This is part of the HSC Chemistry course under the topic of Factors that Affect Equilibrium
In this post, we investigate the effects of temperature, concentration, volume and/or pressure on a system at equilibrium and explain how Le Chatelier’s principle can be used to predict such effects, for example:
- Heating cobalt(II) chloride hydrate
- Interaction between nitrogen dioxide and dinitrogen tetroxide
- Iron(III) thiocyanate and varying concentration of ion
What is Equilibrium?
A Crash Course on equilibrium investigating the effects of temperature and pressure on a system at equilibrium, and how (Le Chatelier’s Principle can be used to help determine where the system will shift. It also explores the reaction of heating Cobalt Chloride Hydrated.
An explanation of Le Chatelier’s Principle using the chemical equilibrium of Nitrogen Dioxide and Dinitrogen Tetroxide and the Haber Process examples.
Factors Affecting Equilibrium
A TedEd Video modelling how the many factors affect equilibrium. How temperature, concentration, volume, and pressure can increase or decrease the rate of reaction.
Examples of Equilibrium
An investigation of chemical equilibrium with an in-depth exploration of the chemical reaction of Nitrogen Dioxide and Dinitrogen Tetroxide.