What are the Trailblazer Awards?
The Trailblazer Awards celebrates Year 12 students beyond their ATAR, recognising those who have overcome personal challenges and used their final year of school to positively impact their community.
Our Trailblazers will have the opportunity to network with industry leaders, build their personal brand and profile as a future leader, learn key career skills in our 3-day Pathfinder Accelerator, and so much more!
Find out how Doris navigated Year 12 differently throughout 2021!
Introducing: Doris Wu
Category: Social Impact & Change
School: James Ruse Agricultural High School
Career Aspiration: Doctor
- Led over 180 cadets in the Australian Army Cadets
- Elected as a school prefect and peer mentor
- Promoted to Cadet Under Officer
What makes Doris a Trailblazer?
After 4 years of hard work and training Doris was promoted to Cadet Under Officer (CUO) in the Australian Army Cadets. Her role as a CUO has required her to plan, manage, and lead over 180 cadets which she cites as her most rewarding achievement to date!
As a CUO, Doris wrote and distributed manuals and training programs, as well as taught lessons on a weekly basis to both cadets and cadet leaders, through which Doris honed her leadership and communication skills. These skills were crucial to her leading a group of 30 cadets on a 5-day hike which tested her ability to be adaptable, work under pressure and think on her feet when things don’t go to plan.
Doris’ time as a CUO has taught her the importance of organisation, interpersonal skills and that great leaders are selfless and adaptable.
Aside from her role as a Cadet Under Officer in her High School Army Cadet Unit, Doris was elected into several leadership roles as a school Prefect, Peer Support Leader, Peer Mentor and she was also appointed as the Student Secretary for the school musical.
In addition to her leadership roles in school Doris is also active in her school’s music and performing arts programs. Her passion for the creative arts has seen her be a member of the school choir, Senior Vocal Ensemble, Wind Orchestra and Woodwind Ensemble as well as being involved in JRAHS Musical Production for the last 5 years, through her participation in Set Crew, the Sound and Lighting Team and as the Student Secretary.
Doris’ role as a CUO required her to spend many hours every week preparing curricula, writing training programs and teaching lessons. As a result, Doris found she struggled with time management whilst studying for her HSC and revising material for her cadet unit.
Despite the stress of her heavy workload and learning to juggle her studies and co- curricular activities alongside her duties as a CUO, Doris is thankful for the skills she has learnt which have undoubtedly set her up for future success, as they will allow her to tackle future obstacles more effectively and efficiently.
Doris hopes to pursue a career in the field of healthcare and medicine with a special interest in paediatrics and emergency medicine.
“I enjoy being challenged, working with and leading others.”
Doris was able to complete her Year 12 studies whilst being a leader for many of her peers. Her commitment and ability to tackle all the challenges that has thrown at her in the last year are truly inspiring, Doris has placed in our Top 50 for the 2021 Trailblazer Awards!
The Top 50 Year 12 Trailblazer Awards
The Trailblazer Awards aim to identify and celebrate students who use their final years of school to invest holistically in the skills and experiences that will maximise their own future opportunities and make a contribution to the future of our society.
Our winners for the Year 12 Trailblazer Awards have demonstrated initiative in volunteering for their school or community, have participated in co-curricular activities, and have held leadership positions within their schools.
Learn more about who placed in the Top 50 Year 12 Trailblazers here!
About Art of Smart Education
At Art of Smart Education, we’re an award-winning provider of holistic tutoring and mentoring for students in years K-12. Our mission is to help students answer the difficult question, “What am I going to do with my life when I finish school, and how do I get there?”
We understand that true success involves mastering study, career and leadership skills while maintaining your wellbeing, not just excelling in academics and as a result, over the last decade, we’ve supported over 10,000 students to achieve their best and maximise their options for life after school.
Each year over one million young Australians, parents, and teachers access our guides, videos and resources to navigate the journey through high school.