What are the Trailblazer Awards?
The Trailblazer Awards celebrates Year 12 students beyond their ATAR, recognising those who have overcome personal challenges and used their final year of school to positively impact their community.
Our Trailblazers will have the opportunity to network with industry leaders, build their personal brand and profile as a future leader, get exam ready in our 1-day HSC Trials Accelerator, and so much more!
Find out how Amelia navigated Year 12 differently throughout 2022!
Introducing: Amelia Kirkby
Category: Arts & Music
School: Abbotsleigh
State: NSW
Career Aspiration: Art Therapy
- Receiving her AMUS equivalent for violin
- Performing in Europe
- Receiving a high distinction on her AMEB Grade 5 Musical Theatre exam
What makes Amelia a Trailblazer?
Amelia is a dedicated musician, being at an AMUS (Associate of Music), equivalent for violin performance. Unfortunately, Amelia’s AMUS exam was cancelled due to COVID-19, but she did not let this stop her, and is now working on her LMUS, (Licentiate of Music)! She also completed a Grade 5 Musical Theatre singing exam through the Australian Music and Examinations Board where she received a high distinction. Amelia has also been involved in many other extracurriculars, such as Soccer, a piano quartet, Tempus TV, and a photography club!
Her high level of musicianship has allowed Amelia to compete overseas in both chor and violin, representing her school throughout Slovenia, Prague, Vienna, Venice, Germany and other countries. This is not the only benefit of being such a high level performer, with Amelia being able to teach violin to younger students. She has been an active member of many music communities, being in groups such as the Sydney Youth Orchestra and all the selective choirs and orchestras at her school.
These skills as a performer have enabled Amelia to develop her organisation, having to be ready with her instrument and music by rehearsal times, and needing to be prompt when performances are occurring. Playing music also aids her coordination and memory, which helps her in other areas of study by making it easier to memorise and learn content. Skills such as these are what allowed Amelia’s house choir to place 2nd in a school event where she composed a whole score for choir and chamber instruments from ear!
Despite all these amazing achievements, Amelia has faced some challenges in year 12. Recently, she got EVB and Glandular fever, and became so unwell that she needed to be hospitalised. This meant she had to miss class, co-curriculars and deal with extreme sickness. Although not fully recovered, Amelia has pushed herself to return to school so that she can get back into rehearsals, learning how to manage her return back to school and demonstrating her passion for her music community. Her willpower and dedication to her studies is certainly commendable!
“I have pushed myself to return to school and especially rehearsals so that I can contribute to my section and lead them.”
In the future, Amelia intends to study a Bachelor of Arts or Fine Arts so that she can work in an industry such as Art Therapy.
For Amelia’s strong dedication to the arts and music, we are proud to have her as one of our Top 50 Trailblazers!
The Top 50 Year 12 Trailblazer Awards
The Trailblazer Awards aim to identify and celebrate students who use their final years of school to invest holistically in the skills and experiences that will maximise their own future opportunities and make a contribution to the future of our society.
Our winners for the Year 12 Trailblazer Awards have demonstrated initiative in volunteering for their school or community, have participated in co-curricular activities, and have held leadership positions within their schools.
Learn more about who placed in the Top 50 Year 12 Trailblazers here!
About Art of Smart Education
At Art of Smart Education, we’re an award-winning provider of holistic tutoring and mentoring for students in years K-12. Our mission is to help students answer the difficult question, “What am I going to do with my life when I finish school, and how do I get there?”
We understand that true success involves mastering study, career and leadership skills while maintaining your wellbeing, not just excelling in academics and as a result, over the last decade, we’ve supported over 10,000 students to achieve their best and maximise their options for life after school.
Each year over one million young Australians, parents, and teachers access our guides, videos and resources to navigate the journey through high school.