Looking to get some extra practice under your belt with some HSC Chemistry past papers? You’ve come to the right place!
HSC Chemistry past papers are always the best way to test your knowledge by getting some writing under you belt so you can easily figure out what you do and don’t know.
So without further ado, let’s dig into the Chemistry past papers!
What should you do in preparation for the exams?
Chemistry Past Papers
What should you do in preparation for the exams?
How you should study for Chemistry before the exams will really depend on where you’re at in the academic year. Have you just started the Year 12 syllabus for Chemistry, or are you a few weeks away from sitting all of your HSC exams?
If you’ve only started the Year 12 HSC Chemistry syllabus…
You’ll want to focus on building up your study notes — lucky for you, we’ve got a great guide here that details how you should write them up and when to jump into practice questions!
To figure out what you should be studying, you may want to convert your HSC Chemistry Syllabus into a study checklist to figure out what you know and what you’re missing.
Struggling with Module 5? Check out our study guide for HSC Equilibrium and Acid Reactions to improve your notes!
It’s also important to familiarise yourself with writing up a Chemistry extended response, since it’ll be a major part of the exam. We’ve got the steps you should take to writing up your response here, as well as a sample response.
Remember that even if for your first few assessments, you aren’t getting the top marks and aren’t too happy with how you’re progressing in the subject, there are still ways to improve and get the mark you do actually want!
Learn about how one of our AOS students managed to turn her marks around by 40% here! For face-to-face support, get in touch with our team of tutors in the Hills District or our expert Chemistry tutors near you.
If you’re close to sitting your exam…
How are your marks looking? Are you feeling confident about sitting the exam?
If you’re feeling a little worried about how your marks look, there’s still a chance to bounce back! You can find our tips here for improving your study techniques before the final exam.
When there’s only one week left until the actual exam, it’s crunch time. So you’ll want to make your study as effective as possible and do it efficiently. With 7 days left, how do you prioritise what to study?
When you’ve only got one night left before the exam, there is only so much you can study in that amount of time. Find out how you can maximise your study time here!
HSC Chemistry Past Papers
Year | HSC Chemistry Exam Paper | HSC Chemistry Marking Guidelines |
2022 | HSC Exam | HSC Marking Guidelines |
2021 | HSC Exam | HSC Marking Guidelines |
2020 | HSC Exam | HSC Marking Guidelines |
2019 | HSC Exam | HSC Marking Guidelines |
2018 | HSC Exam | HSC Marking Guidelines |
2017 | HSC Exam | HSC Marking Guidelines |
2016 | HSC Exam | HSC Marking Guidelines |
2015 | HSC Exam | HSC Marking Guidelines |
2014 | HSC Exam | Marking Guidelines |
2013 | HSC Exam | Marking Guidelines |
2012 | HSC Exam | Marking Guidelines Sample Answers |
2011 | HSC Exam | Marking Guidelines |
2010 | HSC Exam | Marking Guidelines |
2009 | HSC Exam | Marking Guidelines |
And that wraps up our HSC Chemistry past papers list — get practising and good luck!
Aiming for a Band 6 in HSC Chemistry? Check out our guide here to scoring one!
Looking for some extra help with HSC Chemistry?
We have an incredible team of HSC Chemistry tutors and mentors who are new HSC syllabus experts!
We can help you master the Chemistry syllabus and ace your upcoming Chemistry assessments with personalised lessons conducted one-on-one in your home, online or at one of our state of the art campuses in Hornsby or the Hills!
Have your Chemistry exams marked, and get feedback on your answers with Epping tutoring!
We’ve supported over 8,000 students over the last 11 years, and on average our students score mark improvements of over 20%!
To find out more and get started with an inspirational Chemistry tutor and mentor, get in touch today or give us a ring on 1300 267 888!
Matt Saunders is a huge nerd who first got into writing through fanfiction. He’d known science was the path for him since a young age, and after discovering a particular love of bad chemistry jokes (and chemistry too), he’s gone onto to study Forensic Chemistry at UTS. His HSC in 2014 was defined in equal parts by schoolwork and stagecraft, which left him, weirdly enough, with a love of Maths strong enough to inspire him to tutor any level, along with 7-10 Science and HSC Chemistry.