What is Stratified Sampling?
This post will go through stratified sampling for QCE Biology.
3.1.2 – Classification Processes
- Describe the process in terms of:
- Purpose (estimating population, density, distribution, environmental gradients and profiles, zonation, stratification)
- Site selection
- Choice of ecological surveying technique (quadrats, transects)
- Minimising bias (size and number of samples, random-number generators, counting criteria, calibrating equipment and noting associated precision)
- Methods of data presentation and analysis.
- Mandatory practical: Use the process of stratified sampling to collect and analyse primary biotic and abiotic field data to classify an ecosystem.
Types of Environmental Sampling
This video will go through environmental sampling.
This video goes through some population sampling techniques that may be helpful in addition to the video above.
This video goes through some examples of population sampling.
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