We have determined the hardest VCE subjects through analysing study designs and using student and tutor opinion.
Please note that scaling will not be considered in these rankings. We are simply focusing on how hard the content, SACs and exam is.
It is important to understand how difficult a VCE subject will be before you take it, so be sure to read closely!
Please note that all the statistics used in this article have been obtained from VCAA’s Grade Distribution. They have been used to guide the ranks but not fully decide them.
#10: Psychology
- Unit 3 Average (2023): 53.5%
- Unit 4 Average (2023): 83.8%
- Examination Average (2023): 59%
VCE Psychology is really underestimated.
Yes, the content is easy to wrap your head around and is not intellectually challenging by any means. But there is just so much of it.
The initial topics of stress and the nervous system are quite easy to wrap your head around and don’t contain too work.
However, topics like Sleep and Mental wellbeing require a lot of hard study as they contain what feels like endless amounts of detail and content. The lucky part is it’s really interesting!
Furthermore, the SACs and exams are brutal. You have to deal with significant time pressure, extremely pedantic marking, long scenarios, really ambiguous multiple choice questions and an extended response question.
All of these factors make it really hard for you to not trip up at least once.
Finally, the subject is super competitive, so one or two marks may be the difference between you getting a 39 or 47.
Need help with VCE Psychology? Read our guide on everything you need to know in the VCE Psychology Study Design!
#9: Biology
- Unit 3 Average (2023): 52.3%
- Unit 4 Average (2023): 84.8%
- Examination Average (2023): 60.2%
Like Psychology, people don’t really know just how tough Biology is until they take it.
Although, Biology also has content that can be conceptually difficult.
The unit on cells has these long, really specific processes that you need to memorise word for word. Students can find it really discouraging and quite dry.
Students tend to prefer the other units on diversity and adaptation, because the questions are more application based.
The SACs and exams are really tough as well because one word can be the difference between losing or gaining a mark.
Finally, the cohort is super competitive, typically being extremely academic.
Need help with VCE Biology? Read about everything you need to know about the VCE Biology Study Design!
#8: Physics
- Unit 3 Average (2023): 60.9%
- Unit 4 Average (2023): 67.9%
- Examination Average (2023): 59%
Physics is hard because… well, it’s Physics.
There is nothing like Physics. The subject requires strong Maths skills and conceptual thinking. You are also required to have great application skills.
The unit on energy tends to cause students the most trouble, because it’s really difficult to visualise different fields and how they interact.
The other units on motion and electricity tend to be enjoyed more and are definitely easier, because they relate to scenarios we see everyday.
While SAC scores tend to be high, the Exam seems to trip up a majority of the state.
The main reason why Physics tends to be difficult is because some people just don’t get it, no matter how hard they try.
Want to read more about Physics? Here’s our guide to Units 1 and 2, as well as Units 3 and 4 VCE Physics!
#7: Legal Studies
- Unit 3 Average (2023): 67.7%
- Unit 4 Average (2023): 63.3%
- Examination Average (2023): 49.2%
Legal Studies essentially has the work load of 2 or even 3 subjects at times.
All the concepts, cases, questions, content and practice required to do well in the subject is quite degrading at times.
Want to learn more about VCE Legal Studies? Read about everything you need to know from the VCE Legal Studies Study Design!
Not to mention, many students just don’t really find it that interesting, regardless of how well they do in it.
Generally, students struggle with the rights and justice unit, since a lot of the rules are vague and ambiguous, there is rarely a ‘wrong or right’ answer in the unit.
The same applies for the people, the law and reform unit, which is an extremely opinionated and subjective area of study!
While the SACs and Exams are fair, the incredibly large amount of content means falling behind at any part of the year will hurt your grades.
#6: English
- Unit 3 Average (2023): 65.3%
- Unit 4 Average (2023): 68.1%
- Examination Average (2023): 55.3%
Like Maths or Science, some people just don’t get English.
VCE English can feel completely subjective at times, with many struggling to see what exactly they need to do for each task.
While the content isn’t too heavy, constantly writing creative pieces, essays and language analysis can be tedious. Especially when progress is really slow.
Additionally, the SACs and Exams are killer (the hardest exam in my opinion). Time is precious, the questions are marked really harshly, the standards are high, and you better do lots of practice before hand or you’ll likely trip up.
The most difficult unit by far is creative writing. The task gives you a lot of freedom in which direction you take your creative piece, so many students struggle to start and structure their piece.
The Essay and Argument and Language Analysis tends to cause less trouble because both tasks are more structured. There are clear requirements and students understand what they need to do to get good marks.
Don’t even get me started on memorising essays, it’s ought to be one of the worst things you have to do in VCE.
Understand VCE English with our ultimate guide to the VCE English Study Design!
#5: Literature
- Unit 3 Average (2023): 72.3%
- Unit 4 Average (2023): 75.7%
- Examination Average (2023): 61.5%
Literature is viewed as a more demanding version of English.
