K-12 Tailored 1 on 1 Maths Tutoring Sutherland Shire
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Supported by thousands of families, with a 4.9 ⭐️ rating!
Work with an Engaging 1 on 1 Maths Tutor Sutherland Shire
Excellent Maths Tutoring Sutherland Shire for all levels!
Art of Smart is known for our top notch Maths tutors who have tonnes of experience under their belts! Your Maths Tutor Sutherland Shire will cover all of your child’s maths needs, coaching them through curriculum content, helping them with assignments and getting them through exam periods with amazing results!
We build confidence and academic skill! Our Maths tutoring Sutherland Shire students have seen an average mark increase of 20.7%! On top of this, 93% of our customers attest to the fact that each Maths tutor Sutherland Shire are highly skilled in personalising lessons for their students!
High Schools
Primary Schools
Engadine High School
St George Girls High School
Cronulla High School
Sylvania High School
Endeavour Sports High School
Menai High School
Woolooware High School
Caringbah High School
Gymea Technology High School
Kirrawee High School
Port Hacking High School
Heathcote High School
De La Salle Catholic College
Sutherland Public School
Sutherland North Public School
Jannali Public School
St Catherine Labouré Catholic Primary School
Jannali East Public School
Gymea North Public School
Woronora River Public School
Kirrawee Public School
Taren Point Public School
Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic School
St. Aloysius Catholic Primary School
Work with a Maths Tutor Sutherland Shire that makes Maths easy to understand!
Our Maths Tutors Sutherland Shire provide holistic 1 on 1 support, personalising each tutoring lesson to your child’s needs to ensure that any complex idea is easy to understand!
We’re also familiar with how different schools approach Maths, as we’ve worked with student’s from schools across the Sutherland Shire. Take a look at some of the schools that our maths tutors Sutherland Shire have tutored Maths in.
Our Sutherland Shire Maths tutors are NSW Curriculum Experts!
Our Maths Tutors in the Sutherland Shire are familiar with the NSW Curriculum, from Kindy through to Year 12, and Standard, Advanced and Extension 1 Maths! We tailor our tutoring sessions to your preferred location and to suit your family timetable. We offer our tutoring services all around the Sutherland Shire, including online, in the comfort of your own home or at the Engadine Library.
We ensure that you are getting the most out of your tutoring experience with talented, professional tutors, who are equipped with a fantastic set of print and online resources for all your Maths needs!
Meet Our Maths Tutors in the Sutherland Shire
Jess L
Experienced HSC Maths Tutor
- Studying a Bachelor of Primary Education
- Senior Coach at Art of Smart
- Top Tip: Highlighters are your best friend! It’s a great way to consolidate your knowledge and flag key points!
Amin H
Experienced HSC Maths Tutor
- Studying a Bachelor of Computer Science and Masters of Mathematical Sciences
- Graduated as Dux of High School
- Experienced HSC Maths Senior Coach
- Top Tip: If you want to do well in something, you have to practice, practice, practice!
Henry B
Experienced HSC Maths Tutor
- Studying combined Bachelor of Science and Advanced Science majoring in Bioinformatics
- Plans to pursue a PhD
- Senior Chemistry Class Teacher
- Top tip: Approach questions via a step by step method. Focus on one section at a time to avoid becoming overwhelmed!
Our Maths Tutoring Sutherland Shire Locations
Your own home
1 on 1 Sessions
Local Library
1 on 1 Sessions
Small Classes or 1 on 1 Sessions
We Provide Maths Tutoring for All Year Levels
Learn about how we can help you ace your chosen Maths year level!
- Primary and High School
- Maths Standard
- Maths Advanced
- Maths Extension
Primary and High School: K-10 Maths
Our Maths Tutoring in the Sutherland Shire is all about building your confidence and laying down a rock-solid mathematical foundation. We want you to ace every step of your academic journey!
Our program follows the NSW curriculum, ensuring you get a grip on crucial mathematical concepts like algebra, measurement, statistics and probability. We'll help you bridge any gaps in your knowledge, prepare you for NAPLAN and get you ready for future success in your education.
