Are you curious about studying a Bachelor of Business Management at UQ?
We’ve got all the details below on everything you should know about the degree from core units, entry pathways and more!
Let’s dive in!
What is a Bachelor of Business Management at UQ?
Core Units for this Degree
How to Get into a Bachelor of Business Management at UQ
What’s the Teaching Format?
What’s the Faculty and Culture Like?
What is a Bachelor of Business Management at UQ?
Business Management will set you up with all the skills you need for a future career in business, and is further focussed through a choice of 7 majors. The degree is designed to help you to create start-ups, work effectively in groups, develop your skills in digital marketing, use analytics and become a leader in the industry.
Can this degree be studied in conjunction with another?
The degree can also be studied as a double degree, or as UQ calls them, “dual programs”. At UQ, degrees are called programs, and subjects are called courses.
Options for dual programs include:
- Design
- Arts
- Commerce
- Economics
- Information Technology
- Communication
- Education (Secondary)
- Journalism
- Science
- Computer Science
- Engineering (Honours)
- Mathematics
- Laws (Honours)
- Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management
Career Paths
This program has an 88% overall graduate employment rate, meaning students are well set-up to succeed in the work force. Potential careers include:
- Marketing manager
- Advertising specialist
- Economist
- Business development manager
- Business analyst
- Information systems designer
- Human resources adviser
Graduating from this program at UQ could also mean that you’re eligible to become a member at the Australian Human Resources Institute, the Australian Marketing Institute or the Economic Society of Australia.
Core Units and Majors
In this degree, you are expected to complete 48 units during your three years. This is split into 16 units worth of core units, 16 units of one Business Management major and 16 units of either a second Business Management major or general elective courses.
Core units for Business Management at UQ set up the foundations of everything you’ll learn to do with business. If you want to succeed in this degree, these are the units you’ll want to pay attention to!
“Although some of these units can seem tedious, you do have to obtain the knowledge and concepts that they teach.” — Imogen Cottell
What are the core units?
Here are some of the subjects you’ll be required to take with this degree:
- ACCT1101: Accounting for Decision Making
- BISM1201: Transforming Business with Information Systems
- ECON1011: Economics for Business
- MGTS1301: Introduction to Management
- MGTS1601: Organisational Behaviour
- MKTG1501: Foundations of Marketing
- FINM1416: Introduction to Financial Management
- LAWS1100: Business Law
What are the majors?
There are seven majors that you can choose from, tailored to your career goals.
Business Economics: Suitable if you want to work in business analysis, economics, or strategy. It looks at things like investment, forecasting, growth strategies and more.
Business Information Systems: Great if you want to work as a business analyst, technology consultant, or data analyst and is a useful major for a broad range of industries. It will teach you about the relationship between business and technology, looking at data analytics and information securities.
Human Resources: Suitable if you’d like to become an HR manager or consultant in any industry. You’ll learn about employment relations, workplace conflict, recruitment and leadership. It will give you skills in communication and contract negotiation.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship: You’ll learn about how to build a new business from the very bottom, as well as being taught about social entrepreneurship, digital innovation, technology and growth strategies. You also get to participate in a short placement, a consulting project for a start-up or a commercial partner project.
International Business: Prepares you for working in businesses, trade associations or government agencies. You’ll be taught about how to work in globally operation businesses, or how to expand a business into the international sphere. Topics include international trade and investment, international business strategy and international marketing.
Leadership and Management Science: Suitable for graduate-level leadership and managerial positions. You’ll learn about team management and leadership, especially in difficult situations, like growing concerns about sustainability, as well as rapid changes like globalisations. The major is also a great employability booster!
Marketing: Prepares you for roles in marketing teams in industries like sales and retail, arts and entertainment, not-for-profits, and tourism.
How to Get into a Bachelor of Business Management at UQ
To study a Bachelor of Business Management at UQ, the ATAR cut off is 80. Not to worry though, there are other pathways into this degree!
Successful entrants are expected to have completed QLD Year 12 (or equivalent) General English subject (Units 3 & 4, C) and a General Mathematics, Mathematical Methods or Specialist Mathematics (Units 3 & 4, C) subject.
If you don’t get the entry score you hoped for, or meet the above prerequisites, UQ has a few different pathways you can take to get to your dream degree!
To increase your selection rank or meet prerequisite requirements, you can take a bridging program, a tertiary studies pathway or the Special Tertiary Admissions Test. More information about pathways can be found here!