But it’s much deeper than that.
Literature gives you a lot more creative freedom in your tasks. Which can be incredibly daunting, especially if you are used to the nice formulas for essays in English.
The essays are really difficult in literature, this is because unless you have a unique, original interpretation of a text, markers are unlikely to give you a grade higher than 80%.
Meaning you have to read through texts over and over again, understand them back to front, and have a knack for unpacking literature.
The subject encourages students to go on tangents and analyse in ways that they see fit.
For whatever reason, it is far more difficult to crack the high 40s in Literature. The effort, familiarity with the subject, and quality required is far higher.
#4: Chemistry
- Unit 3 Average (2023): 68.1%
- Unit 4 Average (2023): 71.3%
- Examination Average (2023): 51.8%
Where do I start. The very thought of VCE Chemistry gives me cold sweats to this day.
All the memorisation, concepts, exceptions to the concepts, exceptions to the exceptions of concepts, random names that feel made up — it’s rough.
The SACs and Exams were awful. The time crunch is really harsh, the questions are pedantic, the contexts can be really hard to understand.
Honestly, every unit of chemistry caused me heaps of issues. But the unit on organic compounds definitely caused the most trauma. The amount of content in that unit is absurd, to the point it just gets confusing.
There is also just a lot of content that is so difficult to understand. You really need a strong teacher to do well in Chemistry or it’s going to be a rough two years
Want help with VCE Chemistry? Here is everything you need to know from the VCE Chemistry Study Design!
#3: Mathematical Methods
- Unit 3 and 4 Average (2023): 62.7%
- Examination 1 Average (2023): 51.9%
- Examination 2 Average (2023): 45.9%
Everyone’s least favourite VCE subject!
Now, I don’t think it was as bad as what everyone makes it out to be. The content isn’t really that difficult. It’s more the questions that cause headaches.
Generally, the units of probability and calculus cause the most headaches. This is because it is hard to see how the content applies to the scenarios you are provided.
The questions for SACs and Exams are extremely vague. Most of your time will be spent trying to figure out just what exactly the question is even asking.
Want help with VCE Methods? Read through our guide on the VCE Methods Study Design!
The key to methods is understanding how to apply the content to lots of different scenarios. This means heaps of practice questions and exams!
Of course, everyone’s heard about how rough the exams and SACs are. They are quite demotivating.
#2: Specialist Mathematics
- Unit 3 and 4 Average (2023): 69.6%
- Examination 1 Average (2023): 59.4%
- Examination 2 Average (2023): 58.1%
Specialist Maths seems awful to anyone who doesn’t take the subject.
However, those who do the subject seem to really enjoy it.
Want help choosing a maths subject? Read our article on which VCE Maths subject you should choose!
Specialist is the opposite of Methods, tough content, easier questions. Students tend to enjoy how the subject focuses more on the maths than the application to random scenarios.
Integration and Vectors are seen as the most difficult topics in specialist maths. Although, it does seem to depend on where your strongest skills lie.
Complex numbers are a very new and unique topic that requires a lot of time to wrap your head around as well.
Specialist is unbelievably competitive. Almost all the students are really competent at Maths and are very academically minded.
The difference between a 50 and 40 study score is really small as a result.
However, the time spent to be familiar with the content is far greater than any other subject, with one exception.
#1: Any Languages
Languages are difficult because they require constant study and practice.
You can’t just take a break from them over the holidays or not study them for a week after a tough SAC.
Any time off from a language is lost progress. Students are required to persistantly practice speaking, writing and reading to maintian a high score.
The Oral tests are by far the most difficult part of learning a VCE language. They are intimidating, high pressure one-on-one tests with your teacher or an examiner that expose your speaking and listening skills.
While the SACs and exams aren’t too difficult, the content itself can be extremely hard. I remember learning all these different variations of words for Latin. It was terrible.
The constant commitment required for languages makes them easily the most difficult VCE subjects.
That’s all!
Hopefully this list gives you a good idea of just how hard some VCE subjects are and better informs your VCE subject selection.
Remember, there is some subjectivity to this list. I’ve seen some people make Specialist Maths, English or a language look like light work.
What matters is that you know what you are getting yourself into.
Need more VCE resources?
Boost your chances of acing VCE and check out our other resources!
- The Ultimate Guide to Preparing for Your First VCE SAC
- What is the GAT?
- What is the VCE Vocational Major?
- What is the VCE?
- VCE Argument and Language Analysis Past Papers
- The Ultimate Guide to Studying for Your VCE External Exams
- The Definitive Guide to Managing VCE Stress and Anxiety
- How to Write a Text Response Essay for VCE English
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Max Huyton is the VIC Growth Marketer for Art of Smart and a Laws and Commerce student at Monash University. In his other life, Max spends his time reading and writing whenever he gets the chance and cooking extremely mediocre dishes for friends and family.