HSC Together Year 11 Biology: Cell Requirements


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Cell Requirements

This post will go through cell requirements for Prelim Biology.


Cell Requirements

Depending on the type of cell it is, it may take energy in different forms. For example, plant cells take in light energy through their chloroplast organelles which they use to produce glucose while animal cells are not capable of doing that, because they have no chloroplasts. Energy is however made by all cells by the breaking down of glucose in a process called cellular respiration which will be covered in the next post.

Since all cells need to produce ATP, all cells need glucose which is a nutrient. In summary, cells need ions (to keep concentration gradients), oxygen and various nutrients (such as glucose).

This video will go into more depth about cell requirements and their types of matter.


Cells and Waste

The by-product of cellular respiration is carbon dioxide which is an example of a waste product. Other waste materials include ammonia (from protein digestion) which is converted to urea and lactic acid from anaerobic respiration. These need to be removed as a build-up can negatively affect cells, potentially leading to cell death.

This video will go through removing waste products in cells.


Want to learn more? Check out more of our Preliminary Biology resources here!

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