Maths Standard: Year 11-12
Our team of seasoned tutors in the Sutherland Shire has got your back when it comes to HSC Standard Maths. We've got a customised approach that hones in on essential skills like understanding those tricky mathematical concepts like algebra, financial mathematics and statistics. As well as dissecting problem-solving strategies, sharpening your logical reasoning, and cooking up effective mathematical solutions.
We totally get that everyone is unique, so we tailor our lesson plans and strategies just for you. We're here to help you build the skills and knowledge you need to conquer HSC Standard Maths and smash those academic goals with confidence!
Maths Advanced: Year 11-12
We specialise in providing HSC Advanced Maths tutoring services in the Sutherland Shire designed to help you excel in this challenging subject. Our team of highly skilled tutors is here to offer comprehensive support in a wide range of skills, including advanced mathematical analysis, problem-solving strategies, proof techniques, and advanced mathematical modelling. While assisting students with concepts like functions, calculus and statistical analysis.
We know that each student has unique learning needs, and that's why we customise our lesson plans and strategies just for you. Our goal is to assist you in developing the critical skills and knowledge necessary for success in HSC Advanced Maths, enabling you to achieve your academic objectives with confidence.
Maths Extension: Year 11-12
Our specialised HSC Extension Maths tutoring in the Sutherland Shire is here to provide comprehensive support in advanced mathematical analysis, problem-solving strategies, and mathematical reasoning. While assisting with mathematic concepts like functions, calculus, proofs and vectors.
Our experienced tutors understand that each student is unique, and that's why we customise our lesson plans to meet your specific needs. Our aim is to help you excel in this challenging subject and accomplish your academic goals. With our tailored approach, we will equip you with the essential skills and knowledge to succeed in HSC Extension Maths.
Browse our Maths tutoring Sutherland Shire resources!
Detailed Resources Created by our Expert Maths Tutoring Sutherland Shire Team!
These gems have everything from interactive exercises, worked examples and practice questions, so that you can master your content!
How to get started with a Maths Tutor Sutherland Shire
Get in touch
Fill out our contact form so we can get in touch about what suits you
Get matched
Be paired with one of our tutors that suit your personality and learning style!
Kickstart your first session
Start your holistic tutoring journey with zero booking and cancellation fees
Let’s Talk
Call us at 1300 267 888 or leave your details below and we’ll be in touch to help you achieve your goals
How do we run our Art of Smart Maths tutoring Sutherland Shire sessions?
Our Maths tutors Sutherland Shire are top-notch! But, you as a parent might be wondering how we run our maths tutoring Sutherland shire sessions and what your child will learn during these sessions!
Our maths tutoring sessions are run with the necessary regime and flexibility to ensure that your child has all the required support and skill development opportunities to help them succeed in any maths journey that they may be in!
When first beginning, our maths tutoring Sutherland tutors will introduce themselves, have some ice breaker activities and get to know your child and their needs! These introductory activities are of utmost importance as they help build rapport between your child and their new tutor! Our tutors ensure to not only build rapport with your children, but also with you too! After the first lesson, our tutors generally touch base with you as the parent with a text or an email, and ensure that you are updated with the latest information of what your child and tutor have been doing, and what they will do in the following weeks! Now, you may not receive these messages every week, however, a weekly report of your child’s learning is available on the Art of Smart portal, highlighting the content covered in the lesson, engagement levels of your child and any homework our Maths Sutherland shire tutors have set!
Well, after this point, your Maths tutor Sutherland Shire will continue to cover content that is in your child’s relevant maths syllabus while ensuring to support them through stressful exam and assessment periods!
What will your child learn in Maths tutoring Sutherland Shire?
Your Maths tutor Sutherland Shire will cover a variety of things during their tutoring sessions with your child! Besides covering the syllabus content in a manner that is both in depth and fun, our maths tutors will teach your child a variety of skills that are easily adaptable to settings outside of the classroom. Such skills may include stress management, organisation skills and prioritisation skills. Our tutors ensure to cover topics that your child struggles with and come exam and assessment times, make sure to help your child attain confidence in assessable topics.
