BlogEnglishThe 50 Best High Schools in Brisbane for 2024 – School Rankings

The 50 Best High Schools in Brisbane for 2024 – School Rankings

2024 best brisbane schools based off ATAR results

Are you looking at enrolling your child into a high school but feeling uncertain about which schools are the best in the Brisbane area? Selecting a school is one of the most significant decisions a family will face!

We’re back again this year with a fresh list of Brisbane Schools, and have put in the hours, done the research, and have created the ‘2024 Ultimate Brisbane High School Ranking’ to help you make the right call with your student about the high school they want to graduate from.

What are you waiting for? Check it out below!

How Our 2024 Brisbane School Ranking Works
Top 50 Brisbane Schools 2024 Ranking List
Top Public Schools
Top Private Schools
Top Gender-Streamed Schools
Top 99 ATAR Schools
Top 95 ATAR Schools
Top 90 ATAR Schools
Top 80 ATAR Schools
Top Cost of Living Value Schools

How Our 2024 Brisbane School Ranking Works

Since the introduction of the new ATAR system, the QLD government (and QTAC who is responsible for calculation of ATARs) has ceased publishing individual school performance data publicly, opting instead to release subject-specific information. But at Art of Smart Education, we remain dedicated to providing data-driven insights to assist students and parents in making crucial life decisions.

To achieve this, we have found publicly uploaded ATAR results from each school, regarding their 2023 cohort’s success. This means that we collated each school’s independently released results, in order to get the most accurate picture possible, based on the percentage of students who achieved above an ATAR 80, 90 and 95.

When you compare a school’s performance to the QTAC ATAR distribution report for 2023, you can work out how many times a school performed better than (or worse than) the state’s average.

This final percentage is the actual figure which we use to measure a schools’ ATAR performance, considering the whole cohort.

For example, because The Lakes College had 58% of students above an ATAR 90 and 19% of students above an ATAR 95, we can compare this data to the state average through normalisation and calculate that they did 84% better than the state average!

Top 50 Brisbane Schools 2024 Ranking List

Based purely on academic performance and ATAR results, here are the Top 50 Brisbane School finalists.

Ranking #SchoolOutperforming State Percentage 2024Changes from 2023-2024
1St Aidan's Anglican Girls' School251%
▲ 2
2Brisbane Girls Grammar School244%
◀ -
3Brisbane Grammar School167%
▼ 2
4Brisbane State High School160%
◀ -
5St Joseph's College Gregory Terrace155%
5All Hallows' School 155%
◀ -
7Anglican Church Grammar School **153%
▼ 2
8Mansfield State High School142%
◀ -
9Ipswich Grammar School **140%
10St Margaret's Anglican Girls School **137%
▼ 3
11Loreto College Coorparoo *122%
▲ 13
12Mt St Michael's College **120%
▼ 2
13Ormiston College *116%
▼ 4
14Somerville House109%
▼ 3
15Moreton Bay College *96%
▲ 13
16St Rita's College **95%
▲ 9
17Villanova College *90%
▼ 4
18The Gap State High School **87%
▲ 3
19Mount Alvernia College **86%
▼ 1
20Marist College Ashgrove **84%
▼ 1
20The Lakes College *84%
▲ 12
20St John's Anglican College **84%
▲ 16
23Sheldon College *83%
▼ 6
24St Peters Lutheran College81%
▲ 5
25John Paul College77%
▲ 7
26Brisbane Boys' College **76%
▼ 12
27Ipswich Girls' Grammar School73%
▼ 15
28Stuartholme School **64%
▼ 13
29Stretton State College **60%
▲ 7
30Citipointe Christian College *51%
▲ 1
31Indooroopilly State High School *47%
▲ 8
31Cannon Hill Anglican College *47%
▼ 16
33Northside Christian College *46%
▼ 10
34Canterbury College41%
◀ -
34Saint Stephen's College *41%
◀ -
36St John Fisher College **37%
▲ 8
37Redeemer Lutheran College33%
▼ 7
38St Joseph's Nudgee College **24%
▼ 2
39Kedron State High School **19%
39Prince of Peace Lutheran College *19%
▲ 6
41Genesis Christian College16%
▲ 7
41Brigidine College *16%
▲ 5
43Grace Lutheran College *10%
▲ 6
43St Paul's School *10%
▼ 2
45Redlands College *8%
46Centenary State High School-4%
46Ambrose Treacy College **-4%
▲ 4
48Brisbane Adventist College-8%
49Moreton Bay Boys College *-10%
▼ 29
50Mt Maria College **-14%

