art of Smart Education, we’re an award-winning provider of holistic tutoring and mentoring for students in years K-12. Our mission is to help students answer the difficult question, “What am I going to do with my life when I finish school, and how do I get there?”
We understand that true success involves mastering study, career and leadership skills while maintaining your wellbeing, not just excelling in academics and as a result, over the last decade, we’ve supported over 10,000 students to achieve their best and maximise their options for life after school.
Each year over one million young Australians, parents, and teachers access our guides, videos and resources to navigate the journey through high school.