UQ has a range of different scholarships available for varying levels of need and requirement. Some scholarships that might interest you include:
- Economics Undergraduate Indigenous Scholarship: Up to 100% of tuition can be paid by this scholarship.
- J.M Donnelley Scholarship: For female students of Samoan heritage entering the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law.
- Lewis Scholarship: For students studying in the Business and Economics faculties who can demonstrate financial need.
What’s the Teaching Format?
UQ teaches in semesters, with full-time students expected to study four subjects each semester.
Class Structure
Each subject combines lectures, tutorials and workshops. Some subjects include online learning lessons such as on edX — online courses engineered by Harvard and MIT.
Traditionally, lectures go for 1-2 hours, depending on the subject. Tutorials and workshops can also be between 1 and 2 hours. With expectations to do four subjects a semester, contact hours can add up to 4-6 hours a week per unit.
Lectures focus on a different overarching topic each week and are led by an academic. There are usually up to 300 students in a lecture.
Tutorials take the content from lectures and put it into practice. They are led by a tutor, who leads the discussion and activities surrounding the lecture topic. There are usually 20 students per tutorial.
Workshops are where things get hands-on and you work with tutors to put what you learnt in lectures into practice, or solve more specific problems!
These often require a lot of group work, and are usually assessed as part of your attendance mark. Workshops have up to 20 students in them.
Assessments usually take the form of final exams, quizzes and assignments. For business degrees in general, group assignments and presentations are very popular, as these are skills you will use in the real-world workplace!
Skills That You Refine and Learn
Studying Business Management at UQ, you’ll develop a lot of skills that are essential within a career in business. These include:
- Marketing
- Leadership
- Communication
- Problem solving
- Networking
- Team work
- Project management
- Time management
What’s the Faculty and Culture Like?
The faculty for Business Management is renowned as very helpful and supportive. Staff within this faculty are passionate about what they teach, with many of them being leading researchers in their fields.
“The culture is really good within a business management degree as it is very diverse and broad.” — Imogen Cottell
UQ focusses on having a community based campus, that encourages students to get involved and try new things while they study.
There are lots of business related societies at UQ, that host lots of fun events, such as Business Balls and Networking Nights. These societies are:
UQ Banking Club (UQBC): They hold many networking events, hoping to foster strong connections between the student community and the world of banking. Each year they host Corporate Ties, and have over 400 active members.
UQ Finance and Investments Network for Sustainability (UQFINS): This is a relatively new student society that runs networking events and student-run discussions. Their wider focus is how they can financially support a greener, more sustainable world.
UQ Marketing and Advertising Society (UQMAS): This society holds a lot of networking events and seminars focused on how to deliver the best marketing results for clients. A particular theme of this society is looking at the new age of social media marketing and advertising.
UQ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Society (UQIES): They hold pitch nights, regular networking events, design thinking and customer centric seminars. In October they hold a tech-focussed festivals, Techtoberfest, and also have a flagship event called the Weekend of Startups. This society brings together students from across the university to share their aspirations for entrepreneurship.
UQ Business Association (UQBA): The largest business society in Queensland! Some of their highlight annual events include Professional Pathways, Corporate Connections and Sports Gala Day, Women in Business Luncheon, and Corporate Walkabout, as well as a variety of Case Competitions.
Accessibility and Mentorship
As part of UQ’s commitment to diversity, disability and inclusion, students can speak to Diversity, Disability and Inclusion Advisers about disabilities, medical conditions, injury or mental health. There are also support systems such as the UQ Union Abilities Collective. More information can be found here.
There are a few different mentoring programs available at UQ. From the opportunity to be a mentor to high schoolers in the Young Achievers program, to connecting undergraduate students with professionals in their chosen industry, you’re spoilt for choice at UQ!
A highly relevant mentorship for Business Management students is the “Mentor Blaze” which is an opportunity to connect to start-up founders, expert service providers and investors. For more information about mentorship programs at UQ, go here.
Interested in learning more about this degree? Check out our article on the pros and cons here!
Elizabeth Noonan is a Content Writer for Art of Smart and an undergraduate student at the University of Sydney. There, she studies a Bachelor of Arts/Advanced Studies, majoring in Media and Communications and French. Elizabeth is a huge movie buff and hopes to go into journalism after she finishes her degree.