Minimal spanning trees
This post will contain the following information about minimal spanning trees in QCE General Maths.
- What are ‘trees’
- What are spanning trees
- What are minimum spanning trees
- Using Prim’s and Kruskal’s algorithms to find minimum spanning trees
What are ‘trees’?
AÂ tree is a connected graph that contains no cycles, multiple edges or loops. The following videos explain what trees are and provide examples on how to solve questions.
What are spanning trees
AÂ spanning tree is a tree that connects all of the vertices of a graph. The following videos explain what spanning trees are and provide examples on how to solve questions.
What is a minimum spanning tree
AÂ minimum spanning tree is a spanning tree with a minimum length. It connects all the vertices together with the minimum total weighting for the edges.
Using Prim’s and/or Kruskal’s algorithms to determine minimum spanning trees
Prim’s Algorithm
Kruskal’s Algorithm