You now know all the facts and stats about the Bachelor of Media at UNSW. If you don’t, have a quick look here!
But, are you still curious about how people feel about this degree? Wonder no more! We chatted with UNSW Media student, Deanna, about what this degree is really like to study.
Have a look!
Why should you study a Media degree at UNSW?
Top 3 Pros of a Media Degree
Top 3 Cons of a Media Degree
Things to Know Before Starting UNSW Media
What Makes this Degree Different
Motivations for Studying UNSW Media
Potential Career Paths
Why should you study a Media degree at UNSW?
If you’re someone who wants to join and contribute to our constantly evolving and changing landscape with the aid of media to propel your voice and ideas, then perhaps UNSW Media could spark your interest! This degree is awesome for people who want to see a change in our world and influence it; people who want to have their voices heard and people who want to share information with others.
The Bachelor of Media at UNSW is a degree that is multimodal, helps you become multi-skilled and requires a massive amount of work, but it’s all worth it! With the number of different majors and directions, this degree can go in, you’ll feel a sense of freedom when completing it.
Deanna tells us a bit about her major:
Top 3 Pros of a UNSW Media Degree
#1: The tutors are passionate and helpful
UNSW Media teachers and tutors are super helpful and passionate! If you reach out to them about things related to study or work opportunities, they will be more than accommodating towards you.
“You can expect to have lots of support — lots of my tutors have helped me get internships and get into contact with lots of people in their network,” Deanna tells us.
#2: You aren’t just limited to studying Media with this degree
As well as the fact that there are different majors to choose from within this degree, you can also choose from a plethora of minors! They don’t need to be from the Media stream either — Deanna tells us about her minor, “I am a minor in Theatre and Performance Studies! I love the way that I can combine this minor with my Comms and Journalism major.”
If you want to expand your skillset beyond just studying Media, have a look at the numerous minors offered here!
#3: There is an Honours option
After this degree is finished, students have the option to (providing they have a WAM of 75 or over) gain admission into the UNSW honours stream! This means an extra year of study but you can gain a world of wisdom and write your own thesis!
“You can do Media Honours by adding an extra year to your study. Honours will let you develop a thesis idea and research it and have someone monitor you,” Deanna says.
Top 3 Cons of a UNSW Media Degree
#1: To complete internships through UNSW, you need a certain WAM
While internships are not a compulsory component of the Bachelor of Media at UNSW, they’re still a valuable experience to benefit from. Though, not all students can take on the internship unit.
“I was able to commence an internship, however, not everyone is able to. For entry into the internship subjects, you must have a WAM of 65 or over,” Deanna says.
Through media internships, students may be able to develop their industry skills at a variety of places. From newsrooms to boardrooms, students can figure out what their passions are within the media, by working their way through internships!
#2: The cohort isn’t the most social
Making friends at uni can make your degree all the more enjoyable. However, Deanna hasn’t really experienced having close friends through her media units, “Everyone is nice, but you don’t really have the huge experience of having “close friends” — I’ve found more friends with my theatre units.”
Don’t lose hope though, another way to gain friends and connections at UNSW is to join a club! UNSW hosts a huge range of different clubs — from sporting to seemingly obscure hobbies, there will be a club for you!
#3: There is a large workload
This course is quite full-on sometimes, but it should be noted, that while this course can be content-heavy, you will gain so much out of it. Deanna tells us more, “This course can be so fast-paced and overwhelming but I gained so many things. I was able to create a piece to camera and a radio segment — my portfolio is more than just written text!”
What do you wish you had known before starting the degree?
Self-sufficiency and the ability to be able to network and chat with people is key! “You need to make an effort, keep in contact with your tutors and really make the most of your degree. You can be in the environment, but you need to also be active in it! Get as much out of uni as you can,” Deanna reveals.
Don’t just go to uni for the sake of getting a degree — make the most of the experiences it has to offer. University is more than just passing all your subjects, it’s also what you do outside of academics that’ll help you once you enter the real world.
What makes this degree different from the ones offered at other universities?
UNSW Media is extremely multimodal, and the types of work you’ll produce are diverse in range. You’ll not only be writing reports or copy, but you could find yourself recording radio segments one day and doing a piece to the camera the next!
Studying this degree will give you access to the right facilities and tools to give you exposure to the many different realms of media.
What inspired you to choose this degree?
There are many different reasons to pursue a Bachelor of Media at UNSW! “For me, the proximity and subjects offered at UNSW were what made me decide to complete this degree,” Deanna says.
You might choose this degree for the broad career options after graduating, or the different ways you can structure the degree. UNSW Media might also entice you because of its multimodal aspects and the way you can diversify your portfolio.
What are the possible career paths?
Career paths that can be derived from this degree are extremely open, especially as the media landscape is constantly evolving and changing! You could end up in any of the following career paths:
- Journalist
- Video and Sound Producer
- Screenwriter
- Interactive Media Designer
- Radio Journalist
- Photojournalist
- Content Writer
- Social Media Advisor
- PR Manager
- Advertising Practitioner
- Advertising Creative
Matilda Elliott is a Content Writer at Art of Smart and a Communication graduate with a major in Journalism at Western Sydney University. You can find some of her published work in a range of platforms including SBS World News, The Music Network and within her own creative exploits with her twin sister. Matilda is a lover of listening, helping people to tell their stories, making genuine connections, clowning around in her circus troupe and dancing like no one is watching at live music shows!