How will a Maths Tutor Sutherland Shire support your child during exam and assessment periods?
Our Maths tutors understand that maths can be a difficult subject with many abstract concepts such as algebra, integration, proofs and so on. But, we are committed to make sure that your child has a developed and confident understanding of whichever topic they may be doing! One way we do this is by providing expert support during exam and assessment periods!
Your Maths tutor Sutherland Shire will begin work with your child on their assessment notifications weeks prior to its due date so that they are able to personalise their upcoming tutoring sessions to the content in your child’s exam!
It is important to note that our amazing tutors are super flexible, so if your child has questions outside of the content that is to be covered in that lesson, our tutors are more than happy to veer away from their prepared contentment to answer their questions!
Your Art of Smart Maths tutor Sutherland Shire is also equipped with the most up to date Maths resources, practice papers and questions which will ensure that the preparation for their exams is solid!
The top provider of Maths Tutoring Sutherland Shire
Do you need a top quality Maths tutor Sutherland Shire to help your child with all your maths tutoring needs? Well, Art of Smart Education has the best team of Sutherland Shire Maths tutors that can help your child with all aspects of maths and go into the nitty gritty details of their maths syllabus. Your child will be in safe hands with us!
We have been providing students with top notch, targeted tutoring for over a decade and with this much experience under our belt, we know what it takes to support a student in their mathematical endeavours. We help improve our students’ confidence and morale in maths with holistic Maths Tutoring Sutherland Shire and we are certain that we can help your child achieve their subject goals!
Does your child need help understanding finance, differentiation, integration, vectors, complex numbers, or any other concept in maths? Well, you have most certainly come to the right place for help! Art of Smart Education offers outstanding tutoring services for all year levels from kindergarten to year 12, and all levels of maths in year 11 and year 12 including maths standard, advanced, extension 1 and extension 2. We have a large team of expert tutors and a bank of top quality resources to help your child through whichever maths journey they may be on!
A little bit about our Maths resources!
Our resources are some of the most recent that your child can be provided with, with unique and updated HSC and trial level practice questions to help your child develop the confidence they need to succeed.
These resources are developed by a highly skilled team of teachers and tutors who make sure that each and every question targets different aspects of a mathematical concept so that your child is best prepared for their exams. These resources are available online or, we can ship them right to your door!
Maths tutoring Sutherland Shire catered to you!
Our individual, 1 on 1 Maths Tutoring Sutherland Shire can happen in a place that you find most convenient, whether this be face to face or online in the comfort of your own home, or at one of our friendly campuses! Your skilled Art of Smart Maths tutor Sutherland Shire will go in depth into each dot point in the maths curriculum, and support your child during exam and assessment periods, allowing them to gain all the necessary skills and practice that they need to achieve their best in their next maths exam! We know that maths can be a super difficult and abstract subject, so our Sutherland shire Maths tutors ensure to go in depth to each and every topic while listening to the questions and concerns of your child to the greatest extent.
In addition to this, your Art of Smart Maths tutor Sutherland Shire will work towards holistically supporting your child, developing skills outside of academics, such as study techniques, effective communication in their areas of weakness, and a well developed portrayal of their ideas. These skills are those that will not only benefit your children for their high school lives, but will extend to their lives outside of high school too! Moreover, the skills we teach our students are all based on research we’ve conducted with Australia’s top-performing students! This allows our students to grow in all aspects of their lives, whilst smoothly undertaking their exams whilst maintaining their wellbeing.
We are here for your child at all times, with flexible, consistent support!
We understand that students will have questions regarding content, and that these questions may come at awkward or sudden times! Your Art of Smart Maths tutor Sutherland shire is flexible in that they are able to answer questions through emails, messages, or can even organise last minute extra tutoring sessions if need be and if that suits their schedule!!
Start Maths Sutherland Shire tutoring with us today!
If you have been impressed with what you have read and are ready to start Maths tutoring Sutherland Shire with us, give us a ring on 1300 267 888 or send us an inquiry form on our website, and we’ll swiftly match you up with one of our talented tutors!