* Any school that exhibits a single asterisk next to its name means the proportion of the cohort achieving an ATAR was not reported.
** Any school that exhibits a double asterisks may mean the “proportion of students achieving an ATAR was lower than similar schools, which may elevate the mean scores reported here.”

Disclaimer: The data and information presented in this article are the result of comprehensive research conducted by Art of Smart. If you wish to use any part of this data or information in your own publications, articles, or reports, you must provide proper attribution by stating the data was produced by Art of Smart Education and linking back to this original article.

About Schools With Potentially Elevated ATAR Performance Data

Part of what makes a school successful is its ability to graduate a cohort through the education system, catering to all needs. At Art of Smart, we recognise that the ATAR is not the only route for educational success.

However, when schools begin streaming students out of the ATAR cohort to prioritise a selection of high-performing students, this can lead to their ATAR performance being inflated. 

This is because when a smaller group of high-performing students are chosen to represent the entire schools “graduating cohort”, a misleading outcome can result with both inflated results and misjudged school reporting.

Our goal is to compare schools as accurately and as fairly as possible. As a result, we’ve sought to account for situations where this ATAR performance inflation may have occurred.

Every school in our Top 50 list was therefore assessed based on its location and socio-economic index using a reliable linear model (with a 73% causation correlation) to find the expected percentage of the cohort that should graduate with an ATAR. We’ve called this the ‘predicted ATAR participation percentage’ for a school.

This predicted ATAR participation percentage is unique for each school and sits between 40-100% of students in the school’s total cohort. 

elevated atar data

This illustration visually demonstrates a school which has less than expected ATAR students in their cohort. This indicates that only the most academic students are producing results, meaning the outperformance scores of particular schools may appear higher than what they statistically should be.

However, this is an illustration of a normal ATAR school, where the expected amount of ATAR students are actually graduating, meaning the data is fair and what we’d expect from a given school.

We compared the predicted ATAR participation percentage for each school with historical and publicly available data on their ATAR cohort sizes to determine if the actual 2023 ATAR participation percentage aligns with how a school of any given size and socio-economic position should be performing.

If both predicted and 2023 actual participation percentages are similar, this means that the ATAR outperforming percentage and associated ranking are very unlikely to have been inflated by ATAR cohort streaming, and is a fair reflection of the school’s overall ATAR performance.

If however, there was a gap between the predicted ATAR participation percentage and the likely 2023 actual ATAR percentage, we’ve identified this school with a disclaimer**. This highlights that the school’s ATAR outperformance percentage and associated school ranking may be possibly inflated due to students being streamed out of an ATAR cohort.

If you are a school with an asterisk and you would like to update your ranking accuracy please get in touch with our team at [email protected] with your actual 2023 ATAR cohort size as a percentage of your total Year 12 student cohort.

Top 10 School Trends

  • Topping the list we have St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School*, a change from last year’s results where we now see the Brisbane Grammar Schools slightly fall in rank. Following that is Brisbane State High, St Joseph’s College and All Hallows’ School.
  • A common trend again this year is that many private schools and colleges are taking the top performing spots, with the exceptions of Brisbane, Mansfield and The Gap State High Schools all making the Top 25, representing the best public schools in the Brisbane area.
  • Across the board many of the same schools from last year have maintained their spots, with the exceptions of Ipswich Grammar and St Jospeh’s College, who made the Top 10 this year.
  • We see in 2024 there was a much smoother distribution in outperformance scores, with no schools apart from the Top 2 achieving a score that was significantly out of range to the others. This is by far the most statistically advanced school ranking table available!

