BlogStudyVCE Physics Past Exams Master List

VCE Physics Past Exams Master List

Physics Classroom - VCE Physics Past Exams

Searching for VCE Physics past papers before an exam can be a huge waste of valuable study time.

You have to wade through page after page of Google results, just to find that they don’t provide the solutions!

To help ease the process, we’ve collected all the past VCE Physics exams in the one place, along with the examination reports.

So, what are you waiting for? Jump in!

Early Preparation for the VCE Physics Exam
Preparation Right Before the Exam
VCE Physics Past Exams

If you’ve only started the Year 12 VCE Physics syllabus…

The best way to prepare for an exam is to start early: study smarter, not harder!

Maintain Wellbeing

While you are studying for your exams make sure to maintain your physical and mental wellbeing. Continue to exercise regularly, socialise and relax, remember that VCE is a marathon not a sprint, and you don’t want to end up burning out before the exam!

Syllabus Check

The most important step in revision is making sure you’re on top of all the content. Check the VCE study design, and highlight any key knowledge you’re unsure about.

You can use these knowledge deficits to effectively allocate your finite studying time.

Learn how to properly create a scientific poster for VCE Physics!

Exam Notes

You’re allowed to bring two A4 or one folded A3 sheet of double-sided notes into your exam. You should make sure to create these notes yourself, as the process of transferring a year’s worth of content into just 2 sheets of paper will help in highlighting any areas you need to work on before the exam.

As a plus, it’ll also be much quicker to consult notes that you yourself have made!

When building study notes, focus on concepts such as physical laws or particular experiments — any formulas necessary for the exam will be included on the formula sheet. Be sure to consult the formula sheets found at the end of the exams linked below if you are unsure.

Tip: Check out our definitive guide to effectively using the VCE Physics Formula Sheet!

Study Planning

VCE Physics Past Exams

Now that you have determined your weakest and strongest areas, you are almost ready to begin studying. In order to keep focused and organised, it is smart to begin by writing up a list of content to work on throughout your exam study — include textbook chapters, and any revision tests you can find.

Make sure to allocate more time to your weakest areas, and put these towards the top of the list so that you complete them first.

You should also ensure that you get a good coverage of the entire study design, including topics you’re stronger at.

Not sure how to study for the Physics exam over the holidays? Here is a complete guide on how to balance rest and VCE study in the break!

Study Buddies

While studying, your friends can be one of your greatest assets. Forming a study group with some of your mates is a great way to both study and socialise.

Commit to meeting up regularly each week (ideally during a study period) in order to work on problems together. That way, you’ll be more likely to study consistently due to the pressure of not wanting to let your friends down, and as a plus it’ll also ensure that you keep on socialising throughout your exam period.

Make sure you and your Physics pals ace your favourite subject by using our guide to end of year VCE Physics exams!

Practice Exams

Once you get closer to the exam, you should begin undertaking practice exams in order to get an idea of what the exam is going to be like on the day.

The best way to do this is of course to follow the exam specifications to the letter. Make sure to use the reading time to determine which questions you can answer easily, and which questions you should leave until later. 

It is important to restrict yourself to the 2.5 hour time limit outlined in the specifications, as this will indicate whether you are answering questions too slowly. If this is the case, it is likely due to either a lack of confidence, lack of focus or insufficient preparation. You should strive to answer questions both accurately and quickly.

After your mock exam is done, go back through and mark the exam using the answers given in the examination report. See where you went wrong, and then (after a couple of days of course!) try another practice exam with your mistakes in mind.

Try to complete at least two practice exams in order to see how your performance improves!

Check out our 25 VCE Physics External Assessment practice questions!

If you’re close to sitting your VCE Physics exam…

If the exam is coming up soon, the best strategy is to quickly identify your strongest areas and focus on getting the marks for these. That means doing practice questions, writing your notes and hopefully going though at least one practice exam.

When the exam day comes, attempt to complete the questions you find easiest first, before moving on to the harder ones. That way, you can at least lock in the marks for the areas you know well.

VCE Physics Past Exams – Past Study Design

YearVCE Examination PaperExamination Report 
2023Exam PaperExamination Report
2022Exam PaperExamination Report
2021Exam PaperExamination Report
2020Exam PaperExamination Report 
2019Exam PaperExamination Report 
2018Exam PaperExamination Report 
2017Exam PaperExamination Report 
2016Exam PaperExamination Report 
2015Exam PaperExamination Report 
2014Exam PaperExamination Report 
2013Exam PaperExamination Report 
2012Exam Paper 1
Exam Paper 2
Examination Report 1
Examination Report 2
2011Exam Paper 1
Exam Paper 2
Examination Report 1
Examination Report 2
2010Exam Paper 1
Exam Paper 2
Examination Report 1
Examination Report 2

Note that these exams are past exams from the previous study design, the new study design began in 2024. No papers for the new study design have been released yet. 

For some quick revision, you can check out our video library of VCE content for Physics!

On the hunt for other past VCE exams?

Feeling ready to tackle some more past papers? We’ve created lists for the different subjects below:

Specifically need help for VCE Physics? Try these articles:

Also studying VCE Chemistry? Check out our guide to using the VCE Chemistry Data Book effectively!

Are you looking for some extra help with preparing for your VCE Physics exam?

We have an incredible team of VCE tutors and mentors!

We can help you master the VCE Physics study design and ace your upcoming VCE assessments with personalised lessons conducted one-on-one in your home or online!

Looking for an expert VCE Physics tutor in Box Hill? Get in contact today!

We’ve supported over 8,000 students over the last 11 years, and on average our students score mark improvements of over 20%!

To find out more and get started with an inspirational VCE tutor and mentor, get in touch today or give us a ring on 1300 267 888!

Scott McColl is a content writer with Art of Smart and a Civil Engineering student at Monash University. In between working and studying, Scott enjoys playing music and working on programming projects.

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