BlogUniversityPros and Cons of a Bachelor of Music and Sound Design at UTS

Pros and Cons of a Bachelor of Music and Sound Design at UTS

Sound Board - UTS Music and Design

So you’ve learnt more about what it’s like studying Music and Sound Design at UTS but you’re still not sure if the degree is what you are looking for. 

Meet Eliza, a final year Music and Sound Design student from UTS, who is here to tell all about this exciting degree so that you can make your decision! 

Eliza has provided us with everything you need to know about the good and the bad that comes with studying Music and Sound Design.

Let’s get into it!

Why should you study a Music degree at UTS?
Top 3 Pros of a Music Degree
Top 3 Cons of a Music Degree
Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make
What Makes this Degree Different
Motivations for Studying UTS Music
Potential Career Paths

Why should you study a Music degree at UTS?

Eliza believes there are many positive outcomes that can come out of studying Music and Sound Design at UTS. 

She says, “If you’re interested in it, and don’t want to go to a private college, or you don’t want to go to the Con at USYD where it’s all very theoretical, then this is one of the most practical sound degrees you can get.”

Immediately you’re in a studio, and, in a good way, that weeds out the people that don’t really care about music, and leaves behind the people that do,” she adds.  

Top 3 Pros of a Music degree

#1: Diverse and flexible

Eliza’s favourite aspect of Music and Sound Design is getting to know all of the different parts of music. 

Subjects are kept flexible, allowing students to explore their areas of interest in unique and adventurous ways. Throughout this degree, you will even get to study things like songwriting and composition!

It’s really limiting to say all you want to do is producing — in this degree you get so much more,” Eliza says.

She adds that there is such a wide range of knowledge that you gain throughout the degree and that “you get quite a holistic exposure to different things”.

#2: Gets you job ready

Eliza remarks that with this degree you are “making music and building your portfolio from day one”.

She says, “Your cohort becomes your network and if someone gets an internship you have a greater chance of getting one too.”

When you graduate you have both a network and a portfolio ready to go — there’s not much more you could ask for in such a competitive industry!

#3: Practical 

Eliza says that she can’t stress enough how practical Music and Sound Design is. She says that the “practical elements of this degree are a huge strength.”

You get to be very hands-on in this degree,” Eliza adds.

Expect many sessions in the studio, listening to your projects over and over until you get them just right. 

In a degree like this you will be expected to make music creatively, gaining a deep understanding of the key concepts of production. 

Top 3 Cons of a Music degree

#1: Can feel broad or vague

Although this can also be its strength, Eliza recognises that the variety of this degree can also be one of its biggest weaknesses.

She says, “Because it is quite diverse, you don’t really get to specialise in one thing.”

Despite this, it depends on your perspective and what you are looking to get out of your studies. 

#2: Too production-focused

Sound production is a massive focus of this degree. Eliza finds that this can be limiting for students like her, in specialisations such as film music, who are more interested in the music side of things. 

I found that there can be too much of a focus on production,” Eliza admits. “At times it’s felt like my particular interests are not so much at the forefront.”

#3: Lack of gender diversity

Music and Sound Design at UTS is largely a male-dominated degree, that Eliza describes as “a bit of a boys club.”

Eliza says that this can be uncomfortable for women, as there is “a strong male culture.” 

Despite this, Eliza notes, “More and more girls are coming in every year, which has been really positive,” and that tutors are excited to see this change. 

Any regrets? 

Eliza has had an interesting journey in her degree. Originally enrolled in the sound specialisation of Media Arts and Production, she had to change over to Music and Sound Design to get the qualification she wanted.

As she has also studied a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies, this meant adding on years to an already long five year double Bachelor’s degree!

Although this has been a frustrating experience for Eliza, she admits that it is “still a great degree with lots of opportunities”.

What makes this degree different from the ones offered at other universities? 

As mentioned above, Music and Sound Design at UTS is a great option if you want to study music and sound in a more practical and hands-on way. 

It differs from degrees that you can do at the Conservatorium or private colleges, as it is more studio-based and less theoretical. 

What inspired you to choose UTS Music?

UTS Music - Quote

Eliza also notes that at UTS “the facilities are really good” and were able to help her make music that she could be proud of!

Music and Sound Design facilities at UTS include the Bon Marche studio, a space shared with students who study Media Arts and Production. The studio features professional-quality sound desks and control rooms, where students can access contemporary technologies and both digital and analog equipment.  

What are the possible career paths?

UTS Music - Careers

As it is such a broad degree, Music and Sound Design at UTS can open you up to so many exciting possibilities career-wise!

Throughout the degree, you will be pushed to add to your portfolio and network with like-minded people, which allows you to become job-ready. You will explore what it’s like working in a studio and with others to do what you love most, make music! 

Kellie Maloney is a driven and passionate writer who likes to flex her creative muscle on the daily. Currently, she also works as a Junior Content Writer at ClassBento, a rapidly growing startup that she is super proud to be a part of. When she is not writing for ClassBento or Art of Smart Education, Kellie can be found writing trashy poetry, cooking (barely) edible food or watching YouTube videos.

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