Public vs Private vs Anglican vs Catholic

Private schools took the larger portion of the Top 50 schools this year jumping from 38.9% to 42.3%, with Public schools moving from 18.5% last year, to 13.5% this year, whilst Anglican and Catholic schools also slightly shrunk too.

Now that we know how many schools from each category made it into the Top 50, it would be beneficial to understand how well each category performed.

Note, there was insufficient data to break down schools into each sub-denomination. Lutheran, Presbyterian and Non-Denomination schools have been grouped into the “private” category.

School TypeAverage OutperformanceChanges from 2023-2024
◀ -
▲ 1
▼ 1
◀ -

From the analysis, we can see just how well Anglican Schools have performed in 2023, compared with the other categories, dominating the sector again for the second year in a row. Another key trend is that the average performance of the Public schools in the Top 50 surpassed the average of the Private schools, showing just how competitive public-system education can be.

Top Anglican Schools

Ranking #SchoolOutperforming %
1St Aidan's Anglican Girls' School251%
2Anglican Church Grammar School **153%
3St Margaret's Anglican Girls School **137%
4St John's Anglican College **84%
5Cannon Hill Anglican College47%

Top Catholic Schools

Ranking #SchoolOutperforming %
1St Joseph's College Gregory Terrace155%
2All Hallows' School155%
3Loreto College Coorparoo122%
4Mt St Michael's College **120%
5St Rita's College **95%

Top Independent Schools

Ranking #SchoolOutperforming %
1Brisbane Girls Grammar School244%
2Brisbane Grammar School167%
3Ipswich Grammar School **140%
4Ormiston College116%
5Somerville House109%
6Moreton Bay College96%
7The Lakes College84%
8Sheldon College83%
9St Peters Lutheran College81%
10John Paul College77%

Top Public Schools

Ranking #SchoolOutperforming %
1Brisbane State High School160%
2Mansfield State High School142%
3The Gap State High School **87%
4Stretton State College **60%
5Indooroopilly State High School 47%

Gender Streamed vs Co-Ed

Co-Education schools took up a slight majority of the Top 50 spots this year, with Gender-Streamed schools making up the other 48% on the list!

Now again, it is beneficial for us to grasp the average outperformance of each school sector, compared to the state average!

Note that there was no movement between categories in this year’s rankings compared to last!

Gender StreamingAverage Outperformance

The analysis shows that once again, Girl’s schools have led the academic space, with an average outperformance rate of 106%, compared to the Boys schools at 88%, followed by Co-Ed at 47%!

Top Boys Schools

Ranking #SchoolOutperforming %Changes from 2023-2024
1Brisbane Grammar School167%
◀ -
2St Joseph's College Gregory Terrace155%
3Anglican Church Grammar School **153%
▼ 1
4Ipswich Grammar School **140%
5Villanova College90%
▼ 2
6Marist College Ashgrove **84%
▼ 1
7Brisbane Boys' College **76%
▼ 3
8St Joseph's Nudgee College **24%
◀ -
9Ambrose Treacy College **-4%
◀ -
10Moreton Bay Boys College-10%
▼ 4

Top Girls Schools

Ranking #SchoolOutperforming %Change From 2023-2024
1St Aidan's Anglican Girls' School251%
▲ 1
2Brisbane Girls Grammar School244%
▼ 1
3All Hallows' School155%
◀ -
4St Margaret's Anglican Girls School **137%
◀ -
5Loreto College Coorparoo122%
▲ 5
6Mt St Michael's College **120%
▼ 1
7Somerville House109%
▼ 1
8Moreton Bay College96%
9St Rita's College **95%
10Mount Alvernia College **86%
▼ 1

Top Co-Ed Schools

Ranking #SchoolOutperforming %Changes from 2023-2024
1Brisbane State High School160%
◀ -
2Mansfield State High School142%
◀ -
3Ormiston College116%
◀ -
4The Gap State High School **87%
▲ 3
5The Lakes College84%
6St John's Anglican College **84%
7Sheldon College83%
▼ 1
8St Peters Lutheran College81%
9John Paul College77%
10Stretton State College **60%

Top Brisbane School Ranking by ATAR Brackets

We’ve seen how schools performed overall, but not all students and families are looking to achieve a Top 99 ATAR, whilst some students are needing it to get into medicine! Allow us to break down each bracket, and provide some more insight into where might be best for you!


