HSC Together Year 12 Maths Standard: Minimum Spanning Trees

Maths Standard

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Minimum Spanning Trees

This post will contain the following information about minimum spanning trees in HSC Standard Math.


What Are ‘Trees’?

A tree is a connected graph that contains no cycles, multiple edges or loops. The following videos explain what trees are and provide examples on how to solve questions.




What Are Spanning Trees

A spanning tree is a tree that connects all of the vertices of a graph. The following videos explain the concept and completes exam-style questions,




What is a Minimum Spanning Tree

A minimum spanning tree is a spanning tree with the smallest length. It connects all the vertices together with the least total weighting for the edges.


Using Prim’s and/or Kruskal’s Algorithms

Prim’s Algorithm


Kruskal’s Algorithm


Want to learn more? Check out more of our HSC Standard Maths resources here!

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