Write the best HSC English essay you've ever written...

Score a Band 6 with Artie, your AI-powered HSC English tutor!

Trusted by 350+ schools across Australia

Discover Relevant and Unique Quotes from Your Set Texts

Don’t use the same old quotes everyone else does.

Find the right verified quote (say goodbye to AI-generated fake quotes 👋) for your specific essay question & individual argument!

Find Sophisticated Literary Techniques for Your Quotes

Does this quote use anaphora? Paralipsis? Synecdoche?

Pinpoint the best technique to showcase deeper layers of meaning that will help you write Band 6 analysis.

Construct Skilful Quote Analysis that Enhances Your Argument

Avoid narrative retelling, vague, undefined buzzwords and irrelevant waffle analysis. 

Strongly communicate the effect of the quote and technique in progressing the argument in your paragraph.

Quote Analysis V2

Craft a Refined Module-Specific Thesis that Stands Out

Don’t get stuck with a generic thesis statement that doesn’t answer the question. 

Elevate your essay with a unique thesis statement for your specific question that scores you top marks. 

Unlock a Band 6 with Comprehensive Essay Marking in Under 60 Seconds

Tired of vague feedback and not knowing what the next steps are to improve your essay? 

Receive over 100 actionable recommendations based on NESA criteria for every 1,000 words, so you can write a Band 6 essay.

Artie Essay Feedback

See the difference Artie can make to your writing

Check out the examples before and after Artie’s tutoring support.

ThesisTopic SentenceAnalysis
Response to the question is clearer, more immediate and text-specific
The thesis links back to Shakespeare’s authorial intention
Language is more sophisticated and contains no grammatical mistakes
Provides specific examples of how Shakespeare achieves his portrayal and critique
Introduction of text and composer
Less recount of the novel and more conceptual specificity
Stronger verb which links more strongly to authorial intention
The vague term “individuality” replaced with more specific textual details
Stronger technique which is integrated more effectively to the analysis
Stronger verbs ("orchestrates", "showcasing")
Use of sophisticated language
In-depth discussion of characterisation

Here’s What Else Artie is Capable of Helping You With...


Quote Finder

Find all the quotes you’ll ever need in your prescribed texts


Literary Technique Identifier

Break quotes down by their most sophisticated literary technique


Thesis Statement Creator

Create a distinct and adaptable Band 6 thesis statement


Topic Sentence Builder

Start your paragraphs strong with clear and concise topic sentences


Quote Analysis Writer

Level up your arguments by showing what your evidence brings to the table


Paragraph Polisher

Eliminate words, phrases or sentences that don’t add value to your essay

+ Lots more features to help you write that Band 6 HSC English essay.

Have Questions?

Read our Frequently Asked Questions about Artie

  • General
  • How Artie can help
  • Who can use Artie?
    • Is Artie free to use?
      You can sign up for Artie for free, and there are a number of features you can use in our Free Plan.

      These include exploring your text’s context, interviewing characters, finding the best quotes for your essay, explaining the meaning of quotes, identifying techniques and more!

    • Are there any credit limits when I use Artie?
      We think credits are confusing and as a result, there are no credit limits when you use Artie 🪙❌
    • How is Artie different to using Chat GPT, Gemini, Claude and other AI tools?

      • Artie has been trained to be a highly experienced English tutor drawing on over a decade of experience at Art of Smart Education helping thousands of students with English tutoring.

      • Artie has extensive prompts that are almost 500,000 words long which is almost as long as ‘War and Peace’ by Leo Tolstoy, one of the longest novels ever written!

      • As a result, Artie will guide you through your essay writing step by step like having a real expert English tutor available 24-7. Other AI tools like Chat GPT don’t do this for you.

      • Artie also has a very specific User Interface that’s been carefully designed specifically to help you write incredible essays - from writing thesis statements to quote analysis. Unlike other AI tools, Artie has been purpose-built for English tutoring and essay writing!

      • Other AI tools like Chat GPT, Gemini and Claude hallucinate a lot - this is when they create false information. For example, if you ask Chat GPT for quotes from your text, a significant number of these quotes are entirely made up. When you ask for quotes from your texts in Artie, you’ll be given quotes Artie has verified first to be 100% true! This way you’ll get more accurate and reliable information from Artie!

      • Finally, Artie has been trained for the HSC and its specific Modules so that it will provide you with highly Module-specific feedback.

    • How does Artie comply with the Australian Framework for Generative AI in Schools (Privacy, Security and Safety)?

      • We take your Privacy, Security and Safety very seriously 🙂

      • We comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the 13 Australian Privacy Principles set out by the Act.

      • We only ask for the necessary information from you to provide the service, and use industry-standard encryption protocols to secure data transmission between users and our platform.

      • All data is also stored within Australian jurisdictional boundaries and Artie uses best practice safety mechanisms used by large LLMs like Open AI, Anthropic and Google to ensure student safety.

      • Importantly, you retain all copyright in your work that you submit to Artie and Artie makes no claim to any ownership rights over any content you submit.

    • What type of writing can Artie help me with?

      • For now, Artie is here to help you with your essay writing and all the components of writing a top-mark essay.

      • Over time, we’ll also expand to cover other types of writing including imaginative, discursive and persuasive responses.

    • What if I've already written my essay?
      Great work! Artie can help you polish your thesis statements, topic sentences, quote analysis and paragraphs to help you turn it into a top-scoring essay!

      Artie can also now mark your entire essay and provide an average of 100 comments of feedback through key actionable steps, within 60 seconds.

    • What subjects can Artie help me with?
      Artie is a specialised English tutor and can help you with English only.
    • What year levels of English essay writing can Artie help with?
      Artie can help you with English essay writing from Year 7 through to Year 12.
    • What HSC Modules can Artie help me with?

      • If you are in Year 11, Artie can help you with Module A and Module B across Standard and Advanced English.

      • If you are in Year 12, Artie can help you with the Common Module, and Module A and Module B across Standard and Advanced English.

    • Will Artie help me use HSC Module Concepts and Language?

      • Yes 🙂

      • Throughout all of your writing, from thesis statements, and topic sentences, to quote analysis, Artie will help you use and integrate the most appropriate HSC Module concepts and language.

      • You can always at any point ask Artie to provide you feedback on your use of HSC Module concepts and language as well.

    • Will Artie help me identify the authorial purpose in my essay writing and analysis?

      • Yes 🙂

      • Artie will help you learn more about the authorial purpose of your text’s composer for the text as a whole, while also ensuring as you craft your thesis statements, topic sentences, and quote analysis that authorial purpose is embedded effectively.

      • You can always as you are working with Artie on any component of your writing ask Artie what the authorial purpose is or for feedback on whether what you have written sufficiently engages with authorial purpose.

    • What states is Artie available for?

      • Artie can be used in NSW for Years 7-12.

      • It can also be used nationally for Years 7-10. You can use it for Years 11-12 if you live anywhere in Australia, however, Artie hasn’t yet been trained on your specific curriculum. This means while Artie can help you with the fundamentals of your essay writing, it won’t (yet) be able to provide you with curriculum-specific feedback. (We’re working on it!)

    • I’m a teacher or tutor. Can I use Artie?

      • Yes 🙂 You can use Artie as well.

      • Artie can help you learn more about specific texts that your student(s) are studying including the context of the text and authorial purpose.

      • You can also use it to find great quotes, generate practice essay questions and provide support when teaching a student how to write essays!

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What are you waiting for? Get started with Artie today!

Sign up to use Artie below ⬇️

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