Ranking #School% Above 99 ATAROutperforming State %Changes from 2023-2024
1Brisbane State High School17%580%
▲ 2
2Anglican Church Grammar School **14%460%
◀ -
3Brisbane Girls Grammar School13%439%
▲ 1
4Brisbane Grammar School13%420%
▼ 4
5St Joseph's College Gregory Terrace12%380%
6All Hallows' School10%300%
▼ 1
7St Aidan's Anglican Girls' School9%260%
▼ 3
7Mansfield State High School9%260%
▼ 1
7John Paul College9%260%
10Somerville House8%220%
◀ -

Brisbane State High School performed exceptionally well in terms of the students who achieved above an ATAR 99. After that, the candidates follow a very similar order to the Top Schools ranking overall, with the exception of Somerville House, which again managed to make it into the Top 99 ATAR schools.


Ranking #School% Above 95 ATAROutperforming State %Changes from 2023-2024
1Brisbane Girls Grammar School62%396%
2Brisbane Grammar School46%267%
▼ 1
2St Aidan's Anglican Girls' School46%267%
◀ -
4St Joseph's College Gregory Terrace42%235%
5All Hallows' School41%227%
▼ 1
6Anglican Church Grammar School **40%219%
◀ -
7St Margaret's Anglican Girls School **37%194%
▼ 5
8Loreto College Coorparoo36%187%
9Mansfield State High School34%171%
▼ 2

Things begin to shake up in the 95 ATAR category, with Loreto College, Ipswich Grammar and Mansfield State High School climbing the ranks, to prove just how well the top band of students are performing on their campuses.


Ranking #School% Above 90 ATAROutperforming State %Changes from 2023-2024
1Brisbane Girls Grammar School85%240%
◀ -
2St Aidan's Anglican Girls' School84%235%
◀ -
3Brisbane State High School65%160%
3Brisbane Grammar School65%160%
◀ -
3All Hallows' School65%160%
▲ 1
6St Joseph's College Gregory Terrace64%156%
7Anglican Church Grammar School **62%148%
▼ 1
8St Margaret's Anglican Girls School **61%146%
▼ 3
9Ormiston College54%116%
9Mt St Michael's College **54%116%
◀ -

This category largely follows the overall ranking, with the exception of Mt St Michael’s College joining the ranks of the Top 90 ATAR schools.


Ranking #School% Above 80 ATAROutperforming State %Changes from 2023-2024
1Brisbane Girls Grammar School95%94%
2Mount Alvernia College **94%92%
▲ 5
2Anglican Church Grammar School **94%92%
▲ 4
4Stuartholme School **92%88%
▼ 2
5All Hallows' School87%77%
6St Joseph's College Gregory Terrace86%75%
7Brisbane Grammar School85%73%
8St Margaret's Anglican Girls School **84%72%
▼ 4
9Ipswich Girls' Grammar School82%67%
9Loreto College Coorparoo82%67%
▲ 1

As less of the “top schools” report on this category, we see a whole range of new schools such as Mount Alvernia College, Stuartholme School and St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School take to the top ranks to show that they are getting large parts of their ATAR cohort above the line!!

Cost Efficient Schools

Academics isn’t everything when it comes to a family making a call about a potential school! That’s why we’ve done the research and taken the time to make guides based off a tonne of different factors families need to weigh up into the school journey, such as cost, pricing and tuition! This year we’ve released two categories to address the cost-of-living crisis.

Top Schools by ROI

Firstly, we have calculated the top schools by ROI. In other words, which schools are giving you the most value for the tuition fees you paid. This was simply calculated by working out how many dollars ($) a parent would pay, per every outperformance percentage the school achieved.

