How to Successfully Win University Early Entry, Scholarships & Co-Op Opportunities ⭐️

Available in eBook 💻 and Paperback! 📚

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In This Book You'll Learn How To...

Identify The Right Opportunities For You

💡 Stay across current available scholarships, cadetships and co-ops!

With our up-to-date list of current early entry, Co-ops & scholarships available, you’ll never have to worry about missing out on those pesky deadlines ever again!

🔎 Figure out which ones you should apply for

Not all scholarships, cadetships and co-op programs are right for everyone. We’ll help you find out which ones are most suited to you, your areas of expertise and your future goals!

Make Your Application Stand Out

💪 Learn how to write a successful application

Get expert insight into which extracurricular activities and personal traits you should be highlighting in your responses. You’ll also learn how to structure your response to maximise your chance of success!

✨ Exemplar responses from past successful applicants!

Get access to model responses for common application questions, as well as ideal interview responses which have been tried and proven by previously successful students.


  • ⭐️ #1 Your Qualities and Values
  • 🏆 #2 Most Significant Achievement
  • 🏔 #3 Challenges You Have Overcome
  • 😌 #4 Strengths and Weaknesses
  • 💥 #5 Your Impact on the Community
  • 💭 #6 Reason for Applying
  • 👔 #7 Career Aspirations

👔  Dress Code Tips!

🙌 Body Language Hacks!

Master The Interview

💼 Present yourself as confident, keen and qualified!

Learn how to leave a strong impression on your interviewees by using out step-by-step guide to acing your interview in the first 4 minutes!

👥 Learn how to answer common interview questions

Be prepared for whatever question might get thrown your way with our extensive analysis of commonly asked interview questions and exemplar responses!

Who is The New University Entry Game for?

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Students in Years 10, 11 and 12

This book is perfect for students in Years 10, 11 and 12 who are wanting to successfully get into university, score scholarships, win cadetships and land themselves co-op opportunities!

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Unsure how to help your child navigate the university admission, scholarship, co-op and cadetship application process? Our step-by-step guide runs you through everything you need to know to best support them!

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Be equipped with all of the most up-to-date information and relevant resources to help support your students find success with their university scholarship, early entry, co-op and cadetship applications!

Interested in having a read?

Up-to-date lists of currently available opportunities!
Guide to acing your interview component
Model responses to common questions from past successful applicants
Sample answer structures and analysis to help you craft your own!
Up-to-date lists of currently available opportunities!
Guide to acing your interview component
Model responses to common questions from past successful applicants
Sample answer structures and analysis to help you craft your own!
Up-to-date lists of currently available opportunities!
Guide to acing your interview component
Model responses to common questions from past successful applicants
Sample answer structures and analysis to help you craft your own!

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