Ranking #SchoolTypeAnnual Tuition ($)Outperforming %ROI ($ p %)
1St John Fisher College **Girls4114137.19%$15.75
2Mt St Michael's College **Girls14228219.56%$34.04
3Loreto College CoorparooGirls15140222.04%$35.82
4Mount Alvernia College **Girls13580186.30%$38.29
5St Rita's College **Girls14270194.66%$38.51
6Northside Christian CollegeCo-Ed11185145.50%$40.38
7All Hallows' SchoolGirls19625254.71%$40.47
8The Lakes CollegeCo-Ed14483183.65%$41.43
9Ormiston CollegeCo-Ed17531215.65%$42.7
10Genesis Christian CollegeCo-Ed10192116.05%$46.14
11Saint Stephen's CollegeCo-Ed12648140.76%$47.2
12Ipswich Grammar School **Boys21660239.51%$47.51
13St Aidan's Anglican Girls' SchoolGirls31840351.29%$47.61
14Villanova CollegeBoys18017189.61%$49.92
15St Joseph's College Gregory TerraceBoys24422255.36%$50.24
16Sheldon CollegeCo-Ed17688182.75%$50.84
17John Paul CollegeCo-Ed17165177.31%$50.85
18Redlands CollegeCo-Ed10590107.83%$51.59
19Brisbane Girls Grammar SchoolGirls34654343.53%$52.99
20St John's Anglican College **Co-Ed18642183.63%$53.33

The Top ROI school this year was St John Fisher College, providing excellent value, from just $15.75 for every outperformance %. We also noticed girls schools topped this category, a trend only broken by Co-Ed school Northside Christian College at $40 for every outperformance %.

Top Schools by Cost of Living

Finally, given the current Cost of Living crisis, we’ve created a whole new category this year to help parents decide on the best school to go to!

To do this, we took the high performing ATAR schools from the Top 50 list, and factored in census data, inflation statistics, mortgage and renting cost, tuition fees, average living expenses according to the ABS, etc, all within 5km of each school.

With these factors combined, we can create a “cost of living” index (from 10 being the best, to 1 being the worst), which rank the schools to find the most cost-of-living effective colleges!

Ranking #SchoolTypeSuburbOutperformance %AoS Cost of Living Index
1Ipswich Grammar School **BoysIpswich259.73%9
2Ormiston CollegeCo-EdOrmiston206.25%9
3St John Fisher College **GirlsBracken Ridge196.93%9
4Ipswich Girls' Grammar SchoolGirlsEast Ipswich186.30%9
5St Aidan's Anglican Girls' SchoolGirlsCorinda165.15%9
6Grace Lutheran CollegeCo-EdRothwell151.56%9
7St Rita's College **GirlsClayfield140.17%9
8Loreto College Coorparoo **GirlsCoorparoo125.84%8
9Canterbury CollegeCo-EdWaterford119.65%8
10Genesis Christian CollegeCo-EdBray Park102.09%8
11Sheldon CollegeCo-EdSheldon87.27%8
12Citipointe Christian CollegeCo-EdCarindale84.88%8
13St John's Anglican College **Co-EdForest Lake84.80%8
14John Paul CollegeCo-EdDaisy Hill71.37%7
15Redlands CollegeCo-EdWellington Point49.65%6
16Northside Christian CollegeCo-EdEverton Park48.06%6
17Villanova CollegeBoysCoorparoo41.72%6
18Moreton Bay CollegeGirlsManly West39.83%6
19Mount Alvernia College **GirlsKedron33.52%6
20Mt St Michael's College **GirlsAshgrove32.17%6

The Top Cost-of-Living school this year was Ipswich Grammar School, with an Index of 9 proving it is incredibly cost effective, followed by Ormiston College in Ormiston, and St John Fisher College in Bracken Ridge. These could be excellent options for cost-of-living efficiency!

Wondering how these schools achieved such high results? It’s likely they applied themselves all year round instead of just towards externals! Read more on why Term 2 is the most important term for success in the QCE!

Don’t see your school on here? It’s likely that your school does not publicly publish their ATAR data! Publicly submit your data if you were missed in 2024 or contact us at [email protected] to submit your results to Art of Smart Education! Note that we don’t include schools that only produce IB results to improve internal validity.

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